











单选题One of the _____ of belonging to the club is that you can use its tennis courts on weekends.AimplicationsBadvantagesCprofitsDprivileges


单选题John didn’t want to risk _____ wet as he had only one suit.AgettingBto getCbeing gotDto be gotten

问答题Practice 1  Childhood is a time when there are few responsibilities to make life difficult. If a child has good parents, he is fed, looked after and loved, whatever he may do. (1) It is impossible that he will ever again in his life be given so much without having to do anything in return. In addition, life is always presenting new things to the child—things that have lost their interest for older people because they are too well-known. (2) But a child has his pains: he is not so free to do what he wishes to do; he is continually being told not to do things, or being punished for what he has done wrong.

单选题The teacher wrote his _____ in the margin of the composition.AcriticBcommandsCcommentsDcommission

单选题One of the men held the view _____ the book said was right.Awhat thatBthat whatCthat whichDwhich that

单选题David Smith wears casual clothes now, because _____.Athey make him feel at ease when workingBhe cannot afford to buy expensive clothesChe looks handsome in casual clothesDhe no longer works for any company

单选题David Smith refers to himself as having been “a clothes addict” because _____.Ahe often wore khaki pants and a sports shirtBhe couldn’t stand a clean appearanceChe wanted his clothes to look neat all the timeDhe didn’t want to spend much money on clothes

问答题Practice 14  Five hundred years ago, news of important happenings—battles lost and won, kings or rulers overthrown or killed—took months and even years to travel from one country to another. The news passed by word of mouth and was never accurate. (1) Today we can read in our newspapers of important events that occur in faraway countries on the same day they happen.


单选题If most of the people of a country have a television, we _____.Acan say the television is a need in the same sense as food, clothing and shelterBcan say the television must be a basic necessityCcannot say the television is a basic necessityDcan say every family must have one

单选题Smith is to study medicine as soon as he _____ military service.Awill finishBhas finishedCfinishDwould finish

单选题I’m _____ that he didn’t come.AastonishedBastonishingCastonishDto astonish

单选题I cannot read your writing. It is_____.AlegibleBillegibleCeligibleDintelligent


单选题The flowers _____ often.Amust be waterBmust be wateredCmust wateredDmust water

单选题Hamlet is _____.Aa play written by ShakespeareBa play recommended by ShakespeareCa play appreciated by ShakespeareDa play people have been complaining about

单选题The bus was _____ the driver.Ain charge ofBin the charge ofCtake charge ofDfree of charge


单选题In this book the writer gives us a(n) _____ picture of social history.ApreciseBexactCaccurateDcorrect

单选题The noise has to be broken down into its _____ parts for analysis.AelementBcomponentCopponentDregion


单选题Every Englishman knows _____.Amore or less about ShakespeareBShakespeare, but only slightlyCall Shakespeare’s worksDonly the name of the greatest English writer

单选题All flights _____ because of the storm, they decided to take the train.Ahaving cancelledBwere cancelledChave been cancelledDcancelled

单选题It is _____ he is determined.Abuying a new car thatBto buy a new car thatCto buy a new car whatDbuying a new car which

单选题Peter could hardly catch what I said, _____ he?AcouldBcouldn’tCdidDdidn’t


单选题In the past, news was _____.Asent by telegraphBpassed from one person to anotherCsent by letterDsent by telephone