What is necessary for your query on an existing view to execute successfully?()A、The underlying tables must have data.B、You need SELECT privileges on the view.C、The underlying tables must be in the same schema.D、You need SELECT privileges only on the underlying tables.

What is necessary for your query on an existing view to execute successfully?()

  • A、The underlying tables must have data.
  • B、You need SELECT privileges on the view.
  • C、The underlying tables must be in the same schema.
  • D、You need SELECT privileges only on the underlying tables.


-I’d like to know what insurance you will cover for your clients. - (): AInsurance is necessary for our clients. ;BI suggest a _Free of Particular Average Policy._ ;CSure, but there is an extra premium for the buyer’s account.

If you are the observer about the class, before the observation, what should you do except________________. A.describe what you’ll be doing during the observationB.schedule a meeting to discuss the observationC.clarify the purpose of the observationD.it’is not necessary to meet with your colleague or TA to discuss

What is necessary for your query on an existing view to execute successfully? () A. The underlying tables must have data.B. You need SELECT privileges on the view.C. The underlying tables must be in the same schema.D. You need SELECT privileges only on the underlying tables.

Examine the data from the ORDERS and CUSTOMERS tables.Evaluate the SQL statement:What is the result when the query is executed?() A.B.C.D. The query fails because the subquery returns more than one row.E. The query fails because the outer query and the inner query are using different tables.

下面哪些句子可以表示"您贵姓?"() A、What's your last name?B、What's your family name?C、What's your name?D、What's your first name?

If there were only one question left ,what would it most probably be?A.What was your childhood dream?B.What is your biggest achievement?C.What is your parents view of you?D.What was your handest expenrience in the war?

A situation has occurred where it becomes necessary for you to be towed. What action should be taken to prevent your vessel from yawing? ______.A.Shift weight to the bowB.Shift weight to the center of the boatC.Shift weight to the sternD.Throw excess weight overboard

During the period of your employment,if an area is designated as a war zone,you will,whilst in this area,receive such allowance ______.A.as may be decided upon by the CompanyB.as decided upon by yourselfC.as necessary to cover all your expensesD.as necessary to cover the expenses for your repatriation your home port

what device sends IGMP Query messages?

What is true regarding subqueries?()A、The inner query always sorts the results of the outer queryB、The outer query always sorts the results of the inner queryC、The outer query must return a value to the outer queryD、The inner query returns a value to the outer queryE、The inner query must always return a value or the outer query will give an error

You want to use the Flashback Transaction Query feature to identify all the changes made to your database within a specific time period. What is a prerequisite for using the Flashback Transaction Query feature?()A、 You must use automatic undo management in the database.B、 You must configure OMF in your database.C、 You must configure ASM for storing the datafiles.D、 You must multiplex the online redo log file.

In your database, the STATISTICS_LEVEL initialization parameter is set to BASIC.  What is the impact of this setting?()A、The optimizer statistics are collected automatically.B、Only the timed operating system (OS) statistics and plan execution statistics are collected.C、The Oracle server dynamically generates the necessary statistics on tables as part of query optimization.D、The snapshots for the Automatic Workload Repository (AWR) are not generated automatically. E、Snapshots cannot be collected manually by using DBMS_WORKLOAD_REPOSITORY PACKAGE.

You executed the following query in your database: SELECT oldest_flashback_scn, oldest_flashback_time FROM V$FLASHBACK_DATABASE_LOG; What would you determine from the output?()A、 The time when the last flashback operation in your database was performed.B、 The time when the first flashback operation in your database was performed.C、 A list of flashback operations performed in your database using SCN and time.D、 The approximate time and the lowest system change number (SCN) to which you can flash back your database.

You executed the following query in your database:  FROM V$FLASHBACK_DATABASE_LOG;  What would you determine from the output?()A、the time when the last flashback operation in your database was performedB、the time when the first flashback operation in your database was performedC、a list of flashback operations performed in your database using SCN and timeD、the approximate time and the lowest system change number (SCN) to which you can flash back your database

What is true regarding subqueries?()A、The inner query always sorts the results of the outer query.B、The outer query always sorts the results of the inner query.C、The outer query must return a value to the inner query.D、The inner query returns a value to the outer query.E、The inner query must always return a value or the outer query will give an error.

问答题◆Topic 8: Is education Losing its Value?  Questions for reference:  1. Some people think that this increased access to education is devaluing degrees. What’s your point of view?  2. What can the degrees bring to people?  3. Do you think it’s necessary to have increased emphasis on degrees in our society? Why?

问答题what device sends IGMP Query messages?

单选题You want to use the Flashback Transaction Query feature to identify all the changes made to your database within a specific time period. What is a prerequisite for using the Flashback Transaction Query feature?()A You must use automatic undo management in the database.B You must configure OMF in your database.C You must configure ASM for storing the datafiles.D You must multiplex the online redo log file.

单选题What is true regarding subqueries?()AThe inner query always sorts the results of the outer queryBThe outer query always sorts the results of the inner queryCThe outer query must return a value to the outer queryDThe inner query returns a value to the outer queryEThe inner query must always return a value or the outer query will give an error

单选题You received complaints about the degradation of SQL query performance. You identified top SQL queries that consume time. What would be your next step to find out recommendations about statistics collection and restructuring of the SQL statement to improve query performance?()Arun Segment AdvisorBrun SQL Tuning Advisor on top SQL statementsCrun the Automatic Workload Repository (AWR) reportDrun the Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM)on top SQL statements

单选题You executed the following query in your database: SELECT oldest_flashback_scn, oldest_flashback_time FROM V$FLASHBACK_DATABASE_LOG; What would you determine from the output?()A The time when the last flashback operation in your database was performed.B The time when the first flashback operation in your database was performed.C A list of flashback operations performed in your database using SCN and time.D The approximate time and the lowest system change number (SCN) to which you can flash back your database.

单选题What is necessary for your query on an existing view to execute successfully?()AThe underlying tables must have data.BYou need SELECT privileges on the view.CThe underlying tables must be in the same schema.DYou need SELECT privileges only on the underlying tables.

单选题You are creating an online catalog application that will display product information on the company Web site. The product data is stored in a SQL Server 2005 database. The data is stored as relational data but must be passed to the application as an XML document by using FOR XML. You test your application and notice that not all of the items matching your query appear in the XML document. Only those products that have values for all elements in the schema appear.   You need to modify your Transact-SQL statement so that all products matching your query appear in the XML document. What should you do?()AAdd an XML index to the table that contains the product data.BAdd the XSINIL argument to the ELEMENTS directive in the query.CAdd a HAVING clause to the query.DAdd the replace value of clause to the query.

单选题In your database,the STATISTICS_LEVEL initialization parameter is set to BASIC. What is the impact of this setting?()AThe optimizer statistics are collected automatically.BOnly the timed operating system (OS) statistics and plan execution statistics are collected.CThe Oracle server dynamically generates the necessary statistics on tables as part of query optimization.DThe snapshots for the Automatic Workload Repository (AWR) are not generated automatically. ESnapshots cannot be collected manually by using DBMS_WORKLOAD_REPOSITORY PACKAGE.

单选题A situation has occurred where it becomes necessary for you to be towed. What action should be taken to prevent your vessel from yawing?()AShift weight to the bowBShift weight to the center of the boatCShift weight to the sternDThrow excess weight overboard

单选题You executed the following query in your database:  FROM V$FLASHBACK_DATABASE_LOG;  What would you determine from the output?()Athe time when the last flashback operation in your database was performedBthe time when the first flashback operation in your database was performedCa list of flashback operations performed in your database using SCN and timeDthe approximate time and the lowest system change number (SCN) to which you can flash back your database

单选题What is true regarding subqueries?()AThe inner query always sorts the results of the outer query.BThe outer query always sorts the results of the inner query.CThe outer query must return a value to the inner query.DThe inner query returns a value to the outer query.EThe inner query must always return a value or the outer query will give an error.