“多少钱?”用英文怎么说()A、I do not understandB、How muchC、Do you need a taxi
- A、I do not understand
- B、How much
- C、Do you need a taxi
以下英汉对照错误的是()。A.“服务费用是多少钱?”译成英文是:How about the service charge?B.“短信回执每笔一元。”译成英文是:One yuan for SMS service.C.“请写下您的手机号码。”译成英文是:Please write down your mobile phone number here.D.“汇款寄达后,我们会发短信通知您。”译成英文是:We will inform you when the money arrives there.
以下英汉对照正确的有()。A.“服务费用是多少钱?”译成英文是:How about the service charge?B.“短信回执每笔一元。”译成英文是:One yuan for SMS service.C.“请写下您的手机号码。”译成英文是:Please write your phone number here.D.“汇款寄达后,我们会电话通知您。”译成英文是:We will in form you when the money arrives there.
在中英文混排时,一般中文用中文字体,英文用英文字体,每种中文字体都有相应的英文字体,如书宋的Times字体搭配,中黑同()字体搭配。 A.ArialB.HelveticaC.WingdingsD.ImpactE.Courier
“吃水”这个词用英语怎么说?()A、What does “chi shui” mean in English?B、What does “chi shui” stand for?C、What’s “chi shui” in English?
单选题下列英汉对照错误的是()。A“服务费用是多少钱?”译成英文是:How about the service charge?B“短信回执每笔一元。”译成英文是:One yuan for SMS service.C“请写下您的手机号码。”译成英文是:Please write down your mobile phone number here.D“汇款寄达后,我们会发短信通知您。”译成英文是:We will inform you when the money arrives there.
单选题“吃水”这个词用英语怎么说?()AWhat does “chi shui” mean in English?BWhat does “chi shui” stand for?CWhat’s “chi shui” in English?
单选题外语课上,吴老师问幼儿“苹果”用英文怎么说。娇娇很兴奋地举手要回答,吴老师指着娇娇说道:“你中文都吐字不清,还抢着说英文呢。”吴老师的做法( )。A正确,维护了课堂的秩序B不正确,不应讽刺、挖苦幼儿C正确,教育幼儿守规矩D不正确,破坏了幼儿的同伴关系