





问答题What does the word “haven” in the last paragraph refer to?

单选题What can we infer from the last paragraph?AThe exploration of a little-known coral reef must be continued.BRainbow Warrior is determined to forbid bottom trawling in international waters.CRainbow Warrior will unearth crucial evidence to stop the bottom trawling.DThe UN is determined to forbid bottom trawling in international waters.

单选题He is so kind and generous that he always cast his _____ upon the waters.AstoneBbreadCsandDfish


单选题AThey will be the first tours that get out of the earth’s orbit.BThe number of tourists will be reduced.CThey are less dangerous than travelling to Mars.DThe number of tourists will not be too large.

单选题Lisa’s home can best be described as _____Adangerous.Bcrude.Cbeautiful.Ddirty.


单选题AShe thinks she needs more acting experience.BShe is excited about learning new acting skills.CShe thinks she is not very skilled at acting.DShe thinks she is better at acting than directing.

单选题Which of the following italicized parts is a predicative clause (表语从句)?AA prosperity that had never been seen before appears in the countryside.BThe idea that you can do this work well without thinking is quite wrong.CIt is true that he has made a very important discovery in chemistry.DHis suggestion is that we should keep moving forward without hesitation.



单选题Doctors are often caught in a _____ because they have to decide whether they should tell their patients the truth or not.ApuzzleBperplexityCdilemmaDbewilderment

单选题AIncreasing government’s handouts to the poor.BGovernment’s creation of more jobs.CEncouraging people to find jobs themselves.DRelying on government relief.


单选题A good education is an _____ you can fall back on for the rest of your life.AassetBethicCinventoryDobligation


单选题Margaret Mead’s reputation was established with the publication of her first book in 1982 and was _____ by her many subsequent contributions to anthropologyAhardenedBenhancedCseparatedDjudged

单选题Small farms and the lack of modern technology have _____ agricultural production.AblunderedBtangledCbewilderedDhampered


单选题The phrase “a ticking time bomb” in the second paragraph is used to stress _____Athe risk of sleep deprivation.Bour concern about good health.Cone possible cause of early death.Dour ignorance about the lack of sleep.


单选题If you work under a car when repairing it, you often get very _____.AwaxyBslipperyCstickyDgreasy

单选题I felt so embarrassed that I couldn’t do anything but _____ there when I first met my present wife.Ato sitBsittingCsatDsit


问答题What does the word “haven” in the last paragraph refer to?


单选题ATo look at a book.BTo look at brochure.CTo look at a newspaper.DTo book tickets for a summer festival.