多选题Which three built-ins can you use to navigate between forms invoked with the OPEN_FORM built-in? ()ACLOSE_FORMBNEXT_FORMCGO_FORMDPREVIOUS_FORM

Which three built-ins can you use to navigate between forms invoked with the OPEN_FORM built-in? ()









解析: 暂无解析


The requisites for planning activities include________________. A.how the activities fit the objectivesB.the differences between the what and the how of each activityC.you can plan the activity with any different forms as you likeD.which activities demand oral or written work, which have visual, and which have tactile elements

Which command do you use to navigate to [edit interfaces]?() A. cd interfacesB. dir edit interfacesC. edit interfacesD. interfaces

Which three methods can you use for route discovery on a WX platform? ()(Choose three.) A. Enable RIPB. Enable OSPFC. Periodically poll any routerD. Import routes from a TFTP server

What are the techniques which you can use to teach intonation in a meaningful way?

Which of the following statements are true when creating NETBIOS names? ()A、 NETBIOS names can only use alphanumeric characters.B、 You can use a ’.’ in a NETBIOS name.C、 You can use an ’_’ (underscore) in a NETBIOS name.D、 NETBIOS names must be UPPERCASEE、 NETBIOS names can be a maximum of 32 characters

On which three can you use Recovery Manager (RMAN) to perform incremental backup?()A、data filesB、control filesC、tablespacesD、password fileE、parameter fileF、whole databaseG、flashback log fileH、archived log filesI、change tracking file

You want to use WLST to view metrics for a running domain. Which command should you issue to navigate through the Mbean hierarchy containing the metrics?()A、runtime ()  B、runtimeMbeanServer ()C、connectRuntime ()D、beginRuntime ()E、serverRuntime ()

For real time event processing, which three clients can you use?()A、JavaB、C++C、.NETD、REST

Which three built-ins can you use to navigate between forms invoked with the OPEN_FORM built-in? ()A、CLOSE_FORM B、NEXT_FORM C、GO_FORM D、PREVIOUS_FORM

You want to use the SQL Tuning Advisor to generate recommendations for badly written SQL statements in your development environment.   Which three sources can you select for the advisor to analyze? ()A、Top SQLB、snapshotsC、SQL Tuning setsD、index access pathE、optimizer statisticsF、materialized view logs

You have three computers that run Windows 7. You use Windows PowerShell to perform remote administration tasks on all three computers. You need to remotely administer all three  computers by usingPowerShell.  Which PowerShell cmdlet should you use?()A、Enable-PSRemotingB、Enable-PSSessionConfigurationC、New-PSDriveD、New-PSSession

You create Windows Forms applications by using the .NET Framework 3.5. You plan to use a setup project to deploy a new Windows Forms application.The application uses a component that requires the Microsoft NET Framework 1.1.You need to create a launch condition so that the application can be deployed on client computers.   What should you do?()A、Use the Depth property.B、Use the Version property.C、Use the MinVersion property.D、Use the ComponentID property.

多选题Which three methods can you use for route discovery on a WX platform? ()(Choose three.)AEnable RIPBEnable OSPFCPeriodically poll any routerDImport routes from a TFTP server

单选题While selecting files during an interactive restore with ufsrestore, you are interrupted by a junior  administrator before you can complete the file selection process and start the restore. After answering the administrator’s question, you realize that you have forgotten which files you had already selected for the restore.  How can you determine which files are already marked for extraction and restore? ()A You can use the ls subcommand of ufsrestore.B You can use the add subcommand of ufsrestore.C You can use the select subcommand of ufsrestore.D You can view the selected files as they are marked with a plus sign (+) in the list that is permanently displayed in the upper half of the interactive ufsrestore screen view.

单选题You create a multiple form application- Which built-in must you use to invoke the form modules to enable you to programmatically control navigation between the multiple forms in your application?()ANEW_FORM BOPEN_FORM CCALL_FORM DCLOSE_FORM

多选题On which three can you use Recovery Manager (RMAN) to perform incremental backup?()Adata filesBcontrol filesCtablespacesDpassword fileEparameter fileFwhole databaseGflashback log fileHarchived log filesIchange tracking file

单选题You use Microsoft .NET Framework 4 to create a Windows Forms application. You have a DataGridView that is bound to a DataTable containing a column named ProductName. The ProductName column can contain any valid string, except "ProductX," "ProductY," "ProductZ." You need to ensure that only valid entries for ProductName are saved when users edit the DataGridView. Which DataGridView event should you use?()ACellBeginEditBInvalidatedCValidatedDValidating

多选题You want to use the SQL Tuning Advisor to generate recommendations for badly written SQL statements in your development environment.   Which three sources can you select for the advisor to analyze? ()ATop SQLBsnapshotsCSQL Tuning setsDindex access pathEoptimizer statisticsFmaterialized view logs

多选题Your application requires that you programmatically manipulate a nonquery record group. Which three built-ins can you use?()ACREATE_GROUPBADD_GROUP_NOWCPOPULATE_GROUPDADD_GROUP_COLUMNECREATE_GROUP_FROM_QUERY

多选题Which two built-ins would you use to remove the HOUR_ALARM timer using the timer_id parameter?()AFIND_TIMERBCREATE_TIMERCSET_TIMERDDELETE_TIMEREGET_APPLICATION_PROPERTY

问答题Directions: In this part of the test, you will write ONE sentence that is based on a picture. With each picture, you will be given TWO words or phrases that you must use in your sentence. You can change the forms of the words and you can use the words in any order. Your sentences will be scored on:•the appropriate use of grammar and•the relevance of the sentence to the pictureYou will have 8 minutes to complete this part of the test.Practice 1Directions: Write ONE sentence based on the picture, using the TWO words or phrases beneath it. You may change the forms of the words and you may use them, in any order.

单选题You want to use WLST to view metrics for a running domain. Which command should you issue to navigate through the Mbean hierarchy containing the metrics?()Aruntime ()  BruntimeMbeanServer ()CconnectRuntime ()DbeginRuntime ()EserverRuntime ()

多选题For real time event processing, which three clients can you use?()AJavaBC++C.NETDREST

单选题Which command do you use to navigate to [edit interfaces]?()Acd interfacesBdir edit interfacesCedit interfacesDinterfaces

单选题You want to create a temporary table while executing a procedure in a form. Which statement is true?()AYou cannot create a table form within Forms. BYou must use the FORMS_DDL built-in to create the table. CYou must use the DBMS_DYNAMIC_DDL package to create the table. DYou can write the CREATE TABLE statement directly into the trigger.

多选题You need to create a trigger to locate the Product report in the Rpt_Server, run the report, and test the status of the report. Which three built-ins would you use to accomplish this task?()ARUN_PRODUCTBSET_REPORT_OBJECT_PROPERTYCRUN_REPORT_OBJECTDFIND_REPORT_OBJECTEREPORT_OBJECT_STATUSFCOPY_REPORT_OBJECT_OUTPUT

单选题You have three computers that run Windows 7. You use Windows PowerShell to perform remote administration tasks on all three computers. You need to remotely administer all three  computers by usingPowerShell.  Which PowerShell cmdlet should you use?()AEnable-PSRemotingBEnable-PSSessionConfigurationCNew-PSDriveDNew-PSSession