












问答题来自英国的Luna女士为女儿线上报名了上海游的旅行团,由于人数已满,你需要写信告知她该信息,建议她提交候补申请,并对其担忧进行解答。请用所报考语种撰写该致歉信,并涵盖以下内容:  (1)已收到她的报名信,遗憾地通知其人数已满;  (2)建议提交候补申请;  (3)对于其女儿单独旅行的安全问题进行解释,使其安心;  (4)如有问题请再次联系你。  要求语言规范,行文流畅,格式正确,字数150~200字。

单选题What is the train()to Birmingham?AfeeBtipCfareDcost

单选题These seats of the first row in the concert hall are _____ for the use of committee members.AreservedBservedCpreservedDconserved

单选题The border incident was _____ to the territory dispute left over from the previous government.AchargedBdeliveredCrelatedDtransferred

单选题My parents are not interested in modern music. They are()the times.AbeforeBbehindCafterDlow

单选题The temperatures are somewhat lower than the average temperature in May this year.AratherBveryCa littleDless

单选题May I move your bag a little and take this seat? .()AI don't mindBIt doesn't matterCYou do it pleaseDGo ahead

单选题We are planning an outing.() Sure.AWhere are you going?BWhen will you leave?CHow is everything?DDo you want to join us?

单选题Farmers use water in many ways.() they use water to grow crops.AIn factBFor exampleCBesidesDBecause of this

单选题You should have a health()if you work in a restaurant.AdiplomaBcertificateClicenseDpassport

单选题If you want to visit someone in England, you'd better make arrangement()AintimeBinturnCinadvanceDindetail

单选题Sally's parents() come and stay with her soon.Aare goingBare going toCis going to


单选题Many()shops will be forced to close if the new supermarket is built.AlocalBbroadCgeneralDpublic

单选题The radio is too noisy, please().Aturn down itBturn it downCturn off itDturn it up

单选题She found()on the beach.Athe alivefishBan alivefishCa fishaliveDalive fishes

单选题()for the Olympic Games begin about ten years in advance.ABidBTo bidCBiddingDTo be bidden

问答题你在新加坡旅游时借住在朋友家中,受到了他们的悉心照顾和热情招待,回国后你决定给他们写一封感谢信,要求语言规范,行文流畅,字数为150~200字,内容需要覆盖以下两部分:  (1)感谢对方的热情招待;  (2)邀请对方来中国旅游;

问答题Practice 3Directions: You are asked to write in no less than 150 words about the title of Environment: Everybody’s Business or Nobody’s Business? You should base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below:  1. 环境对于我们每个人都是重要的。  2. 人们有着不同的环保意识。  3. 行动起来,保护环境是每个人的义务。

单选题— Is this the motel you mentioned? —()AIt looks comfortableBYes, it’s as quiet as we expectedCYou’re so considerateDNo, the price’s reasonable

单选题What did you type in? The computer screen showed()message.AerrorBan errorCwrongDmistaken

单选题He must use this surplus in three ways: as seed for sowing, as an insurance _____ the unpredictable effects of bad weather and as a commodity.AforBagainstCofDtowards


单选题She leaned()the wall while she was speaking to her friend.AtoBagainstCtowardsDfor

单选题As a result of the epidemic of AIDS in Africa, _____.Athe life span for most of the people has been reduced by 40 yearsBmost young people have been infected with human immunodeficiency virusCpeople will have to learn to live with the disease for over 50 yearsDthe achievements made in preserving people’s health in the past will be wiped off


单选题Excuse me. I didn't mean to bother you.()AThere‘s no problem.BIt‘s a pleasure.CThat‘s quite all right.DI didn‘t realize that.