Purser presents all the seaman’s books to the ________A.PilotB.Customs OfficerC.Immigration OfficerD.Agent
Purser presents all the seaman’s books to the ________
B.Customs Officer
C.Immigration Officer
What do you think is the best way to help the children with ADHD? () A、Supervise their behaviors at all times.B、Ask them to read books.C、Do exercises.D、Be patient and follow the doctor’s instructions.
28, Which of the following about News 2 is TRUE?A, There are many mistakes in most of the textbooks, dictionaries and children's books.B. All the students have to use the books full of mistakes till the end of June.C. After the checking, books will become better and better.D.A few mistakes are not serious for children.
( )29. News 2 tells us that________A. After the checking, books will have no mistakesB. Not all the books will be checkedC. The results of the checking would come out in JulyD. All the books are full of mistakes
I _____buy presents for my English friends to thank them for all their help.A. canB. mustC. have to
A seaman leaves a vessel before it sails from a foreign port. He informs the Chief Officer that he won't return. After the vessel sails,the Chief Officer finds the seaman's work clothes in his locker. How should the Master handle this matter?A.Log the seaman as a deserterB.Log the seaman as a fail to joinC.Log the seaman for misconductD.Take no action
A seaman may have all or part of his wages deposited by allotment to a bank or savings institution. Which of the following is NOT a requirement for this type of allotment?A.The account must be either a checking or savings accountB.The institution must be insured by the FSLIC or FDICC.The account must be opened by the seaman and maintained in the seaman's nameD.All of the above are requirements
After a seaman is discharged,at the end of the voyage,the final payment of wages due must be made at the earlier of within 24 hours after the cargo has been discharged or______.A.within 4 days after the seaman's dischargeB.prior to the vessel's departure on the next voyageC.prior to loading any out-bound cargoD.prior to any change of Master
There are some new books in the school library.They are__books.A.childB.childrens'C.childrenD.children's
设Strings="story";下列选项中的语句书写正确的是()。A、s+="books";B、char c = s[1];C、int len = s.length;D、s = s-"books";
单选题According to the passage, what can we infer to be the central message of Fredric Wertham’s The Seduction of the Innocent?AAdults reading violent comic books were as likely to be corrupted by them as young people were.BThe horror comic books of the late 1940s were inferior to the superhero comic books that gained popularity during World War II.CComic books were leading the nation’s youth into crime, violence, and drug abuse.DCreating a regulatory board to censor the comic book industry would drive the worst offenders out of the business.EComic books would never be able to convey stories of any serious literary merit.
单选题All the books, ______ had some pictures in them, were sent to the little girl.AwhichBthatCwhoDwhose
单选题What is the writer’s opinion about books and computers?APeople won’t need books any more.BBooks won’t be replaced by computers.CPeople prefer to find information in books.DComputers have already replaced books.
单选题When entering the bridge,pilots of the Suez Canal want the master of the ship to fill in ().ATheir yellow bookBTheir seaman's bookCTheir Pilotage formDTheir bill of health
单选题After a seaman is discharged,at the end of the voyage,the final payment of wages due must be made at the earlier of within 24 hours after the cargo has been discharged or().Awithin 4 days after the seaman's dischargeBprior to the vessel's departure on the next voyageCprior to loading any out-bound cargoDprior to any change of Master
单选题A: Could I trouble you to return these two books for me? B: _______AIt’s no trouble at all.BYes, please.CWhy didn’t you go to the library yourself?DSure, I’ll be glad to.
单选题A seaman may have all or part of his wages deposited by allotment to a bank or savings institution. Which of the following is NOT a requirement for this type of allotment? ()AThe account must be either a checking or savings accountBThe institution must be insured by the FSLIC or FDICCThe account must be opened by the seaman and maintained in the seaman's nameDAll of the above are requirements
单选题To become an officer on board, you must obtain().Aan officer's licenseBan officer's promotionCan officer's statementDa seaman's book
单选题A seaman leaves a vessel before it sails from a foreign port. He informs the Chief Officer that he won’t return. After the vessel sails,the Chief Officer finds the seaman’s work clothes in his locker. How should the Master handle this matter?()ALog the seaman as a deserterBLog the seaman as a fail to joinCLog the seaman for misconductDTake no action
单选题设Strings="story";下列选项中的语句书写正确的是()。As+=books;Bchar c = s[1];Cint len = s.length;Ds = s-books;