单选题The word impoverished in Paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ______.AdifficultBrichCfamousDpoor

The word impoverished in Paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ______.









词义推测题。根据文章第一段“Her mother was once a slave in a rich woman’s house. When Maggie was very young, a thief killed her father. Her family was impoverished, so Maggie’s mother started doing laundry in her home”可以得到,Maggie的母亲曾经是一名奴隶,她年幼丧父,家里没有钱,所以她的母亲只好给有钱人洗衣服,由此可推断impoverished应该是“贫穷的”意思,与poor意思相近。因此此题选D。


The word “devastating” (Line 3, Paragraph 2) is closest in meaning to _____[A] destructive [B] regretful [C] frustrating [D] terrible

The underlined word remedy in Paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to __________.A. avoidB. acceptC. improveD. consider

The word “ruts”(line 1, paragraph 4) is closest in meaning toA.tracks.B.series.C.characteristics.D.connections.

Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined word “plummeted” in Paragraph 3?A.Punished timely.B.Spread widely.C.Continued gradually.D.Dropped sharply.

In the article, the word “course” in paragraph1, line 4, is closest in meaning to:A. classB. periodC. programD. direction

In the e-mail, the word "address" in paragraph 3, line 1, is closest in meaning to (  ).A.give attention toB.write toC.look forward toD.call by name

In the press release,the word “assutne“in Paragraph 4,Line 1 is closest in meaning to__。A. take onB. exceptC. apply forD. understand

单选题The word “sustained” in paragraph l. 1ine 5 of the report is closest in meaning to ______?AmaintainedBsurvivedCrecoveredDsuffered

单选题The underlined word “codes” in Paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to .AnumbersBarticlesCformsDideas

单选题The word “sleazy” (paragraph 1) is closest in meaning to ______.Alacking moistureBlacking persistenceClacking substanceDlacking confidence

单选题The word “domestic”(paragraph 1) is closest in meaning to ______.AindustrialBagriculturalCnaturalDhousehold

单选题The word “tentative” in paragraph 2, line 1 of the letter is closest in meaning to ______ .AunusualBexcitingCunconfirmedDattached

单选题The word 66colossal9' in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to_____.Avery largeBvery smallCmediumDaverage

单选题The underlined word “booming” in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to ______.AlargeBthrivingCfrequentDfast

单选题“Wanting” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to _____.AnecessaryBmisleadingCunsatisfactoryDpractical

单选题The word “holding” in paragraph 3, line 6 is closest in meaning to ______.AsupportingBremainingCacquiringDowning

单选题The word cubs in the fourth paragraph is closest in meaning to _____.AadultsBbabiesChuntersDenemies

单选题The compound word “quick-fix” in Paragraph 1, sentence 3 is closest in meaning to _____.Aan optional solutionBan expedient solutionCa ready solutionDan efficient solution

单选题The word “saga” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to “_____”.Aextraordinary storyBspecial functionCdetailed informationDlatest development

单选题The word “forward” in paragraph 3, line 2 of the email is closest in meaning to ______.AadvanceBsendCreceiveDreturn

单选题In the email, the phrase “putting on” in paragraph 1, line 2, is closest in meaning toAadvertisingBevaluatingCperformingDhosting

单选题The word “fluctuations” in paragraph 1, line 1 is closest in meaning to ______.AincreasesBinspectionsCchangesDconclusions

单选题The word “progressively” in paragraph 5, line 1 is closest in meaning to ______.AmoderatelyBfrequentlyCincreasinglyDliberally

单选题Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined word"ubiquitous" in PARAGRAPH THREE?ADeliciously made.BEasily found.CCommonly mentioned.DHotly disputed.

单选题Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined word"momentum" in Paragraph 2?AMoment.BMotive.CAchievement.DIncentive.

单选题The wordnotable in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to ______.AcommonBcapableCwonderfulDremarkable

单选题The word impoverished in Paragraph l is closest in meaning to_AdifficultBrichCfamousDpoor