单选题What prediction does the writer of this article make?ABusinesses will continue to avoid the state.BThe unemployment rate will start to rise soon.CGovernor Turner will easily win reelection should he decide to run.DThe governor will remain popular if businesses keep coming back.

What prediction does the writer of this article make?

Businesses will continue to avoid the state.


The unemployment rate will start to rise soon.


Governor Turner will easily win reelection should he decide to run.


The governor will remain popular if businesses keep coming back.




After reading the article, one would refrain from concluding that_________A. optimism reigns in regard to getting PhD dropouts to return to their pursuit of the degreeB. a PhD dropout, by and large, does not have what it takes to. learn the degreeC. colleges and universities employ a substantial number of PhD dropoutsD. the PhD' s are not earning what they deserve in nonacademic .positions

听第10段材料,回答第 17~20 题。第17题:What does Mr. Henry Stone do? ( )A.A bank clerk.B.A teacher.C.A writer.

听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。第17题:What does Mr Henry Stone do?A.A bank clerkB.A teacher.C.A writer

听第10段材料,回答 17~20 题。第17题:What does Mr Henry Stone do ?A A bank clerkB A teacherC A writer

DMany people to newspaper and magazines to express their opinions. Letters to the editor must carry the writer full name, address and telephone number, although the information is not necessary for publication. This requirement to provide personal particulars is a clear indication that writers are held responsible for what they say. When a writer wants his voice heard. He needs to claim ownership of his voice. Responsibility is the name of the game.“People today prefer living together to putting their signatures on a marriage certificate because they refuse to accept responsibility for the relationship,” said social worker Ken Yip, “and this is what is causing a lot of family problems.” When we sign a paper, for example, a business contract or a bank document, the signature is symbol of consent, an agreement to take the matter seriously. Most governments and many organizations will not process writer’s complaints if they do not bear the writer’s signature. The absence of a signature, they explain, tells us that the writer cannot be too serious and therefore does not deserve a reply.There are people who wish to remain anonymous(匿名的)for various reasons. Multi-billionaire Mr. King donates generously to charity several times a year. He gives simply because he wants to help but not for the publicity his donations may bring, and he does not want his good deeds to make news. In other cases, people insist on anonymity because they are afraid of the consequences of revealing their identity. Crime witnesses may be willing to assist the police, but most are unwilling to give their names when reporting a crime.Name or no name? The answer is very personal and lies in how much we want to get involved. We all have a name, it is a matter if responsibility to it when we make a statement, a claim or an accusation. We all want to honour our own name, and it is only by stamping our expression of an opinion with our own name that we honour what we say.68. What does the writer mean by saying “Responsibility is the name of the game”?A. Writers need to provide their personal information in the game.B. Publication must bear the writer’s full name, address and phone number.C. Writers should be responsible for their names.D. Names are required to indicate writers’ responsibility for what they say.

Why does the writer say “Going to a dinner party is strange ”? A、Because you tell the hosts that you enjoy the evening.B、Because you cannot complain how bad the party is.C、Because you invite the hosts to your dinner party.D、Because what you do is different from what you really feel.

What is the most appropriate title for the passage?A) Dangers of Earthquakes.B) Earthquake Belts and Prediction.C) Earthquake Prediction and Control.D) Earthquake Engineering in California.

What would someone learn from this text?( )A.How to make a lot of money.B. How to write a book about business.C. What the book is about.D. What the writer"s family is like.

What kind of workers does the writer like to employ(雇佣)? ( )A. Those who have the same ideas as she does.B. Those who get on well with the public.C. Those who can sell her books around the world.D.Those who have big families and new ideas.

What kind of person does the writer seem to be? ( )A.She is mainly interested in making money.B. She thinks running a business a different job.C. She seems to be successful but unhappy.D. She seems to be someone with strong confidence.

What does the writer dislike most about dinner parties in New YorkersA. There is a strange mix of people.B. The restaurants are expensive.C. The bill is not fairly shared.D. People have to pay cash

What does the writer mean by “it would be worth half what I paid for it ”(paragraph2)A. He should get a 50% discount.B. The price of the camera was unreasonably high.C. The quality of the camera was not good.D. The camera would soon fall in value.

听第10段材料,回答 17~20 题。第17题:What does Mr Henry Stone do?A.A bank clerk.B.Aeacher.C.A writer.

There are four questions,which is not from the discourse teaching?A.What does the author imply?B.Should we say“a apple”or“an apple”?C.What can be inferred from the text?D.What's the writer's main opinion?

To fully understand the writer, we must read not only between the lines but also _______ the lines to know what is implied in the article.A.amongB.inC.beyonDD.for

What warning does the article give?A.Too much construction could have negative effectsB.The contents of the report could be inaccurateC.Investors could pull out of the real estate industryD.The national economy could suffer a downturn

What does the letter require Lofton City Herald to do?A.Write an article about WireTechB.Offer a discounted subscriptionC.Telephone Candice RigalottaD.Publish an ad for Imex Systems

What does the writer mean by saying“it is a maxim more often repeated than observed”in Line 3 to 4,Paragraph 1?( ) A.The maxim functions well in all cases B.The maxim does not function at all C.The maxim functions more at surface value D.The maxim does not work much in reality

What does the writer mean by saying“it is a maxim more often repeated than observed”in Line 3 to 4,Paragraph 1?( ) A.The maxim functions well in all cases. B.The maxim does not function at all. C.The maxim functions more at surface value. D.The maxim does not work much in reality.

单选题What is the writer’s comment on park rangers work?AThey are slack in their work.BThey should make more efforts.CThey are devoted to their work.DThey need to reorganize their work.

单选题What does the “writer say about customer loyalty in the first paragraph?ABusiness executives need to know how to generate customer loyalty.BMany executives believe more investment in customer loyalty means more profit.CIt is necessary for companies to generate customer loyalty at all costs.DCustomer loyalty will for sure help corporations make more money.

单选题What warning does the article give?AToo much construction could have negative effects.BThe contents of the report could be inaccurate.CInvestors could pull out of the real estate industry.DThe national economy could suffer a downturn.

问答题Why does the author dwell upon the concept of science in this article?

单选题What does Mr. Martinez say about himself?AHe is applying for a managerial position.BHe might benefit from the article’s advice.CHe suffers from the symptoms of stress.DHe recently had an article published.

单选题What’s the writer’s opinion about Star Trek?AThe life forms on other planets are stupid.BInteresting ideas make a new series popular.CThe new series might not be successful without better actors.

单选题What prediction does the writer of this article make?ABusinesses will continue to avoid the state.BThe unemployment rate will start to rise soon.CGovernor Turner will easily win reelection should he decide to run.DThe governor will remain popular if businesses keep coming back.

单选题What kind of article does Tina believe people are more likely to read?AOne that has a shocking beginning.BOne that challenges the readers to think.COne whose title is listed on the cover.

单选题According to the writer, what does every business, regardless of its size, make effort to achieve nowadays?AGet people to buy their products.BDesign and produce new products.CMake their prices more competitive.DBetter the quality of their present products.