
.Water and air are _______ to human beings. We can not live without them.

    A.harbour B.function C.definite D.essential



----Let’s go to the West Hill Park by taxi.---- Oh, it is not far away from here. We _______take a taxi.A. couldn’t B. mustn’t C. needn’t D. can’t

If it rains tomorrow, we _________ to picnic. A、wouldn't go toB、can't goC、won't go

If it rains tomorrow, we () for a picnic.A. wouldn't go outB. can't go outC. won't go out

If it rains tomorrow, we()out for a picnic.A. wouldn't goB. can't goC. won't go

We ______ booked. Look, this restaurant is almost empty. A. must haveB. can’t haveC. should haveD. needn’t have

The collision bulkhead shall be of ______.A.water-tightB.air-tightC.fire-tightD.oil-tight

If it rains tomorrow, we ______ for a picniC. 一般现在时 A. wouldn’t go outB. can’t go outC. won’t go out (will not)

27.If we travel by car ,we_________.A. can't travel fifty or one hundred miles a dayB. can-t stop at a hotel to spend the nightC. can make our own timetable 'D. can travel to a very far place in several minutes

Nowhere are the realities of______climate change more apparent than at Earth's thawing poles.A.human-drivingB.human-driveC.human-drivenD.human-drived

Such problem ()air, water, and noise pollutions are becoming more and more serious in some big cities.AlikeBasCofDabout