









解析: 暂无解析


The pilot launches are ________ blue with the “PILOT” in whiteA.paintedB.writtenC.writingD.paint

船长想见引水员。A.The pilot wants to see the captain.B.The captain wants to see the helmsman.C.The chief officer wants to see the pilot.D.The captain wants to see the pilot.

由于传播环境的复杂性及其他因素,64码片的间隔仍然不够,需引入()进一步增加隔离度。 A.PILOT_INCB.PILOT_OffsetC.PILOT_NumberD.PILOT_Set

ETA/PILOT REVERTING means:A.ETA pilot station has been givenB.ETA pilot station will be given afterwardsC.ETA pilot station was not givenD.ETA pilot station is given

A vessel is entering port A for the first time and has a Pilot conning the vessel. The Master is unsure that the Pilot is taking sufficient action to prevent a collision. What should the Master do? ______.A.Nothing; The Pilot is required by law and is solely responsible for the safety of the vesselB.State his concerns to the Pilot but do not interfere with the handling of the vesselC.Direct the Pilot to stop the vessel and anchor if necessary until the situation clearsD.Recommend an alternative action and if not followed relieve the Pilot

AFTER DROPPING THE PILOT means ______.A.After boarding the pilotB.After the pilot leaving the shipC.After the pilot going on boardD.After taking the pilot

材料:At around 0545 hrs the Cutter PILOT-5 approached the Vessel.The cutters skipper drew the pilots attention to the fact that the pilot ladder was hanging free in the air and did not stick to the ships side surface and he suggested to transfer the ladder more to the midship position.The answer to his suggestion was that it was not him who had to climb the ladder.At that time the vessel weighed the anchor and started her engine.Half the propeller was emerged from the water.The pilot called the vessel and ordered to stop her engine. Because the gangway was already extended,the skipper decided to approach the vessel from the bow.The 2nd Officer was standing at the upper platform. of the gangway while the 3rd Officer was standing at the lower platform. in order to secure the pilot.The ladder was correctly lit and the Officers had a radio contact with the bridge.At around 0600 hrs the pilot,assisted by the pilot boat engineer,stepped on the pilot ladder and started to climb up.PILOT-5 turned backwards and its crew was observing the Pilot embarkation.When the Pilot climbed up to the lower platform. he asked for help.The 3rd Officer extended his hand to him.At that moment the pilots hands slipped off the pilot ladder lines and the pilot fell from a height of 7 metres into the water.问题:The vessel rigged _______.A.pilot ladder onlyB.gangway onlyC.pilot ladder in combination with the gangwayD.neither pilot ladder nor the gangwayThe passage indicates _______.A.the vessel has deep draughtsB.the vessel has large freeboard even fully loadedC.the vessel is in ballastD.the vessel is fully loadedThe pilot ________.A.did not know that the pilot ladder was improperly riggedB.knew that the pilot ladder was not rigged properly but still climbed on itC.did not believe that the pilot ladder was not rigged properlyD.did not see the unstable movement of the vessel when he climbed on the pilot ladderWho is to blame for the accident according to the passage ___________.A.the pilotB.the vesselC.the pilot boatD.the officers onboard the vessel请帮忙给出每个问题的正确答案和分析,谢谢!

Concerning the identification signal for a pilot vessel, in fog, which statement is TRUE?___.A.When at anchor, the pilot vessel is only required to sound anchor signalsB.The identification signal must be sounded any time the pilot vessel is underwayC.The pilot vessel may only sound the identity signal when making wayD.All of the above


关于井口Hi-Lo Pilot描述错误的是()A、井口Hi-Lo Pilot就是井口高低压开关。B、井口Hi-Lo Pilot包含压力高开关以及压力低开关。C、井下安全阀关闭后,井口Hi-Lo Pilot的低压开关将报警。D、当Hi-Lo Pilot报警时,井口喷淋阀将打开。

引航艇()A、pilot ladderB、pilot stationC、pilot lampD、pilot boat

The()takes a pilot to an oceangoing ship.A、container shipB、oil shipC、pilot boatD、barge

船长想见引水员。()A、The pilot wants to see the captain.B、The captain wants to see the helmsman.C、The chief officer wants to see the pilot.D、The captain wants to see the pilot.

引航员的房间在驾驶台隔壁。()A、The pilot room is next to the chart room.B、The pilot room is next to the wheelhouse .C、The pilot room next to the captain’s cabin.D、The pilot room next to the wheelhouse .

引航员什么时间来?()A、When do the pilot come?B、When the pilot come?C、At what time will the pilot be available?D、When will the pilot come?



单选题When a pilot is on board to pilot the vessel the Letter () must be hoisted.AGBHCBDN

单选题A vessel is entering port A for the first time and has a Pilot conning the vessel. The Master is unsure that the Pilot is taking sufficient action to prevent a collision. What should the Master do().ANothing; The Pilot is required by law and is solely responsible for the safety of the vesselBState his concerns to the Pilot but do not interfere with the handling of the vesselCDirect the Pilot to stop the vessel and anchor if necessary until the situation clearsDRecommend an alternative action and if not followed relieve the Pilot

单选题The pilot motor launches are () blue,with the PILOT in white.AfurnishedBpaintedCpreparedDwritten

单选题After dropping the pilot means().Aafter boarding the pilotBafter the pilot leaving the shipCafter the pilot going on boardDafter taking the pilot

单选题引水员的房间在驾驶台隔壁。()AThe pilot room is next to the chart room.BThe pilot room is next to the wheelhouse .CThe pilot room is next to the captain’s cabin.

单选题ETA/PILOT REVERTING means () .AETA pilot station has been givenBETA pilot station will be given afterwardsCETA pilot station was not givenDETA pilot station is given

单选题In the starting system, the automatic valve is controlled by(), and the cylinder start valves are controlled by()Apilot air;pilot airBhandle;solenoidChandle;pilot air coming through the distributorDsolenoid;pilot air coming through the distributor

单选题The pilot boat takes a pilot to an/a()(远洋船).Acontainer shipBoil shipCocean-going shipDbarge


单选题引航员什么时间来?()AWhen do the pilot come?BWhen the pilot come?CAt what time will the pilot be available?DWhen will the pilot come?

单选题The pilot launches display the pilot flag().Aat nightBby dayCwhen in fogDin bad weather