单选题The()(石油-散货-矿石运输船)carries oil, bulk and ore.ALASHBOBOCPCCDLNG carrier

The()(石油-散货-矿石运输船)carries oil, bulk and ore.







LNG carrier


解析: 暂无解析


Certificate of insurance or other financial security in respect of civil liability for oil pollution damage shall be carried on board by ______.A.ships carrying more than 2000 tons of oil in bulk as cargoB.oil tankersC.bulk chemicals carriersD.liquefied gas carriers

Unless such oil tanker carries crude oil which is not suitable for crude oil washing,the oil tanker shall ______ the system in accordance with the requirements of that Regulation.A.operateB.checkC.installD.overhaul

在国际航运市场中,石油/其他干散货/矿石兼用船可简写为(  )。 A.RO/RO B.O/O C.OBO D.ULCC

Liquid bulk cargo is loaded and discharged by pumps.()A、液体散货是由泵装卸的B、干散货是由吊杆装卸的C、液体散货是由吊杆装卸的D、干散货是由泵装卸的

A multi-purpose ship carries not only general cargo but also bulk cargo.()A、多用途船不仅运杂货也运散货。B、多用途船不能运杂货也不能运散货。C、船舶的作用是多方面的,不是只能运杂货和散货。D、船舶是多用途的,不仅运杂货也运散货。



dry bulk cargo()A、液散货B、干散货C、冷藏货D、重货

bulk carrier()A、散货船B、锚C、舱D、矿物船

Multi-purpose ship carries().A、not only general cargoB、but also bulk cargoC、A+ BD、Neither A nor B

The ()carries people, cargo, and car or truck for short passages.A、oil bargeB、oil shipC、ferryD、barge

The()(渡船 carries people, cargo, car or truck for short passages.A、oil bargeB、oil shipC、ferryD、barge

散货船()A、general cargo shipB、container shipC、bulk carrierD、multi-purpose ship

()(散货) is carried on the bulk carrier.A、Dangerous cargoB、Dry cargoC、Dry bulk cargoD、Bulk cargo

()(散货)ships carry large quantities of cargo.A、Bulk cargoB、OilC、GasD、General cargo

()carries not only general cargo but also bulk cargo.A、A bulk carrierB、A multi-purpose shipC、A general cargo shipD、A dry cargo ship

It’s a/an ()(木材船).A、bargeB、oil shipC、lumber shipD、bulk cargo carrier

单选题bulk carrier()A散货船B锚C舱D矿物船

单选题()(散货) is carried on the bulk carrier.ADangerous cargoBDry cargoCDry bulk cargoDBulk cargo

单选题dry bulk cargo()A液散货B干散货C冷藏货D重货

单选题Multi-purpose ship carries().Anot only general cargoBbut also bulk cargoCA+ BDNeither A nor B

单选题The()(汽车运输船) carries cars and trucks.ALASHBLo/LoCPCCDLNG carrier


单选题液体散货()Adry bulk cargoBgeneral cargoCliquid bulk cargoDrefrigerated cargo

单选题()carries not only general cargo but also bulk cargo.AA bulk carrierBA multi-purpose shipCA general cargo shipDA dry cargo ship

单选题A multi-purpose ship carries not only general cargo but also bulk cargo.()A多用途船不仅运杂货也运散货。B多用途船不能运杂货也不能运散货。C船舶的作用是多方面的,不是只能运杂货和散货。D船舶是多用途的,不仅运杂货也运散货。
