单选题下面哪个描述对于IBM 虚拟带库TS7650是正确的()AProtectior Post processingBHyperFactor inlineCContent Aware inlineDHash Based inline
下面哪个描述对于IBM 虚拟带库TS7650是正确的()
Protectior Post processing
HyperFactor inline
Content Aware inline
Hash Based inline
下面哪个描述对于IBM虚拟带库TS7650是正确的() A.ProtectiorPostprocessingB.HyperFactorinlineC.ContentAwareinlineD.HashBasedinline
下列哪种特性是IBMSVC相对于竞争对手的存储虚拟化产品的具有明显优势?()A、Based on IBM PowerB、高性能C、在线数据加密D、既支持带内(in band)虚拟化又支持带外(out of band)虚拟化
Server load balancing (SLB) is the process of deciding to which server a load-balancing device should send a client request for service. Which predictors are supported on ACE in order to select the best server to fulfill a client request? ()A、 Hash address: Selects the server by using a hash value based on either the source or destination IP address, or bothB、 Hash URL: Selects the server by using a hash value based on the requested URLC、 Hash MAC.Selects the server by using a hash value based on either the source or destination MAC address, or bothD、 Hash header: Selects the server by using a hash value based on the HTTP header nameE、 Hash IP: Selects the server using a hash value based on the IP address
一个软件解决方案提供商希望提供一个iSCSI解决方案,下面哪个产品能够适合这个需求?()A、IBM TS7520 虚拟带库B、IBM DS3400磁盘阵列C、IBM SVC虚拟引擎和 DS4000磁盘阵列D、IBM N系列产品
下面哪个描述对于IBM 虚拟带库TS7650是正确的()A、Protectior Post processingB、HyperFactor inlineC、Content Aware inlineD、Hash Based inline
Which of the following is an advantage of the IBM System Storage SAN Volume Controller overcompeting storage virtualization products?()A、inline data encryption B、based on IBM Power servers C、superior performance benchmarks D、both in-band and out-of-band virtualization
下列哪种特性是 IBM SVC相对于竞争对手的存储虚拟化产品的具有明显优势?()A、Based on IBM PowerB、高性能C、在线数据加密D、既支持带内(in band)虚拟化又支持带外(out of band)虚拟化
Why is ProtecTIER’s HyperFactor technology superior to Data Domain’s hash-based deduplicationalgorithms?()A、it has only a single stage data inspection processB、it utilizes industry standard SHA-1 and MD5 algorithmsC、it looks for identical matches comparing chunks of dataD、it first looks for similarity of data rather than exact matching
客户想采用LTO4磁带库驱动器来构建一个备份系统,磁带库的槽位至少包括30槽位,扩展性方面将来能够升级到300槽位以上,那么您将推荐下面哪个产品?()A、IBM TS3400B、IBM TS3100C、IBM TS3200D、IBM TS3310
单选题下列哪种特性是 IBM SVC相对于竞争对手的存储虚拟化产品的具有明显优势?()ABased on IBM PowerB高性能C在线数据加密D既支持带内(in band)虚拟化又支持带外(out of band)虚拟化
单选题What topologies does the IBM System Storage TS7650 ProtecTIER Deduplication Gateway support?()AgridBcascadeChub and spokeDedge and core
多选题Server load balancing (SLB) is the process of deciding to which server a load-balancing device should send a client request for service. Which predictors are supported on ACE in order to select the best server to fulfill a client request? ()AHash address: Selects the server by using a hash value based on either the source or destination IP address, or bothBHash URL: Selects the server by using a hash value based on the requested URLCHash MAC.Selects the server by using a hash value based on either the source or destination MAC address, or bothDHash header: Selects the server by using a hash value based on the HTTP header nameEHash IP: Selects the server using a hash value based on the IP address
单选题下列哪种特性是IBMSVC相对于竞争对手的存储虚拟化产品的具有明显优势?()ABased on IBM PowerB高性能C在线数据加密D既支持带内(in band)虚拟化又支持带外(out of band)虚拟化
单选题一个软件解决方案提供商希望提供一个iSCSI解决方案,下面哪个产品能够适合这个需求?()AIBM TS7520 虚拟带库BIBM DS3400磁盘阵列CIBM SVC虚拟引擎和 DS4000磁盘阵列DIBM N系列产品
单选题Why is ProtecTIER’s HyperFactor technology superior to Data Domain’s hash-based deduplicationalgorithms?()Ait has only a single stage data inspection processBit utilizes industry standard SHA-1 and MD5 algorithmsCit looks for identical matches comparing chunks of dataDit first looks for similarity of data rather than exact matching
( 难度:中等)如果想在一个指定的元素后添加内容,下面哪个是实现该功能的?()A.insertAfter(Content)B.appendTo (Content)C.append(Content)D.after(Content)