单选题I stopped()last year.AsmokingBsmokeCto smokeDsmoked

I stopped()last year.





to smoke




解析: 暂无解析


This hotel _____ me _____ the one we stayed in last year. (A) catches… sight of(B) appeals…to(C) attaches…to(D) reminds…of

I don't think I am going trick-or-()this year. A、treatingB、playingC、magicD、quitting

Many of the world’s great novels are reported ________ into films last year. A.to makeB.to have been madeC.to have madeD.to be making

The playboy ____ himself in the luxury life and stayed idle the whole last year. A. lostB. gainedC. putD. got

I have lost my job for one year. There are times when I wonder( )I will ever have a job again. A. thatB. whetherC. whichD. when

The road () built last year. A、has being builtB、is beingC、was

If I had () in business, I might be a very wealthy man today. A.doneB.goneC.stayedD.stopped

He said, “I ________ a lot of new words by the end of last year.” A.had already learntB.have already learntC.would have already learntD.already learnt

—Ok, I'll drink my last can of beer when I drive home. — () A、Have fun.B、I'll drink too.C、No way. You'll be stopped by the police.

I haven't seen you _________ last year. A.untilB.sinceC.tillD.from

There was a gunshot in the cinema last night.I heard about it, and()A. I felt into sleep immediately after that.B. I hope nobody was hurt in the cinema.C. do you know what movie was on last night?

My friend was driving home on the highway last night when a policeman stopped him and______ him of speeding.A.chargedB. accusedC. warnedD. reminded

His dream of becoming a doctor finally _____ last year. A.come trueB.came trueC.dream aboutD.fill out

We will still have to practice economy, ( ) our income for this year has risen 30 percent compared with that of last year. A.even ifB.evenC.thoughD.even thenE. as though

I suggest we stopped and found shelter from the wind and snow for the night.()

I’m ()to graduate in the next half of the year. A、dueB、owingC、thanksD、because

I() ping-pang quite well, but I haven t had time to play since the new year. A、will playB、have palyedC、playedD、play

With immense relief I stopped running.A:no B:little C:scarce D:enormous

I stopped()last year.AsmokingBsmokeCto smokeDsmoked

A: As you know, JK Toys has a strong presence in Europe. B: Yes, I saw your sales figures for last year.()A、Notatall.B、Newstravelsfastinthetoyindustry.C、Theyareveryimpressive.D、Goodthings,Ihope.

I stopped()last year.A、smokingB、smokeC、to smokeD、smoked

When I ()(发现他骗我) I stopped buying thins there and started dealing with another shop.

Letter “G” shows that“ ()”.A、I have a pilot on boardB、I require a pilot.C、I have stopped.D、My vessel is healthy .

单选题A: As you know, JK Toys has a strong presence in Europe. B: Yes, I saw your sales figures for last year.()ANotatall.BNewstravelsfastinthetoyindustry.CTheyareveryimpressive.DGoodthings,Ihope.

单选题Tom: Hi, Ken. How’s it going?  Ken: OK. How are things with you?  Tom: Not too bad. In fact, pretty good. Did I tell you that I got a new job?  Ken: No. you didn’t.  Tom: ______ I heard about a job opening in another company. I applied and had an interview. Three days later someone called to tell me that I got it.  Ken: ______ How do you like the job?  Tom: I like it. The salary’s a bit higher than on my last job and the benefits are very good.AYou know that I was in the hospital yesterday. I’m glad to see you.BI was temporarily employed last year. ; It’s natural to hear that.CI got a promotion last week. ; How lucky you are!DWell, I was laid off last month. ; That’s good news.

填空题The price of petrol is much (high) ____ now than it was this time last year.

填空题When I ()(发现他骗我) I stopped buying thins there and started dealing with another shop.