单选题The basic collision avoidance display presented by CASII is designed for easy interpretation and()of possible collision threat situations.Afull confirmationBprecise appreciationCimmediate assessmentDtimely recognition

The basic collision avoidance display presented by CASII is designed for easy interpretation and()of possible collision threat situations.

full confirmation


precise appreciation


immediate assessment


timely recognition


解析: 暂无解析


The basic input device on a small computer is a () . A、keyboardB、printerC、A display screenD、card reader

● Categories of risk response are (72).(72)A.Identification, quantification, response development, and response controlB.Marketing, technical, financial, and humanC.Avoidance, retention, control, and deflectionD.Avoidance, mitigation, acceptance, and Transferring

Two stations on the Ezonexam LAN transmit at the same time, resulting in a collision. What happens when a collision occurs on the network? (Choose all that apply)A.Each device on the Ethernet segment stops transmitting for a short time.B.A jam signal informs all devices that a collision occurred.C.When data transmission resumes, the devices that were involved in the collision have priority to transmit.D.The devices that are involved in the collision stops transmitting for a short time.E.The collision invokes a random back-off algorithm.

Categories of risk response are ______.A.Identification,quantification,response development,and response controlB.Marketing,technical,financial,and humanC.Avoidance,retention,control,and deflectionD.Avoidance,mitigation,acceptance,and transferring

Systems of inbound and outbound lanes to promote the safe flow of vessel traffic in certain areas around the world are known as ______.A.merchant vessel reporting systemsB.traffic separation schemesC.collision avoidance fairwaysD.restricted maneuverability channels

The abbreviation PPI in the Sperry Collision Avoidance System means ______.A.plan position indicatorB.plain position indicatorC.plane position indicationD.policy proof of interest

systems perform. basic tasks, such as recognizing input from the keyboard, sending output to the display screen, keeping track of files and(75)on the disk, and controlling peripheral devices such as disk drives and printers.A.OperationB.OperatorC.OperatingD.Operate

A link light on a switch is an example of which of the following Ethernet properties?() A. Collision detectionB. Multiple access pointsC. Carrier senseD. Collision avoidance

Determining when to retransmit frames is an example of which of the following Ethernet properties?() A. Carrier senseB. Collision detectionC. Multiple access pointsD. Collision avoidance

The basic collision avoidance display presented by CASII is designed for easy interpretation and ______ of possible collision threat situations.A.Full confirmationB.Precise appreciationC.Immediate assessmentD.Timely recognition

A timely review of system access audit records would be an example of which of the basic security functions? 及时的复审系统访问审计记录是以下哪个安全功能的例子?()A、prevention.预防B、avoidance.避免C、detection.检测D、deterrence.威慑

Which statement is true regarding an Ethernet collision domain?()A、If a router is used, the collision domain includes all devices connected to the router.B、If a hub is used, the collision domain is limited to each device and the hub.C、If a switch is used, the collision domain is limited to each device and the switch.D、If a bridge is used, the collision domain includes all devices connected to the bridge.

Which two statements are true regarding an Ethernet collision domain?()A、If a switch is used, the collision domain is limited to each device and the switchB、If a hub is used, the collision domain is limited to each device and the hubC、If a hub is used, the collision domain includes all devices connected to the hubD、If a switch is used, the collision domain includes all devices connected to the switch



Two stations on a LAN transmit at the same time, resulting in a collision. What happens when a collision occurs on the network?()A、Each device on the Ethernet segment stops transmitting for a short time.B、A jam signal informs all devices that a collision occurred.C、When data transmission resumes, the devices that were involved in the collision have priority to transmit.D、The devices that are involved in the collision stops transmitting for a short time.E、The collision invokes a random back-off algorithm.

Which of the following BEST describes a DAS?()A、A collection of disks presented as storage to multiple servers through dedicated channels.B、A collection of disks presented as storage to a single server through an existing network.C、A collection of disks presented as storage to a single server through directly attached technologies.D、A collection of disks presented as storage to multiple servers through an existing network.

A link light on a switch is an example of which of the following Ethernet properties?()A、Collision detectionB、Multiple access pointsC、Carrier senseD、Collision avoidance

Determining when to retransmit frames is an example of which of the following Ethernet properties?()A、Carrier senseB、Collision detectionC、Multiple access pointsD、Collision avoidance

Which statement is true regarding an Ethernet collision domain?()A、If a router is used, the collision domain includes all devices connected to the routerB、If a hub is used, the colision domain is limited to each device and the hubC、If a switch is used, the collision domain is limited to each device and the switchD、If a bridge is used, the collision domain includes all devices connected to the bridge

单选题What is TRUE of the history display of a target’s past positions on an ARPA?()AIt provides a graphic display to emphasize which vessel is on a collision courseBIn the true presentation,it provides a quick visual check to determine if a vessel has changed courseCThe display is one of the primary inputs and must be in use when using the trial maneuver capabilityDIt provides a graphic display of a target vessel's relative course,speed,and CPA


单选题Every deck officer should be able efficiently carry out:()AAdministration;BNavigation/Collision Avoidance;CConning;DAbove of all.

单选题Which statement is true regarding an Ethernet collision domain?()AIf a router is used, the collision domain includes all devices connected to the routerBIf a hub is used, the colision domain is limited to each device and the hubCIf a switch is used, the collision domain is limited to each device and the switchDIf a bridge is used, the collision domain includes all devices connected to the bridge

多选题Which two statements are true regarding an Ethernet collision domain?()AIf a switch is used, the collision domain is limited to each device and the switchBIf a hub is used, the collision domain is limited to each device and the hubCIf a hub is used, the collision domain includes all devices connected to the hubDIf a switch is used, the collision domain includes all devices connected to the switch

多选题Which two statements are true regarding an Ethernet collision domain?()AIf a switch is used, the collision domain is limited to each device and the switch.BIf a hub is used, the collision domain is limited to each device and the hub.CIf a hub is used, the collision domain includes all devices connected to the hub.DIf a switch is used, the collision domain includes all devices connected to the switch.

单选题The Chinese vessel was()a foreign vessel.Ain collision betweenBin collision withCcollision ainstDcollision with