如果不想公布网络中的某些RIP信息,那么可以采用被动接口配置。将路由器RouterA的FastEthernet0/0接口设置为被动接口的配置语句是( )。A) RouterA(Config-if)#rip passive-interfaceB) RouterA(Config-if)#passive-interface ripC) RouterA(Config)#passive-interface fastethernet0/0D) RouterA(Config-router)#passive-interface fastethernet0/0
●若码值FFH是一个整数的原码表示,则该整数的真值为 (11) :若码值FFH是一个整数的补码表示,则该整数的真值为 (12) 。(11) A.0B.127C.-127D.-1(12) A.0B.127C.-127D.-1
如果不想公布网络中的某些RIP信息,那么可以采用被动接口配置。将路由器RouterA的FastEthernet0/0接口设置为被动接口的配置语句是______。A.RouterA(Config-router) #passive-interface fastethernet0/0B.RouterA(Config-if) #passive-interface ripC.RouterA(Config) #passive-interface fastethernet0/0D.RouterA(Config-if) #rip passive-interface
下面程序的功能是把316表示为两个加数的和,使两个加数分别能被13和11整除,在划线处应填入的选项是#includevoid main(){int i=0,j,k;do{i++;k=316-13*i;}while( );j=k/11;cout ”316=13*”}A.k/11B.k% 11C.k/11==0D.k==0
下面程序的功能是把316表示为两个加数的和,使两个加数分别能被13和11整除,则在横线上应填入的语句是( )。 public class Test { public static void main (String[] args) { int i=0,j,k; do { i++; k=316-13*i; } while(__________); j=k/11; System.out.print("316=13*"+i+"+11*"+j); } }A.k/11!=0B.k%11!=0C.k/11==0D.k%11==0
根据国际通用的表示时间的方法, a.m.是指A. 正午 12:00’00’’ 正至深夜 11:59’59’’B. 凌晨 0:00’00’’ 正到深夜 11:59’59’’C. 正午 12:00’00’’ 正至凌晨 0:00’00’’D. 凌晨 0:00’00’’ 正到中午 11:59’59’’
下面程序的功能是把316表示为两个加数的和,使两个加数分别能被13和11整除,请选择填空。 #include<stdio.h> main() { int i=0,j,k; do{i++;k=316-13*i}while(______); j=k/11; printf("316=13*%d+11,%d”,i,j); }A.k/11B.k%11C.k/11==0D.k%11==0
下面程序的功能是把316表示为两个加数的和,使两个加数分别能被13和11整除,在下画线处应填入的选项是#include<iostream.h>Void main( ){int i=0,j,k;do{i++;k=316-13 * i;}while(____) ;j=k/11;cout < < "316=13 * " < < i < < " +11 *" < < j;}A.k/11B.k%11C.k/11=0D.k%11=0
设有关系SC(SN0,CN0,GRADE),其中SN0、CN0分别表示学号和课程号(两者均为字符型),GRADE表示成绩(数值型)。若要把学号为“Sl01”的同学、选修课程号为“C11”、成绩为98分的记录插入到表SC中,正确的语句是( )。A. INSERT INTO SC(SN0,CN0,GRADE)VALUES(’S101 ’,’C11’,’98’)B. INSERT INTO SC(SN0,CN0,GRADE)VALUES(S101,Cll,98)C. INSERT(’Sl01’,’C11’,’98’)INTO SCD. INSERT INTO SC VALUES(’Sl01’,’C11’,98)
下列程序的功能是把316表示为两个加数的和,使两个加数分别能被13和11整除,则在划线处应填人的选项是 int i=0,j,k; do {i++;k=316-13*i;}while (_______); j=k/11; System.out.pfintln(i+","+j);A.k/11B.k%11C.k/Il==0D.k%11==0
Refer to the exhibit. For interface FastEthernet0/0, what will happen to dscp af11 traffic if the queue for class newclass reaches a depth of 40? () A. All packets will be dropped.B. One out of ten packets will be dropped.C. A random number of packets will be dropped.D. No packets will be dropped until the queue depth reaches 265.E. Packets will be dropped according to the exponential weight setting.
Refer to the exhibit. A network administrator has configured DHCP services on the router asshown. DHCP clients connected to the FastEthernet0/0 interface are working properly. DHCP clients connected to the FastEthernet0/1 interface are not receiving addresses.Which two statements contain recommendations that will solve the problem?()A.The network shown in the output under the ip dhcp pool Central command should be changed to network with a mask of second DHCP pool for network 10 .10.0.0/24 should be configuredC.An ip dhcp excluded - address global configuration command for network should be issuedD.The ip helper -address command should be issued so that the address can be added to the Fast Ethernet0/0 c onfigurationE.The ip helper -address command should be issued so that the address can be added to the Fast Ethernet0/1 configuration
Refer to the exhibit. Which configuration would correctly enable Host A to acquire an IP address from the DHCP server that is located at () A.ASw1(config)# interface range FastEthernet 0/1 - 24 ASw1(config - if - range)# ip forward - protocol udp 67 ASw1(config - if - range)# ip forward - protocol udp 68B.ASw1(config)# interface range FastEthernet 0/1 - 24 ASw1(config - if - range)# ip helper - address interface fastethernet0/0 RTA(config -if)# ip forward- protocol udp 67 RTA(config - if)# ip forwar d- protocol udp 68D.RTA(config)# interface fastethernet0/1 RTA(config -if)# ip forward- protocol udp 67 RTA(config -if)# ip forward- protocol udp 68E.RTA(config)# interface fastethernet0/0 RTA(config - if)# ip helper - address in terface fastethernet0/1 RTA(config - if)# ip helper - address
Refer to the exhibit. Based on the output from the show command on RT1which statement is true? () A. OSPFv3 uses global IPv6 addresses to establish neighbor adjacencies.B. RT1 has a subnet mask of 64 bits .C. RT1 has FastEthernet0/0 set as a DR for network type broadcast.D. OSPFv3 uses Link - local addresses to establish neighbor adjacencies.E. RT1does not have a global IPv6 address set on FastEthernet0/0.F. OSPFv3 uses IPv4 addresses to establish nei ghbor adjacencies.
如果不想公布网络中的某些RIP信息,可以采用被动接口配置。将路由器Router A的FastEthemet0/0接口设置为被动接口的配置语句是( )。A.RouterA (Config-if) # passive-interfaceB.RouterA (Config-if) # passive-interface ripC.RouterA (Config) # passive-interface fastethernet0/0D.RouterA (Config-router) # passive-interface fastethernet0/0
某网络拓扑结构如下图所示。在路由器R2上采用命令 ( ) 得到如下图所示结果。PC1可能的IP地址为 ( ) ,路由器R2的S0口的IP地址为 (本题) ,若PC1上查看主机的路由表,采用命令为 ( ) 。R2> ... R[120/1] via, 00:00:11, Serial2/0 C is directly connected, FastEthernet0/0 A.
如果10/100Mbit/s的端口0/1的速度被配置为10Mbit/s,则在命令show spanning-tree的输出中,该端口将被称为什么?()A、接口FastEthernet0/1B、Fa0/1C、接口Fa0/1D、接口E0/1
Which two commands correctly verify whether port security has been configured on port FastEthernet0/12 on a switch?()A、SW1#shows withport port-security interface FastEthernet0/12B、SW1#shows withport port-secure interface FastEthernet0/12C、SW1#show port-secure interface FastEthernet0/12D、SW1#show running-config
多选题Which two commands correctly verify whether port security has been configured on port FastEthernet0/12 on a switch?()ASW1#shows withport port-security interface FastEthernet0/12BSW1#shows withport port-secure interface FastEthernet0/12CSW1#show port-secure interface FastEthernet0/12DSW1#show running-config