● The data (74) includes the function of updating data on a database, and retrieving ata from a database.(74)A. managementB. storageC. analysisD. communication

● The data (74) includes the function of updating data on a database, and retrieving ata from a database.


A. management

B. storage

C. analysis

D. communication


已知类MyClass的定义如下:classMyClass{public:voidfunctionl(MyClass&c){outc.data;}statievoidfunction2(MyClas&c){coutc.data;}voidfunction3(){outdata;}statiCvoidfunction4(){COutdata;}private:intdata;}:其中有编译错误的函数是( )。A.function1B.function2C.function3D.function4

You are consuming a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service in an ASP. NET Web application.The service interface is defined as follows:[ServiceContract]public interface ICatalog{ [OperationContract] [WebGet(UriTemplate="/Catalog/Items/{id}", ResponseFormat=WebMessageFormat.Json)] string RetrieveItemDescription(int id); } The service is hosted at Catalogsvc.You need to call the service using jQuery to retrieve the description of an item as indicated by a variable named itemId. Which code segment should you use?()A. $get(String.format(/Catalogsvc/Catalog/Items/id{0}, itemId) null, function (data) { ... }, javascript);B. $get(String.format(/Catalogsvc/Catalog/Items/{0}, itemId), null, function (data) { ... }, json);C. $get(String.format(/Catalogsvc/Catalog/Items/{0}, itemld), null, function (data) { ... }, xml);D. $get(String.format(/Catalogsvc/Catalog/Items/id{0}, itemld), null, function (data) { ... }, json);

You are the administrator of a SQL Server 2000 computer. You have two new hard disks on which you will create a database named inventory. You want to insert, update, and delete data as quickly as possible.Which two actions should you take? (Each correct answer presents parts of the solution. Choose two)A. Configure the hard disks as two mirrored NTFS volumes.B. Configure the hard disks as one mirrored NTFS volumes.C. Configure the hard disks as two independent NTFS volumes.D. Configure the hard disks as one extended NTFS volume.E. Place inventory_data.mdf on the first volume and inventory_log.ldf on the second volume.F. Place inventory_data.mdf on the first volume and inventory_data2.ndf and inventory_log.ldf on the second volume.G. Place inventory_data.mdf and inventory_log.ldf on the same volume.

union dt { int a;char b;double c; }data; 以下叙述中错误的是( )。A.data的每个成员起始地址都相同B.变量data所占内存字节数与成员c所占字节数相等C.程序段:data.a=5;printf("%f\n",data. C);输出结果为5.0D.data可以作为函数的实参

( )is an intermediate repository of data.A.Universal Serial BusB.BufferC.DatA.recordD.Database

已知小程序中网络请求的语法结构如下: wx.request({ url:'...', data:{ ... }, success:function(res){ ... } }) 其中关于参数data的描述不正确的是?A.data是必填内容,不可以删除B.data的大括号内部可以空着不填写任何内容C.data的大括号内部可以填写1个或多个“名称/值”D.data是用于为请求的地址附带请求参数的

下列程序段的输出结果是()。 int data = 0; char k = 'a', p = 'f'; data = p - k; System.out.printlln(data);A.0B.aC.5D.f

4、已知小程序中网络请求的语法结构如下: wx.request({ url:'...', data:{ ... }, success:function(res){ ... } }) 其中关于参数data的描述不正确的是?A.data是必填内容,不可以删除B.data的大括号内部可以空着不填写任何内容C.data的大括号内部可以填写1个或多个“名称/值”D.data是用于为请求的地址附带请求参数的

下列程序段的输出结果是()。 int data = 0; char k = 'a', p = 'f'; data = p - k; System.out.printlln(data);A.0B.5C.aD.f

长期存储在计算机内,有组织的、可共享的大量数据的集合是()。 A、数据(Data) B、数据库(DataBase) C、数据库管理系统(DBMS) D、数据库系统(DBS)A.数据(Data)B.数据库(DataBase)C.数据库管理系统(DBMS)D.数据库系统(DBS)