单选题For a vessel with longitudinal inclination, an increase in GML cause().Alist to stabilize at an angle of lollBtrim to stabilize at an angle of lollCtrim to increaseDtrim to decrease

For a vessel with longitudinal inclination, an increase in GML cause().

list to stabilize at an angle of loll


trim to stabilize at an angle of loll


trim to increase


trim to decrease


解析: 暂无解析


Of the following, the most important consideration for a tank vessel is ______.A.GMB.the vertical center of gravityC.the longitudinal center of gravityD.the stress on the hull

The correction to KG for longitudinal free surface effects for a vessel can be found by dividing the vessel's displacement into the ______.A.Transverse free surface correction for the vesselB.Sum of the vertical moments of the vesselC.Sum of the longitudinal free surface moments of the vesselD.Longitudinal centerline of the vessel

With no environmental forces acting on the vessel,the center of gravity of an inclined vessel is vertically aligned with the ______.A.longitudinal centerlineB.center of flotationC.original vertical centerlineD.metacenter

A vessel’s KG is determined by ______.A.dividing the total longitudinal moment summation by displacementB.dividing the total vertical moment summation by displacementC.multiplying the MTl by the longitudinal momentsD.subtracting LCF from LCB

Aboard a vessel, dividing the sum of the longitudinal moments by total weight yields the vessel’s ______.A.inclining momentsB.righting momentsC.vertical momentsD.longitudinal position of the center of gravity

For a vessel with list, a decrease in GMT will cause the angle of inclination to ______.A.stabilize at angle of lollB.decreaseC.increaseD.remain constant

For a vessel with longitudinal inclination, an increase in GML causes ______.A.list to stabilize at an angle of lollB.trim to stabilize at an angle of lollC.trim to increaseD.trim to decrease

For a vessel with transverse inclination, an increase in GMT causes ______.A.list to stabilize at an angle of lollB.trim to decreaseC.list to increaseD.list to decrease

In vessel construction, beam brackets are triangular plates that join the deck beam to a ____.A.bulkheadB.frameC.stanchionD.deck longitudinal

Lighter longitudinal stiffening frames on the vessel side plating are called ______.A.stringersB.side framesC.side stiffenersD.Intercostals

单选题Inclination of the vessel to port side or starboard side defines().ATipBCapsizeCListDTrim

单选题Stable equilibrium for a vessel means that the metacenter is().Aat a lower level than the baselineBon the longitudinal centerlineChigher than the center of gravityDat amidships

单选题In order to determine the trimming arm for your vessel at any particular draft,which of the following would you compare?().ALongitudinal center of buoyancy and longitudinal center of gravityBLongitudinal center of floatation and longitudinal center of gravityCLongitudinal center of floatation and longitudinal center of buoyancyDLongitudinal tipping center and longitudinal center of gravity

单选题The correction to KG for longitudinal free surface effects for a vessel can be found by dividing the vessel’s displacement into the().Atransverse free surface correction for the vesselBsum of the vertical moments of the vesselCsum of the longitudinal free surface moments of the vesselDlongitudinal centerline of the vessel

单选题For a ship with longitudinal inclination,an increase in GML causes().Alist to stabilize at an angle of lollBtrim to stabilize at an angle of lollCtrim to increaseDtrim to decrease

单选题Aboard a vessel,dividing the sum of the longitudinal moments by the total weight yields the vessel’s().Ainclining momentsBrighting momentsCvertical momentsDlongitudinal position of the center of gravity

单选题Lighter longitudinal stiffening frames on the vessel side pating are called().AstringersBside framesCside stiffenersDintercostals

单选题For a vessel with transverse inclination,an increase in GMT causes().Alist to stabilize at an angle of lollBlist to decreaseCtrim to decreaseDlist to increase

单选题For small angles of inclination,if the KG were equal to the KM,then the vessel would have().Apositive stabilityBnegative stabilityCneutral stabilityDmaximum stability

单选题At all angles of inclination,the true measure of a vessel’s stability is the().Ametacentric heightBdisplacementCrighting momentDinclining moment

单选题For a vessel with list,a decrease in GMT will cause the inclination to().Astabilize at an angle of lollBdecreaseCincreaseDremain constant

单选题For a vessel with list,a decrease in GMT will cause the angle of inclination to().Astabilize at an angle of lollBdecreaseCincreaseDremain constant

单选题A vessel’s KG is determined by().Adividing the total longitudinal moment summation by displacementBdividing the total vertical moment summation by displacementCmultiplying the MT1 by the longitudinal momentsDsubtracting LCF from LCB

单选题A vessel’s LCG is determined by().Adividing the total longitudinal moment summations by displacementBdividing the total vertical moment summations by displacementCmultiplying the MTC by the longitudinal momentsDsubtracting LCF from LCB

单选题Angular motion about the longitudinal axis of a vessel is known as().ApitchBsurgeCswayDroll

单选题0f the following, the most important consideration for a tank vessel is().AGMBthe vertical center of gravityCthe longitudinal center of gravityDthe stress on the hull

单选题In vessel construction. Beam brackets are triangular plates than join the deck beam to a().AbulkheadBframeCstanchionDdeck longitudinal