


根据录音中提到的“we can see that some of them are of a very practical nature, for example, arranging satisfactory accommodation”,可知有许多现实的问题,例如,安排满意的住处。故本空填accommodation。


单选题The old lady has developed a _____ cough which cannot be cured completely in a short time.AperpetualBpermanentCchronicDsustained

问答题What does Professor Cappuccio think about sleeping too much?


单选题Which of the following is a new and popular arcade?AThe Seattle Center.BThe Monorail.CThe Westlake Center.DPike Place Market.



单选题When the farmers visited the city for the first time, they were _____ by its complicated traffic system.AevokedBbewilderedCdivertedDundermined




单选题The mayor is a woman with great _____ therefore deserves our political and financial support.AintentionBinstinctCintegrityDintensity



单选题After four years in the same job his enthusiasm finally _____.AdeterioratedBdispersedCdissipatedDdrained

单选题With age, the mineral content of human bones decreases, _____ them more fragile.AmakeBand to makeCthereby makingDwhich it makes


单选题The author most probably agrees that artificial sweetened gum _____Ais not effective in reducing stress.Bmay cause some health problems.Cshould be avoided although it is healthful.Dis harmful for one’s health due to its sugar containing.

单选题What can we learn from the passage?AA talk with other architects may annoy the one you have chosen.BIf your home is exclusive in your residence region, you cannot get along well with your neighbors.CYou should consider the issue of whether to move or to remodel from financial aspect.DYou will always take back the whole expense of remodeling when you sell the current home.

单选题Which of the following is INCORRECT according to the passage?ABoth Pike Place Market and ACT are located at the Pine Street.BThe arts tour follows roughly the same course as the walking tour in Seattle.CPioneer Square is the real hub of Seattle’s art community.DOn the first Thursday of every month Seattle Art Museum stays open late.

问答题According to the passage, what is Scribbler50?

单选题In the sentence “Father asked us to pick some apples on the farm”, the italicized phrase isAan subject.Ba verb.Ca adverbial.Da complement.

单选题Which of the following is INCORRECT according to the first two paragraphs?ASome cities in Albania have completely solved the problem of urban wastes.BThere is lack of an adequate system for the collection and transportation of solid waste.CThe country has not elaborated a strategy on urban solid waste.DThere is a continuous danger for the infection of drinking waters with sewage waters in some cities.

单选题Which of the following sentences is INCORRECT?AI had hardly got home when the telephone rang.BI had no sooner got home than the telephone ring.CShe said she had worked in that factory since 1980.DWe have been waiting here for almost an hour.



单选题What’s the central topic of the passage?AThe recruiters and the interviewers.BFour don’ts when dealing with recruiters.CDon’t request special treatment.DDon’t ask for insider information.

单选题AOn April 21.BOn April 22.COn April 23.DOn April 24.
