Which will declare the method that forces a subclass to implement it?()A、 public double methoda ():B、 static void methoda(double d1) {}C、 public native double methoda ():D、 abstract public foid methoda ():E、 protected void methoda (double d1) {}

Which will declare the method that forces a subclass to implement it?()

  • A、 public double methoda ():
  • B、 static void methoda(double d1) {}
  • C、 public native double methoda ():
  • D、 abstract public foid methoda ():
  • E、 protected void methoda (double d1) {}


执行命令:DECLARE array(5,5),则array(3,3)的值为( )。A)1B).F.C).T.D)0

使用命令DECLARE y(3,3)后,y(2,2)的值为A.0B.1C..T.D..F.


You create a Web Form that contains connected Web Parts. You write the following declaration in your Web Form.You need to ensure that your Web Part connection is valid. Which two actions should you perform? ()A. Include a data source identified as WebPartConnection1 on the Web Form.B. Include a Web Part identified as customerPart on the Web Form.C. Include a Web Part identified as ordersPart on the Web Form.D. Ensure that you declare an interface named IOrdersPart.E. Ensure that you declare an interface named ICustomerPart.F. Ensure that each Web Part declares either a GetInterface or ProvideInterface method.


Q2 : Declare Function Multiply_Add Lib “test” (ByRef A as integer ,VeRef B as integer , ByVal c as integer ) as integerQ2.1: Explain what is Declare Function used for ?Ans :Q2.2 : Explain the difference between ByRef and ByVal ?Ans :

下列T-SQL语句中出现语法错误的是()。A.declare @abc intB.select * from gradeC.create database stiD.delete * from grade

给定教师关系Teacher(T_no,T_name,Dept name,Tel),其中属性T_no、T_name、Dept_name和Tel的含义分别为教师号、教师姓名、学院名和电话。用SQL创建一个“给定学院名求该学院的教师数”的函数如下:Create function Dept_count(Dept_name varchar(20))(请作答此空)begain( )select count(*)into d_count from Teacher where Teacher.Dept_name=Dept_name return d_count endA.returns integerB.returns d_count integerC.declare integerD.declare d_count integer

Which will declare a method that is available to all members of the same package and can be referenced  without an instance of the class?()  A、 Abstract public void methoda();B、 Public abstract double methoda();C、 Static void methoda(double d1){}D、 Public native double methoda(){}E、 Protected void methoda(double d1){}

T-SQL中,用户自定义的变量()创建时使用DECLARE进行声明,命名是必须以 “@”符号开头。

You are about to design a very fast convergence time on a service provider network. Which feature wouldyou utilize to declare a link failure within less than two seconds of the fault on a link?()A、fast convergence SFPB、MTU discoveryC、redundancy linksD、keepaliveE、carrier delay

下列T-SQL语句中出现语法错误的是()。A、declare @abc intB、select * from gradeC、create database stiD、delete* from grade

以下()选项可以正确捕获存储过程“查询学生信息”的返回状态值。A、EXEC 查询学生信息B、"DECLARE @状态值 int EXEC @状态值=查询学生信息"C、"DECLARE @状态值 int SELECT @状态值=EXEC 查询学生信息"D、"DECLARE@状态值 int SET @状态值=EXEC 查询学生信息"

能正确定义存储过程输入参数“@学号”为字符型的选项是()。A、DECLARE @学号B、DECLARE @学号 char(10)C、@学号 char(10)D、@学号 char(10)input

能正确定义存储过程输出参数“@成绩”为整型的选项是()。A、DECLARE @成绩B、DECLARE @成绩 intC、@成绩 intD、@成绩 int output

Which expressions are correct to declare an array of 10 String objects? ()   A、 char str[];B、 char str[][];C、 String str[];D、 String str[10];

public class NamedCounter {  private final String name;  private int count;  public NamedCounter(String name) { this.name = name; }  public String getName() { return name; }  public void increment() { coount++; }  public int getCount() { return count; } public void reset() { count = 0; } }  Which three changes should be made to adapt this class to be used safely by multiple threads? ()A、 declare reset() using the synchronized keywordB、 declare getName() using the synchronized keywordC、 declare getCount() using the synchronized keywordD、 declare the constructor using the synchronized keywordE、 declare increment() using the synchronized keyword

Which four steps are involved to use Active Cache Dependency Injection in a WebLogic Java EE application?()A、Deploy Active Cache shared libraryB、Declare dependency on the shared libraryC、Declare all dependency injection entriesD、Package tangosol-coherence-override.xml in modules classpathE、Package coherence-cache-config.xml in modules classpath

You create a Web Form that contains connected Web Parts. You write the following declaration in your Web Form. You need to ensure that your Web Part connection is valid. Which two actions should you perform? ()A、Include a data source identified as "WebPartConnection1" on the Web Form.B、Include a Web Part identified as "customerPart" on the Web Form.C、Include a Web Part identified as "ordersPart" on the Web Form.D、Ensure that you declare an interface named "IOrdersPart".E、Ensure that you declare an interface named "ICustomerPart".F、Ensure that each Web Part declares either a GetInterface or ProvideInterface method.


单选题It is not necessary to declare()in the Health List.AAppendicitisBCholeraCPlagueDTyphus fever

单选题Which expressions are correct to declare an array of 10 String objects? ()A char str[];B char str[][];C String str[];D String str[10];

单选题Which will declare a method that forces a subclass to implement it? ()A Public double methoda();B Static void methoda (double d1) {}C Public native double methoda();D Abstract public void methoda();E Protected void methoda (double d1){}

多选题The 8859-1 character code for the uppercase letter A is 65. Which of these code fragments declare and initialize a variable of type char with this value?()Achar ch = 65;Bchar ch = ’¥65’;Cchar ch = ’¥0041’;Dchar ch = ’A’;Echar ch = A;

单选题Which will declare a method that is available to all members of the same package and can be referenced without an instance of the class?()A Abstract public void methoda();B Public abstract double methoda();C Static void methoda(double d1){}D Public native double methoda()  {}E Protected void methoda(double d1)  {}

单选题Which will declare a method that is available to all members of the same package and be referenced without an instance of the class?()A abstract public void methoda ();B public abstract double inethoda ();C static void methoda (double dl) {}D public native double methoda () {}E protected void methoda (double dl) {}

单选题Examine the following PL/SQL block:   DECLARE   my_plans pls_integer; BEGIN  my_plans := DBMS_SPM.LOAD_PLANS_FROM_CURSOR_CACHE (sql_id= ?9twu5t2dn5xd?; END;   Which statement is true about the plan being loaded into the SQL plan baseline by the above command?()A It is loaded with the FIXED status.B It is loaded with the ACCEPTED status.C It is not loaded with the ENABLED status.D It is not loaded with the ACCEPTED status.

单选题You work as an application developer at Certkiller .com. You are currently in the process of creating a class that stores data about Certkiller .com’s customers. Certkiller .com customers are assigned unique identifiers and various characteristics that may include aliases, shipping instructions, and sales comments. These characteristics can change in both size and data type. You start by defining the Customer class as shown below: public class Customer { private int custID; private ArrayList attributes; public int CustomerID { get {return custID;} } public Customer (int CustomerID) { this.custID = CustomerID; this.attributes = new ArrayList (); } public void AddAttribute (object att) {  attributes.Add (att); } } You have to create the FindAttribute method for locating attributes in Customer objects no matter what the data type is.You need to ensure that the FindAttributemethod returns the attribute if found,and you also need to ensure type-safety when returning the attribute.What should you do?()A Use the following code to declare the FindAttribute method: public T FindAttribute (T att) {//Find attribute and return the value }B Use the following code to declare the FindAttribute method: public object FindAttribute (object att) {//Find attribute and return the value }C Use the following code to declare the FindAttribute method: public T FindAttribute  (T att) {//Find attribute and return the value }D Use the following code to declare the FindAttribute method: public string FindAttribute (string att) {//Find attribute and return the value }