单选题Which of the following best states that author’s attitude toward comics, as expressed in the passage?AThey constitute an innovative art from.BThey can be a worthwhile subject for study.CThey are critically important to an understanding of modern art.DTheir visual structure is more complex than that of medieval art.

Which of the following best states that author’s attitude toward comics, as expressed in the passage?

They constitute an innovative art from.


They can be a worthwhile subject for study.


They are critically important to an understanding of modern art.


Their visual structure is more complex than that of medieval art.


作者认为:Just as the study of poetry remains incomplete without an awareness of the language of prose, so, I believe, the study of art will be increasingly supplemented by inquiry into the “linguistics” of the visual image,就像没有散文的语言意识就很难学好诗歌一样,通过研究视觉图像的“语言学”会对相关艺术领域的探索作一些补充。漫画是艺术中的一种,同样也是值得学习研究的。


Which of the following words best describes the author’s attitude towards China’s high-speed railway plan?A.Critical.B.Reserved.C.DoubtfulD. Positive.

It can be inferred that the author's attitude toward cell phone yakking is_________ .A. approvingB. disapprovingC. encouragingD. indifferent

Which of the following best states the author’s attitude toward the information that scholars have gathered about Proust’s writing in 1909?( ) A.The author is disappointed that no new documents have come to light since Fallois’speculations. B.The author is dissatisfied because there are too many gaps and inconsistencies in the drafts. C.The author is confident that Fallois’s 1954 guess has been proved largely correct,but regrets that still more detailed documentation concerning Proust’s transition from the essay to the novel has not emerged. D.The author is satisfied that the facts of Proust’s life in 1909 have been thoroughly established,but believes such documents as drafts and correspondence are only of limited value in a critical assessment of Proust’s writing.

单选题The author's attitude toward Nero could best be described as ______.Aobjective disapprovalBoutright disgustCenthusiastic approvalDcondescending cynicismEbegrudging respect

单选题The author’s attitude toward the culture in most factories is best described as _____.AcautiousBcriticalCdisinterestedDrespectful

单选题The sentence “But this has rarely been a one-way street.” in the last paragraph means that _____.Acontemporary art has been nourished by modern scienceBmodern science has been nourished by artCartists can become scientists and scientists can become artistsDthe impacts of modern art and science are actually mutual

单选题Which of the following best summarizes the author’s attitude toward the Advance Directive?AIt should be made legally binding in BritainBIts morally questionable.CIt is the same as mercy killing, and therefore should not be encouraged.DIt runs counter to traditional English law.

单选题Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?AUnlike Francisco Goya, Pablo Picasso and several Mexican artists expressed their political opinions in their paintings.BHistory books often reveal the compilers’ political views.CReligious art remained in Europe for centuries the only type of art because most people regarded the Bible as the Holy Book.DIn the Middle East even today you can hardly find any human and animal figures on palaces or other buildings.

单选题The author’s statement regarding how artists use the languages of art implies that _____.Aartists are better equipped than art historians to provide detailed evaluations of other artist’s workBmany artists have an unusually quick, intuitive understanding of languageCartists can produce works of art even if they cannot analyze their methods of doing soDartists of the past, such as Giotto, were better educated about artistic issues than were artists of the author’s time

单选题The author’s attitude toward the renting business can be summarized as _____.AcriticalBambiguousCsupportiveDsuspicious

单选题The author's attitude toward the 'worst' list (line 8) is best described as ______.ArevulsionBreluctant acceptanceCamusementDappreciationEbewilderment

单选题From the passage, one can assume that which of the following statements would best describe Hemingway’s attitude toward knowledge?AOne can learn about life only by living it fully.BA wise person will read widely in order to learn about life.CKnowledge is a powerful tool that should be reserved only for those who know how to use it.DExperience is a poor teacher.

单选题Which of the following can best describe the author’s attitude toward the U.S. position on global warming?AIndifferent.BUnderstandable.CAppreciative.DCritical.

单选题Which of the following might be the best title of the text?AAncient ArtBThe Navaho IndianCSand paintingsDFunctions of Art

单选题Which of the following best states that author’s attitude toward comics, as expressed in the passage?AThey constitute an innovative art from.BThey can be a worthwhile subject for study.CThey are critically important to an understanding of modern art.DTheir visual structure is more complex than that of medieval art.

单选题It can be inferred from the passage that the author would be most likely to agree with which of the following statements about schools?AThey should present political information according to carefully planned, schematic arrangements.BThey themselves constitute part of a general socio-political system that adolescents are learning to understand.CThey are ineffectual to the degree that they disregard adolescents’ political naves.DBecause they are subsidiary to government, their contribution to the political understanding of adolescents must be limited.

单选题Which of the following can be inferred from the passage, about the adherents of “certain theories of nonrepresentational art”?AThey consider the use of illusion to be inappropriate in contemporary art.BThey do not agree the marks on a flat surface can ever satisfactorily convey the illusion of three-dimensional space.CThey do not discuss important works of art created in the past.DThey do not think that the representation of nature was ever the primary goal of past painters.

单选题The author of the passage explicitly, disagrees with which of the following statements?AIn modern society even non-artists can master techniques that great artists of the 14th century did not employ.BThe ability to represent a three-dimensional object on a flat surface has nothing to do with art.CIn modern society the victory of representational skills has created a problem for art critics.DThe way that artists are able to represent the visible world is an area that needs a great deal more study before it can be fully understood.

单选题The passage asserts which of the following about commercial art?AThere are many examples of commercial art whose artistic merit is equal to that of great works of art of the past.BCommercial art is heavily influenced by whatever doctrines are fashionable in the serious art world of the time.CThe line between commercial art and great art lies primarily in how an image is used, not in the motivation for its creation.DThe pervasiveness of contemporary commercial art has led art historians to undervalue representational skills.

单选题What is the passage mainly about?AThe development of European art.BModern art development in the United States.CModern artists in the United States.DModernism and Cubism.

单选题Which of the following best expresses the attitude of the author of Passage 2 toward the find (line 18) ?ARestrained optimismBMild shockCWarm acceptanceDHesitant passionEMercurial endurance

单选题Which of the following is INCORRECT according to the passage?ABoth Pike Place Market and ACT are located at the Pine Street.BThe arts tour follows roughly the same course as the walking tour in Seattle.CPioneer Square is the real hub of Seattle’s art community.DOn the first Thursday of every month Seattle Art Museum stays open late.

单选题Which of the following can be the best title of this passage?AFlorence Nightingale at HospitalBChanges to Hospital Made by Nightingale.CNightingale’s Contribution to NursingDLifesaver Hero — Florence Nightingale

单选题We can conclude from the passage that the author’s attitude towards Brazil is ______.Awith great respectBneutral and understandingCfavorable with a bit contemptDcritical

单选题The passage is mainly discussing _____.Athe difference between general history and art historyBthe making of art historyCwhat we can learn from artDthe influence of artists on art history

单选题The author’s attitude toward television can best be described as _____.Asullenness at defeatBreconciliation with the broadcastersCrighteous indignationDdetermination to prevail

单选题The author’s tone can best be described as which of the following?AAngry and subjectiveBCalm and objectiveCAnalytic and ambivalentDGrim and self-satisfiedETentative and biased

单选题This advertisement aims to _____.Aimprove the relationship between companiesBstress the important role of art in educationCattract MOCA members to the programsDraise funds for museums of modern art