“很高兴为您服务。”这句话用英语表达应该是()。A、It’s my pleasure to serve for you.B、Welcome to Chongqing!C、Where are you going?


  • A、It’s my pleasure to serve for you.
  • B、Welcome to Chongqing!
  • C、Where are you going?


书面表达(10分)第 77 题 请设计一个教案,达到以下目的:1.学生能够用英语描述一段旅行。2.能够听说读"Where are you going on holiday? I' m going to... ",用现在进行时表将来。3.培养学生运用英语的能力。

–Professor, this is Jack Black, my friend.–(). A、Jack, how are you?B、Yes, I know.C、You’re welcome.D、My pleasure.

–I’d like you to meet Kate.–(). A、Yes, I’d like.B、It’s a pleasure to meet you, Kate.C、You’re welcome.D、Not at all.

—Will you come to the party this weekend?—______.A. With pleasureB. My pleasureC. It's my pleasureD. A pleasure

—Thank you very much for your wonderful meal. —() A、It’s my pleasure. Hope you’ll come again.B、No, thanks. It isn’t as good as it should be.C、I’m glad to have a meal with you.D、Never mind. You are always welcome.

-It's very kind of you to help me with my English.-________.A、Never mindB、Not at allC、That's all rightD、You're so welcome

– It’s our great pleasure to have you visit our company. --_________________A、Thank you.B、Nice to meet you.C、It’s our pleasure, too.D、Wonderful.

– Would you mind going to the theater with me? -- _________________.A、Thank you.B、Good idea.C、Not at all.D、That’s true.

- Hi, Joe. Haven't seen you for ages! How'severything going?- (). A、Just so-so.B、Me, too.C、You are welcome.D、Oh, my God

我很乐意帮你解决难题。It-s my pleasure to_________ _________ _________.

What is the appropriate response to"It's been such a wonderful lecture. Thank you very much"?A.It's OK.B.My duty.C.You're welcome.D.My pleasure.

— Can I get you a cup of tea—()A、That's very nice of you.B、With pleasure.C、You can, please.D、Thank you for the te

-Welcome to Beijing! -()A、Thank you.B、Oh, good.C、How do you do?D、That's all right.

It’s my pleasure to serve you.的意思是:() 。

“你要去哪儿?”的常用英语对答是"Where are you going now?"()

普通话“对不起,这儿不能停车”翻译成英语是:()。A、I can’t stop here.B、Sorry,I can’t stop here.C、Where are you going now?D、You are welcome,bye.

普通话“不用谢,再见!!”翻译成英语是:()。A、welcome,bye.B、Where are you going now?C、How are you?D、You are welcome,bye.

“请问您要去哪里?”可以用英文表达为()。A、Where do you want to go?B、Where would you like to go?C、Where are you going?D、Where are they going?

Thank you for your help. ()A、My pleasure./You’re welcome./NoproblemB、Never mindC、Quite right.D、Don’t thank me.

“请问你要去哪里”如何翻译为英语?()A、Where are you going?B、What are you go?C、How do you go?D、Where are you go?

外国乘客对出租汽车驾驶员提供的服务表达谢意时,驾驶员须礼貌回应,用英语表达应该是()。A、It’s my pleasure.B、Can I help you?C、Here we are

外国乘客乘坐出租汽车时,驾驶员提醒乘客系好安全带,用英语表达应该是()。A、Where are you going?B、Can I help you?C、Please fasten your seat belt.

外国乘客乘坐出租汽车时,驾驶员告知乘客拿好发票,用英语表达应该是()。A、It’s my pleasure.B、Keep the receipt,please.C、Where are you going?

外国乘客乘坐出租汽车到达目地的后,驾驶员提醒乘客拿好自己的随身物品,用英语表达应该是()。A、Where are you going?B、Can I help you?C、Please take all your belongings.

外国乘客上车后,驾驶员询问其目地的,用英语表达应该是()。A、Where are you going?B、Can I help you?C、Here we are.

“您需要帮忙吗?”用英语表述是()。A、Pardon?B、Can I help you?C、Where are you going?D、Do I need to wait for you?

“欢迎来重庆!”这句话用英语表达应该是()。A、Can I help you?B、Welcome to Chongqing!C、Thank you.