多选题Which two built-ins would you use to remove the HOUR_ALARM timer using the timer_id parameter?()AFIND_TIMERBCREATE_TIMERCSET_TIMERDDELETE_TIMEREGET_APPLICATION_PROPERTY

Which two built-ins would you use to remove the HOUR_ALARM timer using the timer_id parameter?()











解析: 暂无解析


You are using replication and the binary log files on your master server consume a lot of disk space. Which two steps should you perform to safely remove some of the older binary log files?() A.Use the command PURGE BINARY LOGS and specify a binary log file name or a date and time to remove unused filesB.Execute the PURGE BINARY LOGE NOT USED commandC.Remove all of the binary log files that have a modification date earlier than todayD.Edit the .index file to remove the files you want to deleteE.Ensure that none of the attached slaves are using any of the binary logs you want to delete

Which two commands would you use to discard a candidate configuration?() A. rollbackB. deleteC. delete 0D. rollback 0

Which two commands would you use to view OSPF routes?()A、show ip route ospfB、show ospf routesC、show route protocol ospfD、show route

Which two commands would you use to discard a candidate configuration?()A、rollbackB、deleteC、delete 0D、rollback 0

For which two situations would you use functionality provided by the Resource Manager? ()(Choose two.)A、setting idle timeout limits on resource plansB、saving storage space by using compressed backup setsC、creating jobs that will run automatically at a scheduled timeD、assigning priorities to jobs to manage access to system resourcesE、creating alerts to perform notification when tablespaces are low on available space resources

You configured the flash recovery area in the database. Which two files would you expect to find in the flash recovery area?()A、 backup piecesB、 copies of all the parameter filesC、 trace file generated using BACKUP CONTROLFILE TO TRACED、 control file autobackups

You are using the DBVERIFY utility to check the datafiles for any block corruption. You want to write the output of the dbv command to a file not to the screen.  Which parameter of the DBVERIFY utility will you use?()A、 FILEB、 PARFILEC、 LOGFILED、 FEEDBACK

You are using replication and the binary log files on your master server consume a lot of disk space. Which two steps should you perform to safely remove some of the older binary log files?()A、Use the command PURGE BINARY LOGS and specify a binary log file name or a date and time to remove unused filesB、Execute the PURGE BINARY LOGE NOT USED commandC、Remove all of the binary log files that have a modification date earlier than todayD、Edit the .index file to remove the files you want to deleteE、Ensure that none of the attached slaves are using any of the binary logs you want to delete

Which two built-ins would you use to remove the HOUR_ALARM timer using the timer_id parameter?()A、FIND_TIMER B、CREATE_TIMER C、SET_TIMER D、DELETE_TIMER E、GET_APPLICATION_PROPERTY

You have set the value of the NLS_TIMESTAMP_TZ_FORMAT parameter in the parameter file to YYYY-MM-DD. The default format of which two data types would be affected by this setting? ()A、 DATEB、 TIMESTAMPC、 INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTHD、 INTERVAL DAY TO SECONDE、 TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE

You are developing a tax report for the payroll application. You created a before parameter form report trigger to create three temporary tables to store text that are need while the report is executed. Which report trigger would you use to delete these temporary tables?()A、Before parameter form. B、After parameter form. C、Before report. D、After report.

多选题You have set the value of the NLS_TIMESTAMP_TZ_FORMAT parameter in the parameter file to YYYY/x7fMM/x7fDD. The default format of which two data types would be affected by this setting?()ADATEBTIMESTAMPCINTERVAL YEAR TO MONTHDINTERVAL DAY TO SECONDETIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE

多选题Which two commands would you use to view OSPF routes?()Ashow ip route ospfBshow ospf routesCshow route protocol ospfDshow route

多选题You need to create a trigger to locate the Product report in the Rpt_Server, run the report, and test the status of the report. Which three built-ins would you use to accomplish this task?()ARUN_PRODUCTBSET_REPORT_OBJECT_PROPERTYCRUN_REPORT_OBJECTDFIND_REPORT_OBJECTEREPORT_OBJECT_STATUSFCOPY_REPORT_OBJECT_OUTPUT

多选题Which two commands would you use to discard a candidate configuration?()ArollbackBdeleteCdelete 0Drollback 0

多选题You have set the value of the NLS_TIMESTAMP_TZ_FORMAT parameter in the parameter file to YYYY-MM-DD. The default format of which two data types would be affected by this setting? ()ADATEBTIMESTAMPCINTERVAL YEAR TO MONTHDINTERVAL DAY TO SECONDETIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE

多选题For which two situations would you use functionality provided by the Resource Manager? ()(Choose two.)Asetting idle timeout limits on resource plansBsaving storage space by using compressed backup setsCcreating jobs that will run automatically at a scheduled timeDassigning priorities to jobs to manage access to system resourcesEcreating alerts to perform notification when tablespaces are low on available space resources

多选题While creating a scheduler window using the DBMS_SCHEDULER package, a user logged in as DBMGR gets the error message insufficient privileges? Which two commands would you use to resolve this error?()AGRANT dba TO dbmgr;BGRANT connect TO dbmgr;CGRANT resource TO dbmgr;DGRANT hs_admin_role TO dmbgr;EGRANT manage scheduler TO dbmgr;

多选题Which two built-ins would you use to remove the HOUR_ALARM timer using the timer_id parameter?()AFIND_TIMERBCREATE_TIMERCSET_TIMERDDELETE_TIMEREGET_APPLICATION_PROPERTY

多选题Your application requires that you programmatically manipulate a nonquery record group. Which three built-ins can you use?()ACREATE_GROUPBADD_GROUP_NOWCPOPULATE_GROUPDADD_GROUP_COLUMNECREATE_GROUP_FROM_QUERY

多选题You configured the flash recovery area in the database. Which two files would you expect to find in the flash recovery area? ()Abackup piecesBcontrol file autobackupsCcopies of all the parameter filesDtrace file generated using BACKUP CONTROLFILE TO TRACE

多选题You are required to remove the default EXTPROC entry from the default listener configuration to create a listener that will listen specifically for EXTPROC calls. Which two methods can you use to remove the default EXTPROC entry from the default listener configuration? ()Athe RMAN utilityBthe import/export utilityCthe Oracle Enterprise ManagerDthe change tracking featureEthe Net Manager utility

多选题Without calling JTAC, which two troubleshooting tools on a MAG Series device would you use to identify the cause of an authentication failure?()ARemote DebuggingBSystem SnapshotCUser Access logsDPolicy Tracing

多选题You are using replication and the binary log files on your master server consume a lot of disk space. Which two steps should you perform to safely remove some of the older binary log files?()AUse the command PURGE BINARY LOGS and specify a binary log file name or a date and time to remove unused filesBExecute the PURGE BINARY LOGE NOT USED commandCRemove all of the binary log files that have a modification date earlier than todayDEdit the .index file to remove the files you want to deleteEEnsure that none of the attached slaves are using any of the binary logs you want to delete

多选题Which three built-ins can you use to navigate between forms invoked with the OPEN_FORM built-in? ()ACLOSE_FORMBNEXT_FORMCGO_FORMDPREVIOUS_FORM

多选题While creating a scheduler window using the DBMS_SCHEDULER package, a user logged in as DBMGR gets the error message insufficient privileges.  Which two commands would you use to resolve this error?()AGRANT dba TO dbmgr;BGRANT connect TO dbmgr;CGRANT resource TO dbmgr;DGRANT hs_admin_role TO dbmgr;EGRANT manage scheduler TO dbmgr;

单选题You are using the DBVERIFY utility to check the datafiles for any block corruption. You want to write the output of the dbv command to a file not to the screen.  Which parameter of the DBVERIFY utility will you use?()A FILEB PARFILEC LOGFILED FEEDBACK

多选题For which two situations would you use functionality provided by the Resource Manager?()Asetting idle timeout limits on resource plansBsaving storage space by using compressed backup setsCcreating jobs that will run automatically at a scheduled timeDassigning priorities to jobs to manage access to system resourcesEcreating alerts to perform notification when tablespaces are low on available space resources