单选题Oil is an important()material which can be processed into many different products, including plastics.AuncoveredBrawCfreshDcrude

Oil is an important()material which can be processed into many different products, including plastics.









解析: 暂无解析


Which of the following is NOT true about the centrifugal separator? A.It can be applied to separate two liquidsB.It cannot separate solids which contaminated in the oil.C.It consists of purifier and clarifierD.The centrifuge arranged to separate two liquids is known as purifier

Can you measure oil level? Which method is right, to measure ullage height or to measure oil depth?

Which of the following can be used in hydraulic transmission system?A.Hydraulic oilB.Animal oilC.Light oilD.Fuel oil

A shipboard oil pollution emergency plan is required of ______.A.all vessels, regardless of size and commercial applicationB.any barge or other ship which is constructed or operated in such a manner that no oil in any form can be carried aboardC.an oil tanker of 150 gross tons or above, or other ship of 400 gross tons or aboveD.an oil tanker of 400 gross tons and above, or other ships of 150 gross tons and above

The scientists are exploring the area in hopes of finding new stores of underground oil,which can serve as an outlet for the energy crisis.A:styles B:vanetiesC:supplies D:shops

The scientists are exploring the area in hopes of finding new stores of underground oil,which can serve as an outlet for the energy crisis.A:stylesB:varietiesC:suppliesD:shops

Oil is an important()material which can be processed into many different products, including plastics.AuncoveredBrawCfreshDcrude

Which statement about WSA access logs that are to be processed by sawmill for cisco ironport istrue?() A、 the default log format can be usedB、 the fields"%XC%X n" must be appended to the default access log formatC、 any log format can beused , but all WSAs must use the same formatD、 any log format can be used. And different WSAs may use different formats

The proper safety guidelines for handling any device specific consumables can be found in which of the following documentation?()A、Material Safety Data SheetsB、Installation GuidesC、Consumer ReportsD、Devices Parts Catalog

单选题A lube oil filter can be used to remove most contaminants from lube oilA contaminant which will remain in the lube oil after filtering is ().AacidBfuel oilCsedimentDwater

单选题Which of the listed conditions can cause a diesel engine to use too much lube oil?()ADirty lube oil filterBToo much piston ring wearCHigh lube oil viscosityDLow lube oil temperature

单选题Which of the following methods can not remove the non-separable emulsified oil in bilge water?()Agravity separationBuse of adsorbentsCuse of flocculentsDuse of chemical addition

单选题Which of the following can be used in hydraulic transmission system?()AHydraulic oilBAnimal oilCLight oilDFuel oil

单选题Which of the listed substances can be satisfactorily removed from diesel fuel by centrifuging?()ASludgeBGasolineCFuel oilDLube oil

单选题Which of the listed conditions can cause lacquer to be deposited on a piston skirt?()AHigh sulphur content fuelBHigh lube oil temperaturesCHigh vanadium content fuelDExcessive piston slap

单选题A shipboard oil pollution emergency plan is required of ().Aall vessels, regardless of size and commercial applicationBany barge or other ship which is constructed or operated in such a manner that no oil in any form can be carried aboardCan oil tanker of 150 gross tons or above, or other ship of 400 gross tons or aboveDan oil tanker of 400 gross tons and above, or other ships of 150 gross tons and above

单选题Which of the following conditions can cause excessive lube oil consumption in a diesel engine?()ALow lube oil temperatureBDirty lube oil strainerCLow lube oil pressureDHigh lube oil temperature

单选题If ignited,which material would be a class B fire?()AMagnesiumBPaperCWoodDDiesel Oil

单选题When fuel oil is accidentally missed with lube oil which of the following processes can be used to separate them?() Ⅰ.filtering Ⅱ.settlingAⅠ onlyBⅡ onlyCeither Ⅰ or ⅡDneither Ⅰ or Ⅱ

单选题Why is it important for fuel oil tanks not to be topped off at the inner bottom level when loading on a cold day?()AIncreased viscosity of the product needs higher loading pressure, which increases the chances of a spillBAir pockets may cause the fuel to bubble out of the ullage holeCThe temperature rise of the fuel will cause an overflowDFueling valve may become stuck closed and cause the fuel oil to spill before the valve can be opened

单选题Which of the following is true about flaxseed?AIt’s rich in estrogen.BYou can get more lignans from flaxseed oil.CAdd the ground flaxseed to your morning cereal can ensure you the beneficial lignans.DIt can be used to cure gallbladder disease.

单选题The ignition quality of a fuel oil is an important operational consideration because it()Aindicates the amount of abrasive material in the fuelBaffects the starting ability of a cold engineCdetermines the amount of fuel penetration engineDaffects the compression ratio of an operating engine

单选题Which statement about WSA access logs that are to be processed by sawmill for cisco ironport istrue?()A the default log format can be usedB the fields%XC%X n must be appended to the default access log formatC any log format can beused , but all WSAs must use the same formatD any log format can be used. And different WSAs may use different formats

单选题The temperature of the fuel oil received during bunkering operations is critical in determining the()Aexpansion space to leave in a tankBflash point at which the fuel will burnCtemperature to which the fuel must be heatedDrate at which the fuel can be pumped during transfer operations

单选题Lubricating oil systems are fitted with a wide variety of strainers some of which can be cleaned in site while others have replaceable cartridgesThe bold and italic word “which” means ().Alubricating oilBlubricating oil systemsCstrainersDcartridges

问答题Learning does not happen passively. It is an activity which a persondoes. It is a task can be attempted in various ways, some of which are more    (1) _______appropriate as others. When the material to be learned is of a brief and      (2) _______simple kind which is familiar with the person and of intense interest to him,   (3) _______effective learning usually proceeds automatically. In the first place, theperson at once relates the material to another materials which are already     (4) _______securely learned. Subsequently, the relevance of the newly learned materialto his interests ensures it’s being recalled on many occasions; and this     (5) _______repetition minimizes the likelihood of forgetting. Furthermore, thesubsequent use of the new material is like to take place in a variety o      (6) _______contexts and, so, the material becomes relating to a wider range of other     (7) _______material. Because of all this, the material is rapidly learned, long retained,and recalled with increasingly readiness in an increasing variety of contexts.   (8) _______Without really trying, the person has fulfilled few important conditions of    (9) _______effective learning, conditions expressed by William James as follow.       (10) _______“Briefly, then, of two men with the same outward experiences and the sameamount of mere native tenacity, the one who thinks over his experiencesmost, and weaves them into systematic relations with each other, will be theone with the best memory.”

单选题Which of the following liquids can ordinarily be discharged overboard without being processed through an oily water separator?()ACargo tank ballastBSegregated ballastCEngine room bilgesDCargo pump room bilges