A UNIX user named Bob wants to replace his chess program with a new one, but he is not sure where theold one is installed. Bob is currently able to run a Java chess program starting from his home directory /home/bob using thecommand: java -classpath /test:/home/bob/downloads/*.jar games. Chess Bob’s CLASSPATH is set (at login time) to: /usr/lib:/home/bob/classes:/opt/java/lib:/opt/java/lib/*.jar What is a possible location for the Chess.class file?()A、/test/Chess.classB、/home/bob/Chess.classC、/test/games/Chess.classD、/usr/lib/games/Chess.classE、/home/bob/games/Chess.class
A UNIX user named Bob wants to replace his chess program with a new one, but he is not sure where theold one is installed. Bob is currently able to run a Java chess program starting from his home directory /home/bob using thecommand: java -classpath /test:/home/bob/downloads/*.jar games. Chess Bob’s CLASSPATH is set (at login time) to: /usr/lib:/home/bob/classes:/opt/java/lib:/opt/java/lib/*.jar What is a possible location for the Chess.class file?()
- A、/test/Chess.class
- B、/home/bob/Chess.class
- C、/test/games/Chess.class
- D、/usr/lib/games/Chess.class
- E、/home/bob/games/Chess.class
现有两张数据表(MySQL数据库)如下:x_pt_info x_user_info字段 类型 长度 小数位 字段 类型 长度 小数位user_id int 11 user_id int 11pt_group int 11 user_name varchar 20pt_number decimal 10 2 user_work int 1描述一下这个SQL语句的作用:SELECT b.user_id as user_id,b.user_name as user_name,round(sum(a.pt_number),2) as ptnum from x_pt_info a,x_user_info b wherea.user_id=b.user_id and a.pt_group=1 and b.user_work=2 group by a.user_id order by ptnum desc另外,就你的经验,你觉得该语句是否有改进的余地,如有,请阐述。
When a non-root user connects to a JUNOS platform and enters a username and password, the user is immediately placed at which level?() A.UNIX shellB.user level CLIC.configuration modeD.operational mode
阅读下列说明和C++代码,填补代码中的空缺,将解答填入答题纸的对应栏内。 【说明】 以下C++代码实现一个简单的聊天室系统(ChatRoomSystem),多个用户(User)可以向聊天室(ChatRoom)发送消息,聊天室将消息展示给所有用户。类图如图6-1所表示。图6-1 类图【C++代码】 includeiostream include string using namespace std; class User { private: string name; public: User(string name){ (1) =name; } ~User(){} void setName(string name) { this-name=name; } string getName(){ return name; } void sendMessage(string message); }; class ChatRoom { . public: static void showMessage(User* user, string message) { cout[user-getName()] : messageendl; } }; void User::sendMessage(string message) { (2) (this,message); } class ChatRoomSystem{ public: . . void startup() { User* zhang = new User(John); User* li = new User(Leo); zhang-sendMessage(Hi! Leo!); li_sendMessage(Hi! John!); } void join(User* user) { (3) (HeIIo Everyone! l am+user-getName()); } . }; int main(){ ChatRoomSystem*crs= (4) ; crs-startup(); crs-join( (5) (Wayne)); delete crs; } /* 程序运行结果: [John]:Hi! Leo! [Leo]:Hi! John! [Wayne]:Hello Everyone! I am Wayne /*
要在users表中插入1条记录,下面哪条语句是正确的() A.InsertIntousers(id,user_namE.Valuee(100,luhong)提示:id字段类型自动编号,因此,用户不能赋值B.InsertIntousers(real_name,tel)Valuee(卢红,6545632)提示:user_name是主键必须赋值,但未赋值。C.InsertIntousers(user_name,Email)Valuee(luhong,)提示:Email不是必填字段,但应该赋NULL值D.InsertIntousers(user_name,Email)Valuee(luhong,NULL)
试题六(共 15 分)阅读下列说明和 C++代码,填补代码中的空缺,将解答填入答题纸的对应栏内。【说明】以下 C++代码实现一个简单的聊天室系统(ChatRoomSystem),多个用户 (User)可以向聊天室(ChatRoom)发送消息,聊天室将消息展示给所有用户。 类图如图 6-1 所表示。 【C++代码】#include#include using namespace std; class User {private:string name; public:User(string name){ (1) =name;}~User(){} void setName(string name) {this->name=name; } string getName(){return name;}void sendMessage(string message); }; class ChatRoom { . public:static void showMessage(User* user, string message) { coutgetName()"] : " zhang->sendMessage("Hi! Leo!");li_>sendMessage("Hi! John!"); }void join(User* user) { (3) ("HeIIoEveryone!l am"+user->getName()); . ;} . };int main(){ChatRoomSystem*crs= (4) ; crs->startup();crs->join( (5) ("Wayne")); delete crs; }/* 程序运行结果: [John]:Hi! Leol [Leo]:Hi! John![Wayne】:Hello Everyone!Iam Wayne/*
试题五(共 15 分)阅读以下说明和 Java 程序,填补代码中的空缺,将解答填入答题纸的对应 栏内。【说明】以下 Java 代码实现一个简单的聊天室系统(ChatRoomSystem),多个用 户(User)可以向聊天室( ChatRoom)发送消息,聊天室将消息展示给所有用户。 类图如图 5-1 所示。 【Java 代码】 class ChatRoom { public static void showMessage(User user, Strmg message) {System.out.println("[" + user.getName() + "] : " + message);} }classUser{private String name; public String getName() { return name;}public void setName(String name) { this.name = name;}public User(String name) { (1) =name;}public void sendMessage(String message) { (2) (this, message);}}public class Chat:RoomSystem { public void startup() { User zhang= new User("John");User li =new User("Leo"); zhang.sendMessage("Hi! Leo! "); 1i.sendMessage("Hi! John!"); } public void join(User user) { (3) ("Hello Everyone! I am" + user.getName()); }public static void main(String[] args) { ChatRoomSystem crs= (4) ; Crs.startup();Crs.join( (5) )(“Wayne”));}}/*程序运行结果: [John]:Hi! Leol [Leo]:Hi! John![Wayne】:Hello Everyone!Iam Wayne*/
Given a web application in which the cookie userName is expected to contain the name of the user. Which EL expression evaluates to that user name?()A、${userName}B、${cookie.userName}C、${cookie.user.name}D、${cookies.userName[0]}
如果想要在JSP中使用user包中的User类,则以下写法正确的是()。 A、 jsp:useBean id="user" class="user.User" scope="page"/B、 jsp:useBean class="user.User.class" / C、 jsp:useBean name="user" class="user.User"/D、 jsp:useBean id="user" class="User" import="user.* "/
在JSP中要使用user包中的User类,则以写法正确的是()。A、〈jsp:useBean id="user" class="user.User" scope="page"/〉B、〈jsp:useBean class="user.Use.class"/〉C、〈jsp:useBean name="user" class="user.User"/〉D、〈jsp:useBeam id="user" class="user" import="user.*"/〉
An administrator needs to know the workstation name of a user who called in for support in orderto remotely manage it. After calling the user and having the user open a command prompt, whichof the following commands would the administrator ask the user to type?()A、NetstatB、IfconfigC、HostnameD、Ping
Bob, a technician, needs to backup a user’s local My Documents on a Windows XP workstation.Which of the following is the QUICKEST way to the user’s folder?()A、Browse to the root, Documents and Settings, user’s name, and then My DocumentsB、Browse to the root, Users, Documents and Settings, user’s name, and then My DocumentsC、Type %system% into the run boxD、Type %temp% into the run box, My Documents, and then user’s name
When a non-root user connects to a JUNOS platform and enters a username and password, the user is immediately placed at which level?()A、UNIX shellB、user level CLIC、configuration modeD、operational mode
下列哪些SQL语句可以查询出User表中name为张三的记录()。A、SELECT * FROM User WHERE name = ’张三’B、SELECT * FROM User WHERE name = ’张三’ LIMIT 0,1C、SELECT * FROM User WHERE name LIKE ’张三’D、SELECT * FROM User WHERE name LIKE ’%张三%’
You are designing a strategy for migrating the UNIX user accounts to Active Directory. Which three actions should you perform?()A、 Import the user accounts as inetOrgPerson objects.B、 Import the user accounts into Active Directory by using the Ldifde command-line tool.C、 Export all user accounts from the UNIX servers to a text file.D、 Export all user accounts and their passwords from the UNIX servers to a text file. Encrypt this file to achieve extra security.E、 Assign random passwords to each user object, and securely distribute the password to the users.F、 Create the same strong password for each user object, and require users to change their passwords at first logon.G、 Instruct users to use the same name and password as they used on the UNIX servers.
多选题You are designing a strategy for migrating the UNIX user accounts to Active Directory. Which three actions should you perform?()AImport the user accounts as inetOrgPerson objects.BImport the user accounts into Active Directory by using the Ldifde command-line tool.CExport all user accounts from the UNIX servers to a text file.DExport all user accounts and their passwords from the UNIX servers to a text file. Encrypt this file to achieve extra security.EAssign random passwords to each user object, and securely distribute the password to the users.FCreate the same strong password for each user object, and require users to change their passwords at first logon.
单选题如果想要在JSP中使用user包中的User类,则以下写法正确的是()。A jsp:useBean id=user class=user.User scope=page/B jsp:useBean class=user.User.class / C jsp:useBean name=user class=user.User/D jsp:useBean id=user class=User import=user.* /
单选题在JSP中要使用user包中的User类,则以写法正确的是()。A〈jsp:useBean id=user class=user.User scope=page/〉B〈jsp:useBean class=user.Use.class/〉C〈jsp:useBean name=user class=user.User/〉D〈jsp:useBeam id=user class=user import=user.*/〉
单选题当需要返回当前用户的名字,可以执行如下()SQL语句。ASELECT user FROM V$DBABSELECT user FROM dualCSELECT name FROM dualDSELECT name FROM V$DBA
多选题A developer wants to make a name attribute available to all servlets associated with a particular user,across multiple requests from that user, from the same browser instance. Which two provide this capability from within a tag handler?()ApageContext.setAttribute(name, theValue)BpageContext.setAttribute(name, getSession())CpageContext.getRequest().setAttribute(name, theValue)DpageContext.getSession().setAttribute(name, theValue)EpageContext.setAttribute(name, theValue,PageContext.PAGE_SCOPE)FpageContext.setAttribute(name, theValue,PageContext.SESSION_SCOPE)
多选题下列哪些SQL语句可以查询出User表中name为张三的记录()。ASELECT * FROM User WHERE name = ’张三’BSELECT * FROM User WHERE name = ’张三’ LIMIT 0,1CSELECT * FROM User WHERE name LIKE ’张三’DSELECT * FROM User WHERE name LIKE ’%张三%’
单选题You are attempting to connect to your ISP. You view the status change from Dialing to Verifying user name and password. After several seconds, the status changes to Disconnecting. You are then disconnected from the computer you dialed. You verify that your user name and password are entered correctly. You want to enable your Computer to connect to your ISP correctly. What should you do? ()AConfigure your connection to enable data encryption.BConfigure your connection to use the UNIX SLIP server.CConfigure your connection to allow unsecured passwords.DInstruct your ISP to configure your account to support Multilink.
多选题要在users表中插入一条新记录,下面语句正确的是()。AInsert Into users(id,user_name) Values(100, luhong)BInsert Into users(real_name,tel) Values(卢红,6545632)CInsert Into users(user_name,Email) Values(luhong, )DInsert Into users(user_name,Email) Values(luhong, NULL)
单选题You would like to configure your PC's IP address of as an FTP host with a username of user and a password of mypass.Which configuration command accomplishes this goal?()Ahost user pc ftp user mypassBhost user pc tftp user mypassChost name user pc ftp user mypassDhost name user pc tftp user mypass
单选题Given a web application in which the cookie userName is expected to contain the name of the user. Which EL expression evaluates to that user name?()A${userName}B${cookie.userName}C${cookie.user.name}D${cookies.userName[0]}