单选题In a tropical cyclone,in the Northern Hemisphere,a vessel hove to with the wind shifting counterclockwise is().Aahead of the storm centerBin the dangerous semicircleCin the navigable semicircleDdirectly in the approach path of the storm

In a tropical cyclone,in the Northern Hemisphere,a vessel hove to with the wind shifting counterclockwise is().

ahead of the storm center


in the dangerous semicircle


in the navigable semicircle


directly in the approach path of the storm


解析: 暂无解析


The circulation around a low pressure center in the Northern Hemisphere is ______.A.counterclockwiseB.variableC.clockwiseD.Anticyclonic

Strengthening economic growth, at the same time as winter grips the northern hemisphere, could push the price higher still in the short term.

When a high pressure system is centered north of your vessel in the Northern Hemisphere ______.A.You should experience hot,moist,clear weatherB.The wind direction is generally easterlyC.The winds should be from the southwest at your locationD.The winds should be brisk

Tropical cyclones are classified by form and intensity.Which system does not have closed isobars ________.A.HurricaneB.Tropical disturbanceC.Tropical depressionD.Cyclone

What is the first visible indication of the presence of a tropical cyclone or hurricane ________.A.Stratocumulus clouds or strange birdsB.Rain and increasing windsC.An exceptionally long swellD.Dark clouds and the“bar”of the storm

In the Northern Hemisphere, gusty winds shifting clockwise, a rapid drop in temperature, thunderstorms or rain squalls in summer ( frequent rain / snow squalls in winter ) then a rise in pressure followed by clearing skies, indicate the passage of a(n) ______.A.warm frontB.tropical cycloneC.anticycloneD.cold front

In the Northern Hemisphere, when the wind at your location is northerly, the low pressure center causing the wind is located to your ______.A.NNWB.WSWC.ESED.SSW

Canada is located in ()Athe Southern HemisphereBThe Northern HemisphereCthe Western HemisphereDThe Eastern Hemisphere

Canada is located in ()A、the Southern HemisphereB、The Northern HemisphereC、the Western HemisphereD、The Eastern Hemisphere

北半球(northern hemisphere)

单选题A tropical cyclone has recurved and entered temperate latitudes. In the Northern Hemisphere when a large high pressure system lies north of the storm,what situation may occur?()AThe low may suddenly deepen,and the cyclone intensify and pick up speedBThe left semicircle may become the dangerous semicircleCThe low and the high may merge and cancel out the weather characteristics of eachDThe high may force the cyclone to reverse its track

单选题Winds expected to()Storm Force 10 in south-east semicircle later up to 300 miles from the center of the tropical cyclone.AgetBachieveCattainDreach

单选题Generally speaking,in the Northern Hemisphere,when winds are blowing from between SE and SW the barometric reading().Amakes no change at allBis somewhat lower than it would be for winds from a northern quadrantCis uncertain and may fluctuate by increasing and decreasingDis somewhat higher than it would be for winds from the northern quadrant

单选题In the Northern Hemisphere,an area of counterclockwise wind circulation surrounded by higher pressure is a().AlowBhighCwarm frontDcold front

单选题What is the direction of rotation of tropical cyclones,tropical storms and hurricanes in the Northern Hemisphere?()AClockwise and outwardBCounterclockwise and inwardCCounterclockwise and outwardDClockwise and inward

单选题When a high pressure system is centered north of your vessel in the Northern Hemisphere().AYou should experience hot,moist,clear weatherBThe wind direction is generally easterlyCThe winds should be from the southwest at your locationDThe winds should be brisk

单选题What is the first visible indication of the presence of a tropical cyclone or hurricane().AStratocumulus clouds or strange birdsBRain and increasing windsCAn exceptionally long swellDDark clouds and the“bar”of the storm

单选题The force resulting from the earth’s rotation that causes winds to deflect to the right in the Northern Hemisphere and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere is called().APressure gradientBCoriolis effectCAurora borealisDBallistic deflection

单选题What will a veering wind do().AChange direction in a clockwise manner in the Northern HemisphereBCirculate about a low pressure center in a counterclockwise manner in the Northern HemisphereCVary in strength constantly and unpredictablyDCirculate about a high pressure center in a clockwise manner in the Southern Hemisphere

单选题You have determined that you are in the right semicircle of a tropical cyclone in the Northern Hemisphere.What action should you take to avoid the storm().APlace the wind on the starboard quarter and hold that courseBPlace the wind on the port quarter and hold that courseCPlace the wind on the port bow and hold that courseDPlace the wind on the starboard bow and hold that course

单选题In the Northern Hemisphere,what type of cloud formations would you expect to see to the west of an approaching tropical wave?().ACumulus clouds lined up in rows extending in a northeast to southwest directionBHigh altostratus clouds in the morning hoursCCirrostratus clouds lined up in rows extending in a northeast to southwest directionDCirrostratus clouds lined up in rows extending in a north to south direction

单选题In a tropical cyclone,in the Northern Hemisphere,a vessel hove to with the wind shifting counterclockwise is().Aahead of the storm centerBin the dangerous semicircleCin the navigable semicircleDdirectly in the approach path of the storm

单选题In the Northern Hemisphere,a wind that shifts counterclockwise is a().Aveering windBbacking windCreverse windDchinook wind

单选题In the Northern Hemisphere,when the wind at your location is northerly,the low pressure center causing the wind is located to your().ANNWBWSWCESEDSSW

单选题In the Northern Hemisphere,if your vessel is in a hurricane’s navigable semicircle it should be positioned with the wind on the().AStarboard quarter,hold course and make as much speed as possibleBPort bow,hold course and make as much speed as possible until the hurricane has passedCPort quarter,maintain course and make as much speed as possibleDStarboard bow and heave to until the hurricane has passed

单选题In the Northern Hemisphere,your vessel is believed to be in the direct path of a hurricane,and plenty of sea room is available. The best course of action is to bring the wind on the().Astarboard bow,note the course,and head in that directionBstarboard quarter,note the course,and head in that directionCport quarter,note the course,and head in that directionDport bow,note the course,and head in that direction

单选题In the Northern Hemisphere,the right half of the storm is known as the dangerous semicircle because().Athe wind speed is greater here since the wind is traveling in the same general direction as the storm's trackBthe direction of the wind and seas might carry a vessel into the path of the stormCthe seas are higher because of greater wind speedDAll of the above

单选题Canada is located in ()Athe Southern HemisphereBThe Northern HemisphereCthe Western HemisphereDThe Eastern Hemisphere