问答题运行时设置Log标签中,如果没有勾选“Enable logging”,则手工消息可以发送吗?
运行时设置Log标签中,如果没有勾选“Enable logging”,则手工消息可以发送吗?
关于LDP Session建立过程的描述,正确的是:() A.两个LSR之间互相发送HELLO消息。HELLO消息中携带传输地址,传输地址较大的一方作为主动方,发起建TCP连接。B.如果Hello MESSage中没有携Transport Address则该Hello Message的目的IP地址用于建立TCP连接,目的IP地址较大的一方作为主动方发起建立TCP连接。C.主动方会发送Advertisement Message消息,协商建立LDP会话的相关参数,包括LDP协议版本、标签分发方式.KeePalive保持定时器的值、最大PDU长度和标签空间等。D.如果被动方能够接受相关参数,则发送Initialization I, message消息,同时发送keepalive消息给主动方。
在RHEL5系统中,对于没有使用独立日志文件的一些服务程序,通常会将日志消息发送到公共日志文件( )中。 A. /var/log/dmesgB. /var/log/messagesC. /var/log/publicD. /var/run/utmp
创建传递包后,如果想以电子邮件附件方式发送给其他人,需要()。 A.勾选“创建传递”对话框中的“用传递发送电子邮件”B.勾选“传递设置”对话框中的“用传递发送电子邮件”C.勾选“修改传递设置”对话框中的“用传递发送电子邮件”D.使用电子传递不能发送电子邮件
You would like to log messages up to the severity level "notification". Which three of these commands will you need to issue in order to enable syslog messages to be sent to the syslog server at the IP address ()(Choose three.)A. logging onB. logging host logging console notificationsD. logging trap notifications
MPLS网络可以采用不同的方式来发布标签。在如图所示的网络中,SWB和SWA之间采用DU方式发布标签。SWA作为上游交换机,则()。 A.SWA没有向SWB请求标签,SWB依然发送标签映射消息给SWAB.SWA没有向SWB请求标签,SWB也不会发送标签映射消息给SWAC.SWB没有向SWA请求标签,SWA依然发送标签映射消息给SWBD.SWB没有向SWA请求标签,SWA也不会发送标签映射消息给SWB
在jms中,如果一个producer在发送消息时consumer没有alive,则如何设置才能使得 consumer起来后接收到消息?()A. consumer不可能接收到消息B. 一定要配置persistanceC. 只要消息没有timed out就可以D. consumer总能够接收到消息
You would like to log messages up to the severity level "notification". Which three of these commands will you need to issue in order to enable syslog messages to be sent to the syslog server at the IP address ()(Choose three.)A、logging onB、logging host、logging console notificationsD、logging trap notifications
You have a domain controller that runs Windows Server 2008 and is configured as a DNS server. You need to record all inbound DNS queries to the server. What should you configure in the DNS Manager console()A、Enable debug logging.B、Enable automatic testing for simple queries.C、Enable automatic testing for recursive queries.D、Configure event logging to log errors and warnings.
You need to design a strategy to log access to the company Web site. What should you do?()A、Enable logging on the company Web site and select the NCSA Common Log File Format. Store the log files on a SQL Server computerB、Use System Monitor to create a counter log that captures network traffic to the Web server by using the Web Service object. Store the log files on a SQL Server computerC、Run the Network Monitor on the Web server. Create a capture filter for the SNA protocol and save the results to a capture file. Store the capture file on a SQL Server computerD、Enable logging on the company Web site and select ODBC Logging. Configure the ODBC logging options by using a nonadministrative SQL account
You have a domain controller that runs Windows Server 2008 R2 and is configured as a DNS server. You need to record all inbound DNS queries to the server. What should you configure in the DNS Manager console()A、Enable debug logging.B、Enable automatic testing for simple queries.C、Enable automatic testing for recursive queries.D、Configure event logging to log errors and warnings.
EXPORT LOGFILE中的Add Export Order子窗口中,Merge output选项的作用是()A、勾选后实现多个LOG文件信息合并在一个事件统计内B、勾选后实现一个LOG文件分割,导出多个事件统计C、可以实现一个LOG文件分割成多个LOG文件D、以上说法均正确
You have a domain controller that runs Windows Server 2008 and is configured as a DNS server You need to record all inbound DNS queries to the server. What should you configure in the DNS Manager console()A、Enable debug logging.B、Enable automatic testing for simple queries.C、Enable automatic testing for recursrve queries.D、Configure event logging to log errors and warnings.
多选题双击时间线窗口的摄像机层可以调出Camera Settings对话框,以下关于在Camera Settings对话框中对摄像机属性进行设定的描述正确的是:()A只有勾选了Lock to Zoom,才可以激活Aperture和F-Stop属性设置栏B只有勾选了Enable Depth of Field,才可以才可以激活Aperture和F-Stop属性设置C勾选Lock to Zoom后,Aperture和F-Stop两个属性的值是联动的,且互为反比D勾选Lock to Zoom后,Aperture和F-Stop两个属性的值是联动的,且互为正比
单选题EXPORT LOGFILE中的Add Export Order子窗口中,Merge output选项的作用是()A勾选后实现多个LOG文件信息合并在一个事件统计内B勾选后实现一个LOG文件分割,导出多个事件统计C可以实现一个LOG文件分割成多个LOG文件D以上说法均正确