单选题Don't worry, your watch()and you can have it in no time.Ais repairedBhas been repairedCwas repairedDis being repaired

Don't worry, your watch()and you can have it in no time.

is repaired


has been repaired


was repaired


is being repaired


解析: 暂无解析


Don't worry, your watch () and you can have it in no time. A、is repairedB、has been repairedC、is being repaired

This windlass ________ nowA.has repairedB.is under repairC.was repairedD.has been repaired

--- Hi, Terry, can I use your computer for a while this afternoon?--- Sorry. __ . A. It' s repairedB. It has been repairedC. It's being repairedD. It had been repaired

—Why don’t we choose that road to save time ?—The bridge to it __________ .A. has repaired B. is repairedC. is being repaired D. will be repaired

All the machines ______by the end of this month.A. would have been repairedB. were repairedC. will have been repairedD. were being repaired

Have you been in a situation()you can't help saying what you don't want to? A、whereB、whichC、asD、that

Can you show me the schedule? ().A、 Don’t worry. I can help you with thatB、 You won’t miss the planeC、 Sure, a tight schedule as usual

Don’t worry, you can ( )the file to your email. A、addB、putC、findD、attach

The building which _____________ at present will be used for scienceA、 is repairingB、has been repairedC、 is being repairedD、 is repaired

Don't worry, your watch( )and you can have it in no time.A. is repairedB. has been repairedC. was repairedD. is being repaired

--- Hi, Terry, can I use your computer for a while this afternoon?--- Sorry. .A. It' s repaired B. It has been repairedC. It's being repaired D. It had been repaired

Many buildings in the city need repairing, but the one_______ first is the library.A.repairedB. being repairedC. repairingD.to be repaired

The damaged derrick________now.A.has repairedB.is repairedC.is being repairedD.will be repaired

--How about taking the shortcut, Rita? --Sounds good. But the sign ahead says the bridge ___________.A.was repairedB.has been repairedC.is being repairedD.will be repaired

—have to go to work by taxi because my ear__________at the garage.A.will be repairedB.is repairedC.is being repairedD.has been repaired

--Can I use the car now?--Sorry, but it ______.A. will repairB. has repairedC. is still being repairedD. was repaired

Is this the mobile phone that you want to __________ A.have repairedB.have it repairedC.have repaired itD.repaired

共用题干Knowing Your Real Personality from Sleeping PositionsEveryone has got two personalities—the one that is shown to the world and the other that is secret and real.You don't show your secret personality when you're awake because you can control yourself,but when you're asleep,your sleeping position shows the real you.In a normal night,of course,you often change your sleeping positions.The important position that best shows your se-cret personality is the one that you go to sleep.If you go to sleep on your back,you're a very open person.You nbrmally trust people and you are easily influenced by new ideas.You don't like to make people unhappy,so you never ex-press your real feelings.You're quite shy and you aren't very confident.If you sleep on your stomach,you are a person who likes to keep secrets.You worry a lot and you're always easily becoming sad.You never want to change your ideas,but you are satisfied with your life the way it is.You usually live for today not for tomorrow.If you sleep on curled up,you are probably a very nervous person.You have a low opinion of yourself and often protect yourself from being hurt,so you are very defensive.You're shy and you don't usually like meeting people.You like to be on your own.If you sleep on your side,you have usually got a well-balanced personality.You know your strengths and weaknesses.You're usually careful.You have a confident personality.You sometimes feel worried,but you don't often get unhappy .You always say what you think,even if it makes people angry. You may find the passage in ______.A: a science magazineB: a guide bookC: a sports newspaperD: a story book

If you have any questions, please feel free to interrupt at any time. This sentence means if you have something that you don’t understand, you can make a break in at any time.A对B错

Don't worry, your watch()and you can have it in no time.A、is repairedB、has been repairedC、was repairedD、is being repaired

This windlass ()now.A、has repairedB、is under repairC、was repairedD、had repaired

单选题—Where is my watch? I ______ find it.—Don’t worry. It must be somewhere in your room.Acan’tBmustn’tCneedn’tDshouldn’t

单选题Don't worry, your watch()and you can have it in no time.Ais repairedBhas been repairedCwas repairedDis being repaired

单选题You don't have to show()to me. You can have your own ideas.AattachmentBaggressionCsubmarineDsubmission

单选题Which of the following is helpful when you’re in the West according to the poster?AYou can leave as soon as you’ve finished eating.BIf you don’t know what to do, just watch the others and do as they do.CYou can’t eat chicken legs with your fingers.DThe fork is held in your right hand and the knife in your left.

判断题If you have any questions, please feel free to interrupt at any time. This sentence means if you have something that you don’t understand, you can make a break in at any time.A对B错

单选题—You don’t forget when we borrowed that reference book, do you?—I can’t remember now but _____ sometime last week?Amight it beBcould it beCcould it have beenDshould it have been

单选题Don’t worry. Your package ______ here until you come back, so enjoy shopping here.Awill keepBhas keptCwill be keptDhas been kept