33. Date d = new Date(0); 34. String ds = “December 15, 2004”; 35. // insert code here 36. try { 37. d = df.parse(ds); 38. } 39. catch(ParseException e) { 40. System.out.println(”Unable to parse “+ ds); 41. } 42. // insert code here too Which will create the appropriate DateFormat object and add a day to the Date object?() A、 35. DateFormat df= DateFormat.getDateFormat(); 42. d.setTime( (60 * 60 * 24) +d.getTime());B、 35. DateFormat df= DateFormat.getDateJnstance(); 42. d.setTime( (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24) + d.getTime());C、 35. DateFormat df= DateFormat.getDateFormat(); 42. d.setLocalTime( (1000*60*60*24) + d.getLocalTime());D、 35. DateFormat df= DateFormat.getDateJnstance(); 42. d.setLocalTime( (60 * 60 * 24) + d.getLocalTime());
33. Date d = new Date(0); 34. String ds = “December 15, 2004”; 35. // insert code here 36. try { 37. d = df.parse(ds); 38. } 39. catch(ParseException e) { 40. System.out.println(”Unable to parse “+ ds); 41. } 42. // insert code here too Which will create the appropriate DateFormat object and add a day to the Date object?()
- A、 35. DateFormat df= DateFormat.getDateFormat(); 42. d.setTime( (60 * 60 * 24) +d.getTime());
- B、 35. DateFormat df= DateFormat.getDateJnstance(); 42. d.setTime( (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24) + d.getTime());
- C、 35. DateFormat df= DateFormat.getDateFormat(); 42. d.setLocalTime( (1000*60*60*24) + d.getLocalTime());
- D、 35. DateFormat df= DateFormat.getDateJnstance(); 42. d.setLocalTime( (60 * 60 * 24) + d.getLocalTime());
The liability for a dividend is recorded on which of the following dates?() A、the date of recordB、the date of paymentC、the date of announcementD、the date of declaration
查询最近30天的记录应使用( )作为准则。A.Between Date()And Date()-30B.Between Date()-30 And Date()C.<=Date()-30D.<Date()-30
查询十天前的记录应使用()作为准则。A.Between Date() And Date()-10B.Date()-10D.B 查询十天前的记录应使用( )作为准则。A.Between Date() And Date()-10B.<Date()-10C.>Date()-10D.Between Date()-10 And Date()
有以下程序:class Date{public:Date(int y,int m,int d);{year=y;month=mday=d;}Date(int y=2000){year=y;month=10;day=1;}Date(Date d){year=d.year;month=d.month;day=d.day;}void print( ){cout<<year<<"."<<month<<"."<<day<<endl;}private:int year,month,day;};Date fun(Date d){Date temp;temp=d;return temp;}int main( ){Date datel(2000,1,1),date2(0,0,0);Date date3(datel);date2=fun(date3);return 0;}程序执行时,Date类的拷贝构造函数被调用的次数是A.2B.3C.4D.5
Youarecreatinganonlinecatalogapplicationthat&ens YouarecreatinganonlinecatalogapplicationthatwilldisplayproductinformationonthecompanyWebsite.TheproductdataisstoredinaSQLServer2005database.ThedataisstoredasrelationaldatabutmustbepassedtotheapplicationasanXMLdocumentbyusingFORXML.YoutestyourapplicationandnoticethatnotalloftheitemsmatchingyourqueryappearintheXMLdocument.Onlythoseproductsthathavevaluesforallelementsintheschemaappear.YouneedtomodifyyourTransact-SQLstatementsothatallproductsmatchingyourqueryappearintheXMLdocument.Whatshouldyoudo?()
Examine the description of the STUDENTS table:Which two aggregate functions are valid on the START_DATE column?() A. SUM(start_date)B. AVG(start_date)C. COUNT(start_date)D. AVG(start_date, end_date)E. MIN(start_date)F. MAXIMUM(start_date)
查询十天前的记录应使用( )作为准则。A.Between Date( )And Date( )-10B.<Date( )-10C.>Date( )-10D.Between Date( )-10 And Date( )
有以下程序: class Date { public: Date(int y,int m,int D) ; { year =y; month=m; day=d; } Date(int y=2000) { year=y; month=10; day=1; } Date(Date D) { year=d.year; month=d.month; day=d.day; } void print () { cout<<year<<"."<<month<<"."<<day<<end1; } private: int year,month,day; }; Date fun(Date D) { Date temp; temp=d; return temp; } int main() { Date date1(2000,1,1),date2(0,0,0); Date date3(date1); date2=fun(date3); return 0; } 程序执行时,Date类的拷贝构造函数被调用的次数是A.2B.3C.4D.5
设有如下变量声明: Dim Test Date AS Date 为变量Test Date正确赋值的表达式是( )。A.Test Date=#1/1/2002#B.TestDate#"1/1/2002"#C.Test Date=date("1/1/2002")D.Test Date=Format("m/d/yy","1/1/2002")
查询最近30天的记录应俄用( )作为准则A. Between Date(1 And Date0—30B. Between Date一30 And DateC. =Date-30D. Date0-30
某数据库表中有1个工作时间字段,查找20天之内参加工作的记录的准则可以是( )。A.Between Date()Or Date()-20B.Between Date()And Date()-20C.Date()-20D.Date()-20
查询最近30天的记录应使用( )作为准则。A.Between Date()And Date()一30B.Between Date()一30 And Date()C.<;=Date()一30D.<;Date()一30
有以下程序: class Date { public: Date(int y, int m, int d); year = y; month = m; day = d; Date(int y = 2000) year = y; month = 10; day = 1; Date(Date d) { year = d.year; month = d.month; day = a.day; } void print() cout<<year<<"."<<month<<"."<<day<<end1; } private: int year, month,day; }; Date fun(Date d) Date temp; temp = d; return temp; } int main() { Date date 1 (2000,1,1),date2(0,0,0); Date date3(date 1); date2 = fun(date3); return 0; } 程序执行时,Date 类的拷贝构造函数被调用的次数是A.2B.3C.4D.5
下列关于javA.util.Date类的描述中,错误的是?() A.无参的构造方法Date(),用来创建当前日期时间的Date对象B.在JDK的javA.util包中提供了一个Date类用于表示日期和时间C.推荐使用Date(int year,int month,int date)构造方法来创建Date对象D.接收一个long型参数date的构造方法Date(long date),用于创建指定时间的Date对象
下列方法中,用于返回当前日期的方法是?() A.Date()B. Date(int year, int month, int date)C.Date(String s)D.Date(long date)
Alloftheclientcomputersinyourcompany’s&ens Alloftheclientcomputersinyourcompany’snetworkareWindows2000portablecomputers.AusernamedMariastoresSalesfilesinherMyDocumentsfolder.Sheusesthesefileswhenshetravels.Mariainformsyouthatwhenshetakesherportablecomputertotradeshows,shecanaccesssomeoftheSalesfilesbutnotallofthem.Whenherportablecomputerisconnectedtothenetworkattheoffice,shecanaccessallofthefiles.YouneedtoenableMariatoaccessallofthefilesinherMyDocumentsfolderwhensheisworkingremotely.Whatshouldyoudo?()
在某数据表中的执勤时间字段查找执勤时间30 之内的准则是( )。A.Between Date()Or Date-30B.Between Date()And Date()-30C.<Date()And>Date()-30D.<Date()Or>Date()-30
查询最近30天的记录应使用( )作为准则。A)Between Date( )And Date( )-30B)Between Date( )-30 And Date( )C)=Date( )-30D)Date( )-30
In the video form. the OrderDate field (Which shows When the video may be ordered)is calculated based on the Date field (Which displays the release date ). The order date is 30 days prior to the release date. Which one the following formulas will calculate the OrderDate value?()A、@Number(Date)-30 B、@Adjust(Date;0;0;30;0;0;0) C、@Adjust(Date;0;0;-30;0;0;0) D、@If(Date!="";Date-30;@Failure(There is no current release date"))
Based on which two conditions can master Preventive Maintenance (PM) schedules be created?()A、 elapsed time since the target start date or completion date of previous work generated by PM B、 difference between completion date of previous work and system date is equal to Lead Time C、 elapsed time since the target start date or completion date of the latest work orders for the assetD、 metered equipment usage since the target start date or completion date of previous work generated by PME、 metered equipment usage since the target start date or completion date of the latest work order for the asset
Examine the description of the STUDENTS table: STD_ID NUMBER(4) COURSE_ID VARCHAR2(10) START_DATE DATE END_DATE DATE Which two aggregate functions are valid on the START_DATE column? ( )A、SUM(start_date)B、AVG(start_date)C、COUNT(start_date)D、AVG(start_date,end_date)E、MIN(start_date)F、MAXIMUM(start_date)
单选题In the video form. the OrderDate field (Which shows When the video may be ordered)is calculated based on the Date field (Which displays the release date ). The order date is 30 days prior to the release date. Which one the following formulas will calculate the OrderDate value?()A@Number(Date)-30 B@Adjust(Date;0;0;30;0;0;0) C@Adjust(Date;0;0;-30;0;0;0) D@If(Date!=;Date-30;@Failure(There is no current release date))
多选题Examine the description of the STUDENTS table: STD_ID NUMBER(4) COURSE_ID VARCHAR2(10) START_DATE DATE END_DATE DATE Which two aggregate functions are valid on the START_DATE column? ( )ASUM(start_date)BAVG(start_date)CCOUNT(start_date)DAVG(start_date,end_date)EMIN(start_date)FMAXIMUM(start_date)
多选题Based on which two conditions can master Preventive Maintenance (PM) schedules be created?()Aelapsed time since the target start date or completion date of previous work generated by PMBdifference between completion date of previous work and system date is equal to Lead TimeCelapsed time since the target start date or completion date of the latest work orders for the assetDmetered equipment usage since the target start date or completion date of previous work generated by PMEmetered equipment usage since the target start date or completion date of the latest work order for the asset
多选题Examine the description of the STUDENTS table: STD_ID NUMBER(4) COURSE_ID VARCHARD2(10) START_DATE DATE END_DATE DATE Which two aggregate functions are valid on the START_DATE column?()ASUM(start_date)BAVG(start_date)CCOUNT(start_date)DAVG(start_date, end_date)EMIN(start_date)FMAXIMUM(start_date)