多选题屏幕提示“Non-System disk or disk error”出错信息的原因是()A引导扇区中隐含文件名信息被破坏B引导程序读取的前两个文件名与DOS引导扇区中数据保存的文件名不符C存放文件的硬盘扇区损坏D在复制文件时将不同版本的文件替代了原来的文件
屏幕提示“Non-System disk or disk error”出错信息的原因是()
电脑开机后,屏幕上先后出现了“Device error”和“Non—System disk or disk error,Replace and strike any key when ready”等提示信息,无法正常启动,可能的故障原因是(14)。A.硬盘数据线连接错误B.CMOS中的硬盘类型设置参数丢失C.硬盘被烧坏D.硬盘中的系统引导文件被破坏
In a three-disk volume group, a disk was physically removed from the system without performing any software procedures to properly remove the disk. Which of the following commands should be performed to recover from this error?()A.extendvgB.cfgmgrC.reducevgD.varyoffvg
屏幕提示“Non-System disk or disk error”出错信息的原因是()A、引导扇区中隐含文件名信息被破坏B、引导程序读取的前两个文件名与DOS引导扇区中数据保存的文件名不符C、存放文件的硬盘扇区损坏D、在复制文件时将不同版本的文件替代了原来的文件
下列BIOS报警信息中,表示硬盘没有格式化,需对硬盘分区进行格式化的是()A、Missing operation systemB、No Partition BootableC、Non-system disk or disk errorD、No ROM BASIC
处理“Non-System disk or disk error”出错信息的方法是()A、先用无毒系统盘启动B、用FORMATC:///S命令重新建立引导分区C、用FORMATD:///S命令重新建立引导分区D、再把C盘系统文件恢复即可
电脑启动时屏幕提示Non-system disk or disk error出错信息,用FormatC://s命令重新建立引导分区,再把C盘系统文件恢复即可。如果感染病毒,则需要重新分区并恢复系统文件。
系统引导时屏幕上显示如下错误信息:Non-system disk or disk error,使用下述()程序,有可能的错误A、FDISK·EXEB、SYS·COMC、DEBUG·EXED、UNDELETE·EXE
在常见的BIOS报警信息中,下列各项中哪一项表示硬盘没有格式化,需要对硬盘分区进行格式化。()A、Missing operation systemB、No Partition BootableC、Non-system disk or disk errorD、No ROM BASIC
Which of the following components could MOST likely cause Mike, a technician, to receive a ‘Nonsystem disk or disk error’ after POST?()A、Bad memoryB、Video cardC、Faulty chipsetD、FDD
When attempting to boot a PC, the POST process completes without error. The PC then displays,‘non system disk or disk error’. Which of the following would MOST likely cause the issue?()A、Out-of-date BIOSB、Invalid motherboard jumper settingsC、Failing power supplyD、Floppy disk in the drive
In a three-disk volume group, a disk was physically removed from the system without performing any software procedures to properly remove the disk. Which of the following commands should be performed to recover from this error?()A、extendvgB、cfgmgrC、reducevgD、varyoffvg
Automatic error notification can be configured to manage which type of disk error?() A、 Hard errorsB、 Media errorsC、 Temporary errorsD、 All disk error types
You have just added three new hard disks to your Windows 2000 Professional computer. You want to configure all of the disks as two drives. You want the two drives to be as equal in size as possible. You want to configure the non-system drive for the best optimal performance. What should you do?()A、Extend the system volume onto disk1. Create a single, stripe volume from disk2 and disk3.B、Extend the system volume onto disk2. Create a single, stripe volume from disk1 and disk2C、Extend the system volume onto disk1. Create a single, spanned volume from disk2 and disk3. D、Extend the system volume onto disk1. Create a single, spanned volume from disk1 and disk2.E、Create a single, stripe volume from disk1, disk2, and disk3. F、Create a single spanned volume from disk1, disk2, and disk3.
多选题处理“Non-System disk or disk error”出错信息的方法是()A先用无毒系统盘启动B用FORMATC:///S命令重新建立引导分区C用FORMATD:///S命令重新建立引导分区D再把C盘系统文件恢复即可
单选题Automatic error notification can be configured to manage which type of disk error?()A Hard errorsB Media errorsC Temporary errorsD All disk error types
单选题Consider the following configuration: /devices/D1is a member of disk group dgroupA. /devices/D2is a member of disk group dgroupA. /devices/D3is a member of disk group dgroupA. You plan to add a new disk, /devices/D4,to the disk group dgroupA. You execute the following command: SQL ALTER DISKGROUP dgroupA ADD DISK ’/devices/D*’; Which task would be accomplished by the command?()A The command adds the new disk, D4, to the disk group.B The command would result in an error because the is no disk by the name ’/devices/D*’C The command will be ignored because disks starting with D are already members of the disk group.D The command would result in an error because no wildcard characters can be used in the disk name.E The command first detaches all the member disks starting with D, and the reattaches them including the new disk.
判断题电脑启动时屏幕提示Non-system disk or disk error出错信息,用FormatC://s命令重新建立引导分区,再把C盘系统文件恢复即可。如果感染病毒,则需要重新分区并恢复系统文件。A对B错
单选题Consider the following command to add a new disk group called "tdgroupA" with two failover groups: CREATE DISKGROUP tdgroupA NORMAL REDUNDANCY FAILOVERGROUP control01 DISK ’/devices/A1’, ’/devices/A2’, ’/devices/A3’ FAILOVERGROUP control02 DISK ’/devices/B1’, ’/devices/B2’, ’/devices/B3’m The disk "/devices/A1" is currently a member disk of a disk group by the name "tdgroup1". Which task would be accomplished by the command?()A This command would result in an error because a disk group can have only one failover group.B This command would result in an error because the /devices/A1 disk is a member of another disk group tdgroup1.C A new disk group called tdgroupA will be added with two failover groups and the /devices/A1 disk will get reattached to the new disk group without being detached from the existing one.D A new disk group called tdgroupA will be added with two failover groups and the /devices/A1 disk will be ignored for the new disk group because it is a member of an existing disk group tdgroup1.E A new disk group called tdgroupA will be added with two failover groups and the /devices/A1 disk gets detached from the existing disk group tdgroup1 and attached to the new disk group tdgroupA
单选题You have just added three new hard disks to your Windows 2000 Professional computer. You want to configure all of the disks as two drives. You want the two drives to be as equal in size as possible. You want to configure the non-system drive for the best optimal performance. What should you do?()A Extend the system volume onto disk1. Create a single, stripe volume from disk2 and disk3. B Extend the system volume onto disk2. Create a single, stripe volume from disk1 and disk2. C Extend the system volume onto disk1. Create a single, spanned volume from disk2 and disk3. D Extend the system volume onto disk1. Create a single, spanned volume from disk1 and disk2. E Create a single, stripe volume from disk1, disk2, and disk3.F Create a single spanned volume from disk1, disk2, and disk3.
单选题What is the net effect of the following command?() alter diskgroup dgroup1 drop disk abc;A The disk ABC will be dropped from the disk group. Since you did not issue a rebalance command,the data on that disk will be lost.B The command will raise an error indicating that you need to rebalance the disk group to remove the data from that disk prior to dropping the disk.C The disk group will be automatically rebalanced during the drop operation. Once the rebalancing is complete,the disk will be dropped.D This command will fail because you cannot drop a specific disk in an ASM disk group.E The disk drop command will be suspended for a predetermined amount of time,waiting for you to also issue an alter diskgroup rebalance command. Once you have issued the rebalance command,ASM will proceed to rebalance the disk group and then drop the disk.
判断题电脑启动时屏幕提示Non-system disk or disk error出错信息,只需用与硬盘上版本相同的DOS系统盘引导系统即可消除故障。A对B错