单选题As long as you keep on ______ hard, you’ll get promoted sooner or later.AworkBbe workingCworkedDworking

As long as you keep on ______ hard, you’ll get promoted sooner or later.



be working






本题考查固定搭配。句意:只要你继续努力工作,迟早会得到提拔。keep on doing表示“继续做某事”,on为介词,后面需加V-ing形式。故A项为正确答案。


Thank you. I’ll ask Mr. Heine _____ as soon as I can get hold of him.

“Are you still homesick? Believe me,you'll soon().” A、get it overB、get over itC、recoverD、recover it

— I’d really like to. I’ll talk to you soon, Debbie. I’m glad I ran into you.—65

Once you get into a bad habit, you’ll find it hard toget out of it. (英译汉)

As long as you return the money promptly. I'll lend it to you with (please) ( ).

—It's too hard to get the food to my mouth when I was in Japan.— () . A.I had to practice long and hard to manage those little grains of rice.B.One thing I'll say for these things is I don't eat as much.C.It's easy to offend people when you don't know their customs.

You' ll tell John about that, won’t you ? -Yes, I'll tell him about it as soon as he( ).A. will wake upB. wakes upC. is waking upD. woke up

You will get the message ______.A、not long afterB、not longC、before longD、long before

You should try to ____conversation with the person on your right or left, but you should not try to talk to someone who is a long way from you.A: get intoB: get out ofC: get offD: get on with

—My whole body feels weak and I've got a headache. — ( )?A. How long ago did you get it thisB. How long have you been like thisC. How soon have you got itD. How soon have you liked this

—I can't see the words on the blackboard. —Perhaps you need _( )A. How long ago did you get it thisB. How long have you been like thisC. How soon have you got itD. How soon have you liked this

I'll go with you as soon as I will finish my homework.()

You’ll have more chances of promotion ______ you work hard.A、sinceB、whileC、asD、once

听力原文:If you lose your bank notes, the chance for you to get them back is not high.(10)A.If you lose your bank notes, you will not get them back.B.If you lose your bank notes, you will get compensation.C.If you lose your bank notes, you can get them back soon.D.If you lose your bank notes, most probably, you will not get them back.

Don’t be ()-eyed. Work hard and you’ll make progress soon.

– David, you've been losing your temper over nothing lately.– ( ).A. I haven’t been getting much sleep eitherB. You’d better not push yourself too hard, or you’ll get sickC. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have blown up like thatD. You’d better do exercises regularly

You will soon()the weather here, and then the changes in temperature will not trouble you much.A、get used toB、get overC、get toD、get on with

David, you've been losing your temper over nothing lately.()A、I haven‘t been getting much sleep either.B、You‘d better not push yourself too hard, or you‘ll get sick.C、I‘m sorry. I shouldn‘t have blown up like that.D、You‘d better do exercises regularly.

Wise buying is a positive way in which you can make your money go further. The ()you go about purchasing an article or a service can actually ()you money or can add ()the cost. Take the ()example of a hairdryer. If you are buying a hairdryer, you might ()that you are making the ()buy if you choose one ()look you like and which is also the cheapest ()price. But when you get it home you may find that it ()twice as long as a more expensive ()to dry your hair. The cost of the electricity plus the cost of your time could well ()your hairdryer the most expensive one of all. So what principles should you ()when you go out shopping? If you ()your home, your car or any valuable ()in excellent condition, you’ll be saving money in the long () Before you buy a new (),talk to someone who owns one. If you can, use it or borrow it to check it suits your particular () Before you buy an expensive (),or a service, do check the price and ()is on offer. If possible, choose ()three items or three estimates.请在第()处填上正确答案。A、reserveB、decorateC、storeD、keep

单选题The more quickly you get there, the soon you will be able to relax.AThe moreBgetCthe soonDwill be

单选题You’d better take the map with you ______ you won’t get lost.Aas long asBas soon asCnow thatDso that

单选题A: That’ll be $6.75.  B: ______AEnjoy your meal!BCan I get you anything else?CHave a good day!DHere you are. Keep the change.

单选题— Could you tell me the way ______ the railway station?— Go along this road and soon you’ll find it.AatBtoCinDbetween

单选题If you go by car, you'll get there()40 minutes.AwithinBaboutCunderDafter

单选题I know things are hard with you, but you ______ try to get over the difficulties.AcanBmayCmustDought

单选题Which of the following prepositional phrases is an adverbial of comparison?AAs soon as Marie opened the door, the dog ran in.BAs long as you can keep away from them, you’re safe.CAs far as grammar is concerned, I have grasped it.DShe cooks as well as her mother does.

单选题Stop smoking, ______ you’ll get better soon.AorBbutCsoDand