In some(), the guest and host would pay their own check.A、instancesB、informationC、injectionsD、influences

In some(), the guest and host would pay their own check.






We _______ that important new discovery _______ Albert Einstein. A. owe⋯forB. owe⋯toC. own⋯forD. own⋯to

Guest: Oh, I hadn't realized how late it was. I'm afraid I'll have to be going. Host: Oh, not yet. I'm just going to make some coffee. Guest: ______ , though I'd really love to stay. I've got to be up by six tomorrow morning, unfortunately. Thank you for a wonderful party.A.I'm sorry, but I mustB.Excuse me, but I have to goC.Pardon me, but I should goD.It's a pity, but no way out

We_____it_____MarconiandBellthatwecantalktopeopleontheothersideoftheglobeovertheradio. A.own...forB.owe...toC.own...toD.owe...for

–– Zhao (guest): That was a delicious dinner.–– Mr. Murray (host):____. Would you like to go to the li ving room now? It ’s more comfortable there.A: I'm glad you enjoyed itB: Thank you. Don ’t mention itC: You're welcomeD: Not so delicious, I'm afraid

–– Host: Jack, come and sit in the sofa. Dinner will be ready in a minute. Could I get you something to drink?–– Guest: ____.A: No, don ’t trouble. I ’ve drunk enoughB: No, you couldn't. I'm not thirstyC: Yes, you could. I ’d like some Coca colaD: Yes, please. I'd like some Sprite


Guest: I must be off now. I have an appointment at six.Host: Well, in that case I won't keep you then. ______.

______ of arresting the ship is to secure her continued presence and to prevent her from slipping away.A.ProjectB.SubjectC.ObjectD.Inject
