


exceptions。考点:名词。该句中包含there be句型,且空格前有some修饰,故应填入名词。上文提到工作许可证的重要性,下文则讲到很多来自欧共体的人可以work without permits,所以他们是例外情况。exception例外(一般与“to”搭配),符合上下文语义,故选择I项。


单选题ADead animals found in dustbins.BSmall animals stolen from houses.CFood given to them by people.DFood that hunted by themselves.

单选题The old lady has developed a _____ cough which cannot be cured completely in a short time.AperpetualBpermanentCchronicDsustained

单选题According to the author, a PC is _____Aa luxury that only few people are able to possess.Ba tool to enhance our creativity and intelligence.Ca necessity for life that we can’t do without.Da way to make the world a better place.


单选题ABecause the airport in Paris was not fit for the scheduled landing.BBecause it was found to have run short of gasoline.CBecause it wanted to pick up passengers from another flight.DBecause there was a sudden mechanical problem.


单选题The American Revolution is regarded by military historians as a war Britain _____.Ashould never loseBcan never loseCshould never have lostDwould never have lost

单选题A benefit performance is a performance for which a charitable organization has bought out at a discounted price and _____ funds by selling tickets at a full price.AfurnishesBraisesCaccumulatesDcontributes

问答题What did Fleming’s thrillers reflect?

单选题The international situation has been growing _____ difficult for the last few years.AinvariablyBpresumablyCincreasinglyDdominantly

问答题What is the foundation of the unique deep-sea communities?


问答题Test 10  The life of living in dormitory is quite different from that of living at home. How to keep a harmonious relationship with roommates is a challenge for many college students. What do you think is the best way to keep a harmonious relationship in dormitory?  Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic:The Best Way to Keep a Harmonious Relationship in Dormitory  You are to write in three parts.  In the first part, state specifically what your opinion is.  In the second part, provide one or two reasons to support your opinion.  In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or make a summary.  Marks will be awarded for content, organization, language and appropriateness. Failure to follow the instructions may result in a loss of marks.

单选题Water is to fish _____ atmosphere is to men.AthatBsoCwhatDso does


单选题According to Mother Rigby, Feathertop “still will be saying nothing” because _____Ahe was not clever enough to learn anything.Bhe was only made to have birds’, intelligence.Che did not have a brain to remember anything.Dhe could learn nothing worthwhile in the world.

单选题We find that some birds _____ twice a year between hot and cold countries.AtransferBcommuteCmigrateDemigrate

单选题Every room in the house _____ entered, and $10 in notes and a gold watch were missing.AwasBhad beenChas beenDhave been



单选题According to the second paragraph, Fleming accepted the job offered by Kemsley Newspapers _____Aand had to give up his yearly holiday plan to Jamaica.Bbecause he was offered to work in Jamaica every winter.Cso that he wouldn’t have to look for employment-elsewhere.Don condition that he took two months off to Jamaica every year.

问答题What is “the Monitor” in Paragraph 1 most likely to be?

单选题If you work under a car when repairing it, you often get very _____.AwaxyBslipperyCstickyDgreasy




单选题Which of the following statements is CORRECT about smoking restriction according to the passage?AMunicipal bans on smoking in restaurants and bars are effective.BScribbler50 himself did some research on the effectiveness of the bans on smoking.CChristian Jarrett found the morbid signs on cigarettes play an important role for all smokers.DThe measure that parents are restricted from smoking in cars with children is useful

问答题What is the foundation of the unique deep-sea communities?