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______will be paid by shipowners after tallyman doing the tally work.A.Cargo-handling expensesB.Tally moneyC.Cargo-tallying duesD.Tally fees


TALLY POSITION是指()。A、理货岗位B、安全点C、理货任务


Tally的中文含义是“报关”( )


单选题The tally figures of the loading port are in conformity()ours.AtoBbyCwithDagainst

单选题()this electric fan to the tally room.AFetchBTakeCBringDLet

单选题According to the customs of this port,the work of opening and closing hatch covers is done by ().Athe ship's officersBthe foreman from the shoreCthe ship's handsDthe tally man

单选题The Chief Tally would like to inquire()the rotation of the discharging ports.AatBonCaboutDafter

单选题请阅读 Passage 2,完成第 26~30小题 。Passage 2Paper money is used every day but people do not often think of money as just paper.This is because people agree that it has value,and paper money is supported by the government.People have used paper money for only a few hundred years,but what did people do before printed money was invented? In Medieval England,a stick was the official representation of money. The common system that was used involved counting debt on a piece of wood called a tally stick. The tally stick was marked with a knife.Each mark,or tally,indicated an amount of money.The tally stick acted as a contract.No one really knows who invented the tally stick,but King Henry I of England is credited as the first to use the stick in a widespread fashion.In England,the tally stick was used from 1100-1826.Marks were made on a tally stick to represent the amount of service or goods that were exchanged.The tally stick was cut in halflengthwise into two parts,and one stick was longer than the other.The person giving services or goods received the longer end of the stick,called the stock,and the person paying for the service or goods received the shorter end.Once the stick was cut,it could not be altered.When put together,the two halves fit perfectly together.Medieval England was not the only country to use the tally stick system.In 1960,Belgian scientist Jean de Heinzelin de Braucourt discovered an extremely old tally stick made of baboon bone in Africa.At first,he determined the stick to be between about 8,000 to 10,000 years old.This surprised many people because it proved that the tally stick system had been in use for much longer than everyone had previously thought.Further research has shown that this stick is actually much older: now,scientists believe it is 20,000 years old.The tally stick system may no longer be in use today,but its influence is still apparent.People still make contracts and people still borrow and lend money.People still trust that things-whether they are sticks,paper,or coins-have value.The next time paper money is used,just remember: it is only paper!Who was responsible for making the tally stick system so popular?AHenry Ⅰ.BNo one really knows.CMoney borrowers.DJean de Heinzelin de Braucourt.

单选题请阅读 Passage 2,完成第 26~30小题 。Passage 2Paper money is used every day but people do not often think of money as just paper.This is because people agree that it has value,and paper money is supported by the government.People have used paper money for only a few hundred years,but what did people do before printed money was invented? In Medieval England,a stick was the official representation of money. The common system that was used involved counting debt on a piece of wood called a "tally stick". The tally stick was marked with a knife.Each mark,or tally,indicated an amount of money.The tally stick acted as a contract.No one really knows who invented the tally stick,but King Henry I of England is credited as the first to use the stick in a widespread fashion.In England,the tally stick was used from 1100-1826.Marks were made on a tally stick to represent the amount of service or goods that were exchanged.The tally stick was cut in halflengthwise into two parts,and one stick was longer than the other.The person giving services or goods received the longer end of the stick,called the "stock",and the person paying for the service or goods received the shorter end.Once the stick was cut,it could not be altered.When put together,the two halves fit perfectly together.Medieval England was not the only country to use the tally stick system.In 1960,Belgian scientist Jean de Heinzelin de Braucourt discovered an extremely old tally stick made of baboon bone in Africa.At first,he determined the stick to be between about 8,000 to 10,000 years old.This surprised many people because it proved that the tally stick system had been in use for much longer than everyone had previously thought.Further research has shown that this stick is actually much older: now,scientists believe it is 20,000 years old.The tally stick system may no longer be in use today,but its influence is still apparent.People still make contracts and people still borrow and lend money.People still trust that "things"-whether they are sticks,paper,or coins-have value.The next time paper money is used,just remember: it is only paper!According to the passage,what makes money valuable?APeople who use it.BGold that people find.CInventions.DAgreement.

单选题请阅读 Passage 2,完成第 26~30小题 。Passage 2Paper money is used every day but people do not often think of money as just paper.This is because people agree that it has value,and paper money is supported by the government.People have used paper money for only a few hundred years,but what did people do before printed money was invented? In Medieval England,a stick was the official representation of money. The common system that was used involved counting debt on a piece of wood called a "tally stick". The tally stick was marked with a knife.Each mark,or tally,indicated an amount of money.The tally stick acted as a contract.No one really knows who invented the tally stick,but King Henry I of England is credited as the first to use the stick in a widespread fashion.In England,the tally stick was used from 1100-1826.Marks were made on a tally stick to represent the amount of service or goods that were exchanged.The tally stick was cut in halflengthwise into two parts,and one stick was longer than the other.The person giving services or goods received the longer end of the stick,called the "stock",and the person paying for the service or goods received the shorter end.Once the stick was cut,it could not be altered.When put together,the two halves fit perfectly together.Medieval England was not the only country to use the tally stick system.In 1960,Belgian scientist Jean de Heinzelin de Braucourt discovered an extremely old tally stick made of baboon bone in Africa.At first,he determined the stick to be between about 8,000 to 10,000 years old.This surprised many people because it proved that the tally stick system had been in use for much longer than everyone had previously thought.Further research has shown that this stick is actually much older: now,scientists believe it is 20,000 years old.The tally stick system may no longer be in use today,but its influence is still apparent.People still make contracts and people still borrow and lend money.People still trust that "things"-whether they are sticks,paper,or coins-have value.The next time paper money is used,just remember: it is only paper!In England,the tally stick was useful for ____.Adeciding debt and creditBcutting goods in halfCdiscovering the origins of African tally sticksDdesigning tally sticks made of baboon bone

单选题The Tally Fees will be settled()my Shipowner()the agents.Ato/forBfor/toCby/throughDthrough/for

单选题()will be paid by shipowner after tallyman doing the tally work.Acargo-handling expenseBtally moneyCcargo-tally duesDtally fees

单选题()will be paid by shipowners after tallyman doing the tally work.ACargo-handling expensesBTally moneyCCargo-tallying duesDTally fees