单选题The abbreviation of “GP” in the passage can probably mean____________.AGeneral PractionerBGeneral ProfessionCGeneral PracticeDGraduate in Pharmacy

The abbreviation of “GP” in the passage can probably mean____________.

General Practioner


General Profession


General Practice


Graduate in Pharmacy


本题是词义题。文中第一和第二段提到一名医生遭控告,因为他对并不需要的夜间出诊收取夜间出诊服务费,而且自己的年收入因此上升到接近二十万英镑;这一数额几乎是当地卫生当局三分之一的加班GP预算;第七段第二句提到:平均GP一年会有50次紧急夜间出诊(The average GP makes 50 emergency night calls a year.);由此可以推断GP应是指医生,所以答案为选项A“全科医师”。


The word“shoot”underlined in the 2nd passage probably means“”.A.send forB.move quicklyC.come outD.grow quickly

In this passage, "optical" can be understood as related to ______.A.lightB.audioC.electronicsD.multimedia

As can be gathered from the passage, before 1910 the normal running time of a film was probably ______.A.15 minutes or lessB.between 15 and 30 minutesC.between 30 and 45 minutesD.1 hour or more

It can be inferred from the passage that the impact of divorce_____.[A] on kids of different sexes will probably change as they grow older[B] may cause most kids’ difficulties in communicating with others[C] on an irritable girl is greater than a noncompliant boy[D] is always greater on boys than on girls

This passage most probably is_________A. a book reviewB. the preface of a bookC. the postscript. of a bookD. the concluding part of a book

From the passage we can () that this disease can be cured.A、insultB、inspireC、refuseD、infer

This passage most probably is( ).A.a book reviewB.the preface of a bookC. the postscript of a bookD. the concluding part of a book

30.In which part of a newspaper would you most probably read the passage?A. Shopping.B.Teaching.C.Family.D.Health.

It can be inferred from the passage that Brian Swann believes which of the following about the European settlers of America?( ) A.They probably were more literate,on the average,than the general European population they left behind. B.They probably thought it necessary to understand American Indian politics before studying American Indian literature. C.They probably did not recognize evidence of an oral poetic tradition in the American Indian cultures they encountered. D.They probably could not appreciate American Indian poetry because it was composed in long narrative cycles.

问答题What did Fleming probably die of according to the passage?

单选题The abbreviation "TDS" about the potable water probably means ().Atotal dissolved solidsBtemperature of distillation of sea waterCtotal dissolved sodiumDtotal delivery system

单选题In which kind of the magazine can we probably read this passage?AEntertainment.BTechnology.CSports.DHealth.

单选题From the passage, we can learn that “Greyhound” is probably the name of _____.Aall airlineBa hotelCa websiteDa bus company

单选题This passage is probably taken from ______.Aa story bookBa posterCa science fictionDa medical magazine

单选题From the passage we can infer that the passage is probably selected from______.Aa speech to business leadersBa speech of a manager to his staffCan article in a popular magazineDa movie

单选题According to the passage, lack of sleep for a long while can probably lead to all of the following EXCEPT _____.Aheart diseaseBweight gainCdiabetesDliver disease

单选题This passage is most probably taken from _________.Aan academic paperBa newspaper reportCa textbook about magnetsDa science fiction

单选题The underlined word “transfer” in this passage most probably means “______”.AcreateBpass onCtake offDdescribe

单选题Which of the following activities can be used to get the main idea of a passage? _____.Areading the passage in detailBreading to sequence the eventsCreading to fill in the chartsDreading the first and last sentences of the passage and the paragraphs

多选题Consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply.  Which of the following inferences can be made the information given in the passage?ALeonard Fuchs probably never actually saw a fuchsia plant.BCharles Plumier was a student of Fuchs’s at Tubingen.CPlumier’s book of plants included species from the Caribbean.

单选题Based on the example provided in the passage, we can tell that when a spider is removed to a new position where half of a net has been made, it will probably _____.Abegin a completely new netBdestroy the half-netCspin the rest of the netDstay away from the net

单选题The best title of the passage can be____________.AA Dishonest PersonBThe Guilty Practice for a Noble ProfessionCThe Illegal NHS of a GP in LondonDThe Fortune-making Activities of a Doctor

单选题This passage is probably taken from _____.Aan advertisement of an airlineBa notice for airline passengersCa schedule of an international flightDan introduction to an airline company

单选题The abbreviation of “GP” in the passage can probably mean.AGeneral PractionerBGeneral ProfessionCGeneral PracticeDGraduate in Pharmacy

单选题In which part of a newspaper can we probably read this passage?ATravelBCultureCTechnologyDAdvertisement

单选题This passage is most probably taken from ______.Aa tourist guideBa bank brochureCa booklet about car rentalDa handbook on U.S. currency

单选题According to the passage, which of the following can probably lead to women’s work-related strain?AThey are not creative enough in their work.BThey could not afford to lose their job.CThey have no say in decision-making.DThey are underpaid compared with men.

单选题From the passage, we know that ______ABilly can’t hearBBilly can’t seeCBilly can’t walkDBilly can’t talk