









have an effect on sth.对某事有影响,为固定短语,其他选项都不能与on搭配使用。


单选题The chairman requested that _____.Athe members studied the problem more carefullyBthe problems were more carefully studiedCthe problems could be studied with more careDthe members study the problem more carefully

单选题_____ music is the music that is considered to be serious and of lasting value as opposed to jazz,folk,etc.ADomesticBForeignCNationalDClassical


单选题By no means _____ to our plan for the trip.Awill she agreeBshe will agreeCagrees sheDwill agree she

单选题—The water changes into thick ice covering rivers and lakes in winter in Harbin.—_____ in Urumqi and children go skating on it then.ASo is itBSo it doesCSo it isDSo does it

单选题Which do you choose as the best title for this passage?AMoney and Its UseBDifferent Things Used as MoneyCDifferent Countries, Different MoneyDThe History of Money

单选题Large quantities of water _____ for irrigation.Ais neededBhas neededCare neededDneed


单选题You _____ read that article if you don’t want to.Ahaven’tBcan’tCmustn’tDneedn’t

单选题It was _____ back home after the experiment.Anot until midnight did he goBuntil midnight that he didn’t goCnot until midnight that he wentDuntil midnight when he didn’t go

单选题You’d better find some information about Nike’s “Chamber of Fear” advertisement, _____?Awouldn’t youBhad youChadn’t youDshould you

单选题It is _____ me that he should be absent.Aastonished atBastonishing toCsurprised toDsurprising at

单选题You could have done much better yesterday. Why _____?Adidn’t youBcouldn’t youChadn’t youDshouldn’t you

单选题_____AdiffersBequalsChappensDtake places

单选题You _____ read that article if you don’t want to.Ahaven’tBcan’tCmustn’tDneedn’t


单选题_____AplayingBpracticeCoutside activitiesDgroup discussions

单选题When I got to the top of the mountain, the sun _____.AshoneBshinesChas shoneDwas shining


问答题Practice 12  (1) Whatever its underlying reason, there is no doubt that much of the pollution caused could be controlled if only companies, individuals and governments would make more efforts. In the home there is an obvious need to control litter and waste. Food comes wrapped up three or four times in packages that all have to be disposed of; drinks are increasingly sold in bottles or tins which cannot be reused. (2) This not only causes a litter problem, but also is a great process by persuading many of us not only to buy things we neither want nor need, but also to throw away much of what we do buy. Pollution and waste combine to a problem everyone can help to solve by cutting out necessary buying, excess consumption and careless disposal of the products we use in our daily lives.


单选题A few hundred years ago news did not _____.Areceive attentionBtravel fastCspread to other countriesDtake long to reach other countries

单选题Ellsworth Huntington decided that climate and temperature have _____.Aa great effect on everyone’s intelligenceBsome effect on most people’s intelligenceCsome effect on a few people’s intelligenceDno effect on most people’s intelligence

单选题In the past, news was _____.Asent by telegraphBpassed from one person to anotherCsent by letterDsent by telephone


单选题According to the passage, which of the following has changed the most in the last 500 years?AFood.BChocolate.CPotatoDCoffee.

问答题练习9  Then came the First World War and the Second World War. (1) After each war, new ideas, new attitudes, new trades and occupations were revealed to villagers. The long-established order of society was no longer taken for granted. Electricity and the motorcar were steadily operating to make “village life” and “town life” almost alike. (2) Now with the highly developed science and technology and high-level social welfare for all, there is no point whatever in talking any longer about “village life.” It is just life, and that a better life.

单选题According to the context we can guess that a genius is _____ while an idiot is _____.Aa normal person ... a funny personBa strong person ... a weak personCa highly intelligent person ... a foolish or weak-minded personDa famous person ... an ordinary person