多选题QUESTION109[SWC]display stpProtocol mode:IEEE compatible STP"bridge ID (Pri.MAC):32768.00e0-fc41-43b9The bridge times:Hello Time 2 sec,Max Age 20 sec,Forward Delay 15 secRoot bridge ID(Pri.MAC):4096.00e0-fc41-4259Root path cost:200Bridge bpdu-protection:disabledTimeout factor:3关于此段显示命令说法正确的是:()A该交换机自身就是根交换机,MAC地址为4096.00e0-fc41-4259B该交换机的的根路径开销值为200C该交换机运行的STP模式为传统STPD该交换机不是根交换机,根交换机MAC地址为4096.00e0-fc41-4259

QUESTION109[SWC]display stpProtocol mode:IEEE compatible STP"bridge ID (Pri.MAC):32768.00e0-fc41-43b9The bridge times:Hello Time 2 sec,Max Age 20 sec,Forward Delay 15 secRoot bridge ID(Pri.MAC):4096.00e0-fc41-4259Root path cost:200Bridge bpdu-protection:disabledTimeout factor:3关于此段显示命令说法正确的是:()









解析: 暂无解析


透明网桥标准STP定义在( )标准中。A.IEEE 802.1qB.IEEE 802.1dC.IEEE 802.3uD.IEEE 802.3z

规定STP及其算法的是()。 A.IEEE 802.1dB.IEEE 802.1qC.IEEE 802.3D.IEEE 802.1w

在Quidway中低端交换机上,显示STP统计状态的命令是()。 A.display STP StatisticB.display STP [interfaceinterface]C.display STPD.display STP State

下列对生成树协议STP的描述中,错误的是( )。A.STP是一个二层链路管理协议B.IEEE制定的最早的STP标准是IEEE802.1dC.STP在交换机之间传递BPDU数据包,默认每5s定时发送一次D.STP运行在交换机和网桥设备上,它通过计算建立一个稳定的树状结构网络

WhichspanningTreeProtocolhasbeenimplementedonswitch2?() A.STP/IEEE802.1DB.MSTP/IEEE802.1sC.PVST+D.PVRSTE.Noneoftheotheralternativesapply

WhichofthefollowingspecificationsisacompaniontotheIEEE802.1wRapidSpanningTreeProtocol(RSTP)algorithm,andwarrantstheusemultiplespanning-trees?() A.IEEE802.1s(MST)B.IEEE802.1Q(CST)C.CiscoPVST+D.IEEE802.1d(STP)E.Noneoftheotheralternativesapply

Which two of these statements regarding RSTP are correct?() A. RSTP cannot operate with PVST+.B. RSTP defines new port roles.C. RSTP defines no new port states.D. RSTP is a proprietary implementation of IEEE 802.1D STP.E. RSTP is compatible with the original IEEE 802.1D STP.

QUESTION109[SWC]display stpProtocol mode:IEEE compatible STP"bridge ID (Pri.MAC):32768.00e0-fc41-43b9The bridge times:Hello Time 2 sec,Max Age 20 sec,Forward Delay 15 secRoot bridge ID(Pri.MAC):4096.00e0-fc41-4259Root path cost:200Bridge bpdu-protection:disabledTimeout factor:3关于此段显示命令说法正确的是:()A.该交换机自身就是根交换机,MAC地址为4096.00e0-fc41-4259B.该交换机的的根路径开销值为200C.该交换机运行的STP模式为传统STPD.该交换机不是根交换机,根交换机MAC地址为4096.00e0-fc41-4259

下面是SWC上运行STP的端口的Display信息显示,请根据这些配置信息,判断该端口的角色为()[SWC]display stp interface Ethernet 0/20Port 20(Ethernet0/20) of bridge is ForwardingPort spanning tree protocol:enabledPort role:Designated PortPort path cost:200Port priority:128Designated bridge ID(Pri.MAC):4096.00e0-fc41-4259The Port is a non-edged portConnected to a point-to-point LAN segmentMaximum transmission limit is 3 Packets/hello timeTimes:Hello Time 2 sec,Max Age 20 secForward Delay 15 sec,Message Age 0BPDU sent:4TCN:2,RST:2,Config BPDU:0BPDU received:806TCN:0,RST:11,Config BPDU:795A.该端口为根端口B.该端口为指定端口C.该端口为预备端口D.以上说法都不正确

IEEE定义了STP的标准是(). A.802.1PB.802.1WC.802.1DD.802.1Q

Which spanning Tree Protocol has been implemented on switch 2? ()A、STP/IEEE 802.1DB、MSTP/IEEE 802.1sC、PVST+D、PVRSTE、None of the other alternatives apply

You have done a partial migration from 802.1D STP to 802.1w STP. Which of the following is true?()A、802.1D and 802.1w interoperate only when the 802.1D STP domain supports rapid convergence.B、Ports leading to 802.1D devices will run in compatibility mode, while the rest of the ports will run in 802.1w mode.C、This is an invalid configuration and a partial migration cannot be done.D、The bridge timers will be set to match the 802.1D devices.E、A secondary root bridge will always be populated within the 802.1D domain.F、If the root bridge is selected within the 802.1D domain, the whole STP domain will run in 802.1D compatibility mode.G、In partially migrated 802.1w networks, it is recommended to keep the STP diameter below 4.

配置交换机SWA工作在RSTP工作模式下的命令为()A、[SWA]stp mode rstpB、[SWA-Ethernet1/0/4] stp mode rstpC、[SWA] undo stp mode stpD、[SWA-Ethernet1/0/4] undo stp mode stp

在交换机SWA上执行display stp命令后,交换机输出如下: [SWA]display stp -------[CIST Global Info][Mode MSTP]------- CISTBridge :32768.000f-e23e-f9b0 Bridge Times :Hello 2s MaxAge 20s FwDly 15s MaxHop 20 从以上输出可以判断()A、当前交换机工作在RSTP模式下B、当前交换机工作在MSTP模式下C、当前交换机的桥优先级是32768D、当前交换机是根桥

规定STP及其算法的是()A、IEEE 802.1dB、IEEE 802.1qC、IEEE 802.3D、IEEE 802.1w

Spanning Tree Protocol IEEE 802.1s defines the ability to deploy which of these? ()A、one global STP instance for all VLANsB、one STP instance for each VLANC、one STP instance per set of VLANsD、one STP instance per set of bridges

Which of the following specification will allow you to: associate VLAN groups to STP instances so  you can provide multiple forwarding paths for data traffic and enable load balancing? ()A、 IEEE 802.1d (STP)B、 IEEE 802.1s (MST)C、 IEEE 802.1Q (CST)D、 IEEE 802.1w (RSTP)


Which two of these statements regarding RSTP are correct? ()A、RSTP cannot operate with PVST+.B、RSTP defines new port roles.C、RSTP defines no new port states.D、RSTP is a proprietary implementation of IEEE 802.1D STP.E、RSTP is compatible with the original IEEE 802.1D STP.

Which of the following specifications is a companion to the IEEE 802.1w Rapid Spanning Tree  Protocol (RSTP) algorithm, and warrants the use multiple spanning-trees? ()A、 IEEE 802.1s (MST)B、 IEEE 802.1Q (CST)C、 Cisco PVST+D、 IEEE 802.1d (STP)E、 None of the other alternatives apply

You connect an external monitor to a portable computer. You need to increase the available desktop area to include the external monitor. What should you do?() A、From the Display properties, extend the display. B、From the Display properties, modify the resolution settings.C、Restart the computer in VGA Mode. Run dxdiag.exe. D、Restart the computer in VGA Mode. Install the most up-to-date driver for the video graphics adapter.

单选题Which of the following specification will allow you to: associate VLAN groups to STP instances so  you can provide multiple forwarding paths for data traffic and enable load balancing? ()A IEEE 802.1d (STP)B IEEE 802.1s (MST)C IEEE 802.1Q (CST)D IEEE 802.1w (RSTP)

单选题下面是SWC上运行STP的端口的Display信息显示,请根据这些配置信息,判断该端口的角色为()[SWC]display stp interface Ethernet 0/20Port 20(Ethernet0/20) of bridge is ForwardingPort spanning tree protocol:enabledPort role:Designated PortPort path cost:200Port priority:128Designated bridge ID(Pri.MAC):4096.00e0-fc41-4259The Port is a non-edged portConnected to a point-to-point LAN segmentMaximum transmission limit is 3 Packets/hello timeTimes:Hello Time 2 sec,Max Age 20 secForward Delay 15 sec,Message Age 0BPDU sent:4TCN:2,RST:2,Config BPDU:0BPDU received:806TCN:0,RST:11,Config BPDU:795A该端口为根端口B该端口为指定端口C该端口为预备端口D以上说法都不正确

单选题Spanning Tree Protocol IEEE 802.1 s defines the ability to deploy which of these?()Aone global STP instance for all VLANsBone STP instance for each VLANCone STP instance per set of VLANsDone STP instance per set of bridges

单选题Spanning Tree Protocol IEEE 802.1s defines the ability to deploy which of these?()A one global STP instance for all VLANsB one STP instance for each VLANC one STP instance per set of VLANsD one STP instance per set of bridges

单选题在()模式下,允许重新启用被用户关闭的WebPart控件。ABrowse Display ModeBDesign Display ModeCEdit Display ModeDCatalog Display Mode

单选题Which of the following specifications is a companion to the IEEE 802.1w Rapid Spanning Tree  Protocol (RSTP) algorithm, and warrants the use multiple spanning-trees? ()A IEEE 802.1s (MST)B IEEE 802.1Q (CST)C Cisco PVST+D IEEE 802.1d (STP)E None of the other alternatives apply