单选题You _____ read that article if you don’t want to.Ahaven’tBcan’tCmustn’tDneedn’t

You _____ read that article if you don’t want to.











You _____do that, if you don't want to. A.won'tB.mustn'tC.needn'tD.shouldn't

How beautiful the dress looks on you! Don’t you want (), Madam? Well, please show me(). A、one; otherB、it; otherC、it; anotherD、one; the other

I don’ t want to () you. You must act on your own judgment. A.threatenB.hesitateC.appointD.influence

● If you decide you don′t want to print the message, Click (72) .(72) A. CancelB. OKC. FileD. Edit

You buy a gift, but you can if you want to.A. mustB. mustn'tC. have toD. don't have to

--I'm sorry, but I don't quite follow you. Did you say you wanted to return on September 20?--Sorry, I ____ myself clear. We want to return on October 20.A. hadn't madeB. wouldn't makeC. don't makeD. haven't made

—You want to know about the value added tax, don’t you?—() A. Yes, you need to introduce it for me.B. Yes, could you give me a brief overview of it?C. Yes, you must tell it to me.

Have you been in a situation()you can't help saying what you don't want to? A、whereB、whichC、asD、that

I don't want to ________ on you if you are very busy.A invadeB interveneC intrudeD interfere

-- Why don't you stay a little longer?-- _____A. I wish I could, but it's already late.B. I don't want to.C. I couldn't.D. Thank you very much.

You blame me for that, don't you?No,().A. of course not.B. I don't want to.C. I do think you are to blame.

Why do you want to leave your previous job?().A. I'm hoping to have a better position.B. I don't want to work at all.C. You won't understand it.

—What do you want to do?\n—________________.A.No, I don’t want to do anything.B.I want to watch TV for a change.C.What do you want to do then?D.How about having a picnic?

() to come to dinner tonight? B: Yes, I’d love to. A、Why don’t youB、What aboutC、Would you like

You will find as you read this book that you just can't keep some of these stories to ___. You will want to share them with a friend.A、itselfB、yourselfC、himselfD、themselves

If you don’t want to wash your jacket, you can send it to a ______.A、participantB、planetC、laundryD、ribbon

when you are invited for a western meal, you're offered a second helping but you have already had enough. what would you say? "______" A、Oh, thanks. That tastes awful.B、No, I don't like it.C、No, I don't want that.D、That was delicious but I've already had plenty, thanks.

Don't trust everything______you have read in the newspapers.A.whichB.thatC.asD.what

When you're teenager(青少年) it seems that every time you say "l want to... ",your par-ents answer," No,you can' t. "Young people further complain that their parents do not (11) them. When something goes(12) ,most parents just don't believe in their children.(13) asking why,they think their kids are wrong. And not many parents allow their kids to choose for themselves.Yes,(14) is true that your parents sometimes treat you as a little could. But remember that not long ago you were really a child. Your parents still remember the childish (15) you used to make. They want to protect you (16) you don-t want them to do so.So,if you want to get(17 freedom(自由),please try to understand you don-t lie to them.Try a more friendly way.lf you want them to (18) you to stay out late,don't just say "All (19) kids can stay out late. Tell them as much as you can about what you want to do and where you’ll be and (20) it,s important for you to stay out late. Then they just might say "yes .( )11.A. enjoyB. preferC. understandD. decide

Could you show me your passport?()AYes, I could.BSure.CI haven't got it with me.DI don't want to.

I am terribly sorry! I broke the vase.()A、I don't want it.B、Don't worry.C、You meant to do it.D、You buy one for me.

Could you show me your passport?()A、Yes, I could.B、Sure.C、I haven't got it with me.D、I don't want to.

单选题—Lily, what are you going to do after you graduate?—I’m thinking of becoming a computer programmer.—_____—Well, my parents want me to be a doctor, but I don’t want to do that.ADo you know what I want to become?BWhy do you want to be a doctor?CYou said you would go to a medical school.DThanks for your advice.

单选题Where is the Loan Department, please?()AWho are you?BThis way, pleaseCI don't want to say anythingDWhat can I do for you?

单选题You didn't have to write the essay if you didn't want to. It was()AcompulsoryBsuitableCalternativeDoptional

单选题You ______ read that article if you don’t want to.Ahaven’tBcan’tCmustn’tDneedn’t

单选题Could you show me your passport?()AYes, I could.BSure.CI haven't got it with me.DI don't want to.

单选题Interviewer: I’ve read your application with interest. Now I want to ask you a few questions if you don’t mind.  Interviewee:  Interviewer: In your resume you said you’ve had some experiences in computer programming.  Interviewee: Yes, I have been a programming engineer for three years.AAs you please.BNever mind.CNo, not at all.DOf course not.