单选题What is the author’s attitude toward the U. S. health care system?APrejudiced.BCritical.CSympathetic.DApproving.

What is the author’s attitude toward the U. S. health care system?









作者态度题。通读全文,从文中加拿大医疗体系与美国相比较的情况来看,加拿大医疗体系在效率、成本、效果及民意支持上均优于美国。可看出作者更倾向加拿大的医疗制度,对美国的体系持消极态度,并且在谈到美国体系时,从the results, only, treated等词可推测,作者对美国的体系持有批判态度,故答案为B项。


What is the author’s attitude towards the modem teehnology?A.CriticalB.ObjectiveC.OptimisticD.Negative

The author's attitude toward the role of outside directors is______.A.permissiveB.positiveC.scornfulD.critical

The author is most critical of_____.[A] the media [B] doctors [C] U. S. Legislators [D] the British government

The author's attitude toward the influence of advertisement on people's habits is( )[A] indifferent[B] negative[C] positive[D] biased

The author's attitude toward the insurance facility is( )[A] objective[B] negative[C] positive[D] biased

共用题干第一篇U. S. States Do Poorly in Women's HealthNot a single U. S. state meets basic federal goals for women's health,and the nation as a whole fails except in two areas一mammograms(乳腺X光照片)and dental(牙齿的) check-ups一researchers said on Thursday.Millions of women lack health insurance,and states make it difficult to enroll(加入)in Medicaid,the state-federal health insurance plan for the poor,according to the report.And few states are doing anywhere near enough to help women quit smoking一the leading cause of death in the United States."The nation as a whole and the individual states fall short of meeting national goals," reads the report,put together by the National Women's Law Center and the Oregon Health&Science University."These health goals provide a road map for assessing the status of women's health."Of 27 measures examined by the group,from screening for diseases to actually treating them,the nation passes on only two,the researchers said."The nation is so far from the health goals that it receives an overall grade of'unsatisfactory',"they wrote.The problem seems to be a lack among states of an overall plan for health in general, the NWLC said." State policy makers' piecemeal(一件一件做的)approach to our health care crisis has resulted in a complex and ineffective system that fails to meet the health care needs of women,"Judy Waxman,NWLC Vice President for Health,said in a statement."Lawmakers need to take a comprehensive,long-term approach to meeting women's health needs and tackle this serious problem that troubles so many families." The national goals for women's health make it easier toA:meet women's health needs.B:assess the status of women's health.C:solve women's health problems.D:deal with the health care crisis.

What's the author's attitude___________?A.SubjectiveB.NeutralC.PessimisticD.Active

Text 2 As lawmakers fight over what conditions insurance companies should be required to cover,other areas of health-care reform remain painfully neglected.One major example:How much should insurance companies pay for what they cover?Consumers rarely care about health-care prices beyond what they personally pay for deductibles,co-payments and prescription drugs.But insurance payments are crucial to understanding why health-care prices have gotten so out of control in the United States.A new study published in JAMA Internal Medicine makes this abundantly clear:Hospital emergency departments across the country are prone to excessively overcharge patients with private insurance,the study found,demanding that patients pay-on average-more than four times what Medicare pays for typical emergency procedures.This is not the heritage of sound medicine.This is the outcome of an extremely complicated and disjointed health-care system-and it's not necessarily the result of greedy hospitals trying to milk large profits out of vulnerable populations.Instead,it's the result of messy provider networks-rife with discounts and confusing contracts,designed by insurance companies and providers to attract customers.There are policy solutions to correct this system.Maryland,for example,has long operated under an"all-payer system"in which everyone pays the same rate for the same treatment-set by an independent state agency.Under this system,Medicare pays higher rates for care than in other states,but in the long run,it saves money-to the tune of$319 million-because the payment system incentivizes hospitals to reduce the number of people they admit.In other words,it encourages payment for quality of care,not quantity.Health-care providers have an incentive to work more closely with nursing facilities to deliver preventive care.Physicians also work more closely with patients to reduce preventable complications and hospital readmissions,which have dropped in Maryland faster than the national average in recent years.This innovative approach to solving price disparities in health-care costs is refreshing,although what works in Maryland might not work everywhere else.But other states have also passed laws to reduce price variation in health care,particularly for uninsured and low-income patients who would be most harmed by surprise medical bills.Unfortunately,reform efforts led by Republicans in Congress will likely worry the health-care industry enough to threaten state-led initiatives.Uncertainty-especially in terms of what our insurance markets will look like a year from now-makes it difficult,if not impossible,for states to experiment with different policies.That's a shame,because that's where the exciting and innovative reforms are happening.The author's attitude toward reform efforts led by Republicans in Congress is one of_____A.pityB.disapprovalC.understandingD.expectation

What may be the author’s attitude toward the“Labor Market Equilibrium”?( ) A.Positive B.Neutral C.Ambiguous D.Suspicious

The author’s attitude toward the history of EEOB is one of( ) A.affirmation B.approval C.respect D.objectivity

单选题Select one answer choice.  The author’s attitude toward the nation of the Philippines might be described as ______.AenragedBsanguineCcasualDsympatheticEenthusiastic

单选题What’s the author’s attitudes toward the American’s friendliness?AFavorable.BUnfavorable.CIndifferent.DNeutral.

单选题Some medical care is paid by the U. S. government for _____.Apeople living in the countryBnon-government officialsCpeople with insuranceDthe poor and the old

单选题What is the author’s attitude toward the future of autos?AEnthusiastic.BPessimistic.COptimistic.DCautious.

问答题In this story, what is the author’s attitude towards doctors?

单选题The author’s attitude toward the culture in most factories is best described as _____.AcautiousBcriticalCdisinterestedDrespectful

单选题The author’s attitude toward the renting business can be summarized as _____.AcriticalBambiguousCsupportiveDsuspicious

单选题The author's attitude toward the 'worst' list (line 8) is best described as ______.ArevulsionBreluctant acceptanceCamusementDappreciationEbewilderment

单选题Which of the following can best describe the author’s attitude toward the U.S. position on global warming?AIndifferent.BUnderstandable.CAppreciative.DCritical.

单选题What is the author’s attitude toward high-tech communications equipment?ACritical.BPrejudiced.CIndifferent.DPositive.

单选题What is the author’s attitude toward high-tech communications equipment?ACriticalBPrejudiced.CIndifferent.DPositive.

单选题What is the writer’s attitude toward the “sociometer theory” in Comment 7?AAffirmative.BObjective.CDetached.DNegative.

单选题What’s the author’s attitude towards puppy love?AdisapprovingBconfusedCneutralDscared

单选题In contrast to the U. S., Japan and Sweden are funding their medical care ______.Amore flexiblyBmore extravagantlyCmore cautiouslyDmore reasonably

单选题The author’s attitude toward television can best be described as _____.Asullenness at defeatBreconciliation with the broadcastersCrighteous indignationDdetermination to prevail

问答题What is Greene’s attitude toward avoidance of medicine for diabetes patients?

单选题Some medical care is paid by the U. S. government for ______.Apeople living in the countryBnon government officialsCpeople with insuranceDthe poor and the old