Which four can be thrown using the throw statement?() A、 ErrorB、 EventC、 ObjectD、 ThrowableE、 ExceptionF、 RuntimeException

Which four can be thrown using the throw statement?() 

  • A、 Error
  • B、 Event
  • C、 Object
  • D、 Throwable
  • E、 Exception
  • F、 RuntimeException


(b) The management of Division C has identified the need to achieve cost savings in order to become morecompetitive. They have decided that an analysis and investigation of quality costs into four sub-categories willprovide a focus for performance measurement and improvement.Required:Identify the FOUR sub-categories into which quality costs can be analysed and provide examples (whichmust relate to Division C) of each of the four sub-categories of quality cost that can be investigated in orderthat overall cost savings might be achieved and hence the performance improved. (8 marks)

In which four clauses can a subquery be used? () A. in the INTO clause of an INSERT statementB. in the FROM clause of a SELECT statementC. in the GROUP BY clause of a SELECT statementD. in the WHERE clause of a SELECT statementE. in the SET clause of an UPDATE statementF. in the VALUES clause of an INSERT statement

It can be inferred from the passage thatA.students taking part in basket ball will walk to the courts.B.every student can gain admission to one of the four sportsC.hiking students can have a regular rest in the shade of treesD.students taking up the four sports should bring bottles of water

Cisco Express Forwarding has been enabled on router TK1.  With CEF, prefixes that require exception processing can be cached with one of which four special adjacencies? ()A、KickB、DropC、ForwardD、NullE、DiscardF、GleanG、Express

Which four are attributes of single row functions? ()A、cannot be nestedB、manipulate data itemsC、act on each row returnedD、return one result per rowE、accept only one argument and return only one valueF、accept arguments which can be a column or an expression

A recently ordered server came standard with one 3.0GHz processor. It is capable of handling fourtotal processors. Which of the following processor combinations can be used in this server?()A、 One, two, three or four processorsB、 One, two, or three processorsC、 One, three, or four processorsD、 One, two or four processors

Which four statements about NetFlow are true?()A、NetFlow records bidirectional IP traffic flow.B、NetFlow export can be implemented over IPv4.C、NetFlow export can be implemented over IPv6.D、NetFlow records multicast IP traffic flow.E、NetFlow records ingress traffic.F、NetFlow records egress traffic.

For an incomplete recovery, which four backup types can be used by Recovery Manager (RMAN) to restore data files? ()A、RMAN image copiesB、RMAN database backupsC、RMAN tablespace backupsD、user­managed backups placed in the flash recovery areaE、user­managed backups that have been cataloged with RMANF、user­managed data file backups for which the full path name is specified

A user has a small network of four computers that they want to connect to a single cable modem. Which of the following devices would allow the user to do this?()A、Four port switchB、Four port wireless routerC、Four port WAPD、Four port hub

An x445 can sustain up to two memory chip failures per memory bank, and in an 8-way with four memory banks, up to eight memory chip failures can be sustained.  Which combination of EXA features provides this functionality?()A、ECC with ChipkillB、ECC with Memory MirroringC、Chipkill with Memory ProteXionD、Memory ProteXion with Hot Spare Memory

Which four types of objects can be thrown using the throw statement?()A、 ErrorB、 EventC、 ObjectD、 ExceptionE、 ThrowableF、 RuntimeException

Which four types of object can be thrown using the throw statement?()A、 ErrorB、 EventC、 ObjectD、 ExceptionE、 ThrowableF、 Runtime Exception

Which four statements are true?()A、Has-a relationships should never be encapsulated.B、Has-a relationships should be implemented using inheritance.C、Has-a relationships can be implemented using instance variables.D、Is-a relationships can be implemented using the extends keyword.E、Is-a relationships can be implemented using the implements keyword.F、An array or a collection can be used to implement a one-to-many has-a relationship.

多选题When performing a backup using Recovery Manager (RMAN), which four types of files can be backed up with the RMAN BACKUP command?()Adata fileBpassword fileCarchivelog fileDtemporary fileEonline redo log fileFthe current control fileGthe tnsnames.ora fileHcurrent server parameter file

多选题Which four statements are true?()AHas-a relationships should never be encapsulated.BHas-a relationships should be implemented using inheritance.CHas-a relationships can be implemented using instance variables.DIs-a relationships can be implemented using the extends keyword.EIs-a relationships can be implemented using the implements keyword.FAn array or a collection can be used to implement a one-to-many has-a relationship.

多选题When creating a QoS policy dialog box in Cisco UCSM, which four fields can be modified?()AnameBbest-effortCburstDrateEhost control

单选题A recently ordered server came standard with one 3.0GHz processor. It is capable of handling fourtotal processors. Which of the following processor combinations can be used in this server?()A One, two, three or four processorsB One, two, or three processorsC One, three, or four processorsD One, two or four processors

问答题Which word of four letters can be added to the front of the following words to create other English words?  CARD BOX CODE BAG HASTE

多选题In which four clauses can a subquery be used? ()Ain the INTO clause of an INSERT statementBin the FROM clause of a SELECT statementCin the GROUP BY clause of a SELECT statementDin the WHERE clause of a SELECT statementEin the SET clause of an UPDATE statementFin the VALUES clause of an INSERT statement

多选题Cisco Express Forwarding has been enabled on router TK1.  With CEF, prefixes that require exception processing can be cached with one of which four special adjacencies? ()AKickBDropCForwardDNullEDiscardFGleanGExpress

多选题For an incomplete recovery, which four backup types can be used by Recovery Manager (RMAN) to restore data files? ()ARMAN image copiesBRMAN database backupsCRMAN tablespace backupsDuser­managed backups placed in the flash recovery areaEuser­managed backups that have been cataloged with RMANFuser­managed data file backups for which the full path name is specified

单选题Which of the following conditions can cause above normal air temperature to develop in the intake manifold of a four-stroke/cycle turbo-charged diesel engine?()AClogged air intake faltersBPiston blow-byCA defective after-coolerDFaulty exhaust valves

多选题Which four types of object can be thrown using the throw statement?()AErrorBEventCObjectDExceptionEThrowableFRuntime Exception

多选题Which four statements about NetFlow are true?()ANetFlow records bidirectional IP traffic flow.BNetFlow export can be implemented over IPv4.CNetFlow export can be implemented over IPv6.DNetFlow records multicast IP traffic flow.ENetFlow records ingress traffic.FNetFlow records egress traffic.

多选题Which four can be thrown using the throw statement?()AErrorBEventCObjectDThrowableEExceptionFRuntimeException

多选题Which four are attributes of single row functions? ()Acannot be nestedBmanipulate data itemsCact on each row returnedDreturn one result per rowEaccept only one argument and return only one valueFaccept arguments which can be a column or an expression

多选题Which four types of objects can be thrown using the throw statement?()AErrorBEventCObjectDExceptionEThrowableFRuntimeException

多选题Which four are true?()AHas-a relationships should never be encapsulated.BHas-a relationships should be implemented using inheritance.CHas-a relationships can be implemented using instance variables.DIs-a relationships can be implemented using the extends keyword.EIs-a relationships can be implemented using the implements keyword.FAn array or a collection can be used to implement a one-to-many has-a relationship.GThe relationship between Movie and Actress is an example of an is-a relationship.