单选题(), we kept removing the pistons.ALate as it wasBAs it was lateCSince it was lateDBecause of its late

(), we kept removing the pistons.

Late as it was


As it was late


Since it was late


Because of its late


解析: 暂无解析


I turned back after a while, but he () walking. A、kept onB、kept fromC、kept withD、kept to

How long should we keep the video tapes of surveillance cameras?A.You should keep the video tapes for at least five months.B.The video tapes should be kept for at least three months.C.You should keep the video tapes for at least one monthD.You should keep the video tapes for at least two months.

Not knowing what to reply()such a question,we kept slient. A、/B、toC、withD、on

We can learn from the text that Fitzsimons’s invention .A. kept the tyre as a whole pieceB. was made into production soonC. left little room for improvementD. changed our views on bag design

Sorry, we have kept you _______ for such a long time. A.standB.waitedC.sangD.waiting

Sorry, we've kept you ______ for a long time. A waitedB singC standD waiting

We trust that you will be able to accept our offer, which shall() against reply by cableA、kept openB、keep validC、be kept firmD、be keeping open

We would like () to apologize to all patients who are kept waiting for any length of time.A、taking this opportunityB、to take opportunitiesC、to take this opportunityD、taking opportunities

We have kept( )our friendship by writing to each other, so we are true friends.A. backB. upC. offD. down

A stack protocol can be used for(69).A.job scheduler in Operation SystemB.operation of arithmetic expressionsC.removing the latest element insertedD.removing the earliest element inserted

The following actions can be taken to remove a fileset EXCEPT.() A.Removing a fileset update leaving the base filesetB.Removing a base fileset in the BROKEN stateC.Removing a base fileset in the COMMITTED state and all fileset updates in the APPLIED statD.Removing a base fileset in the COMMITTED state and all fileset updates in the COMMITTED state

We were told that the stone figure _______ back to the 16th century was of great value. A. dated B. dating C. coming D. kept

Except in rare cases, it is impossible to extinguish a shipboard fire by ______.A.removing the heatB.removing the oxygenC.removing the fuelD.interrupting the chain reaction

Mr.Smith__working till he was seventy years old.A.kept upB.kept onC.kept toD.kept out

共用题干What We Take From and Give to the SeaAs long as we have been on earth,we have used the sea around us.We take from the ocean,and we give to it.We take fishes from the ocean-millions of kilograms of fish,every year,to________(51)millions of people.We even_______(52)their bones for fertilizer.We take minerals from the ocean.One way to get salt is to_______(53)seawater in shallow basin and leave it until it evaporates(蒸发).Along with salt,other minerals are left_______(54)evaporation.Much gold and silver drift dissolved in the waters of the sea,too.But the sea does not give them_______(55)by simple evaporation.________(56)gifts from the sea are pearls , sponges(海绵)and seaweed.Pearls________(57)jewelry.Natural sponges become cleaning aids.Seaweed becomes______(58)of many kinds一even candy,and ice cream一as well as medicine.Believe it or not,fresh water is another_______(59)from the sea.We cannot drink ocean water.Some of its contents may______(60)illness.But ocean water becomes fresh water when the salts are ________(61).In the future,we will find ourselves.________(62)more and more onfresh water from the sea.The sea_______(63)us food,fertilizer,minerals,water,and other gifts.What do we give the sea?Garbage.We pollute the ocean_______(64)we use it as a garbage dump.Huge as it is,the ocean cannot hold all the water that we pour into it.________(65)garbage into the ocean is killing off sea life.Yet as the world population grows,we may need the sea and its gifts more than ever._________65A:Reducing B:Collecting C:Removing D:Casting

We have kept()our friendship by writing to each other, so we are true friends.AbackBupCoffDdown

我希望没有让你久等。()A、I hope I have not kept you waiting for long.B、I hope I have not kept you waiting for a short time.C、I hope I have not kept you waiting for a while.D、I hope I have not kept you waiting for a little time.

湿货要远离干货。()A、Wet cargo must be kept away from dry cargo.B、Heavy cargo must be kept away from dry cargo.C、Light cargo must be kept away from dry cargo.D、Wet cargo must be kept away from light cargo.

Which of the following is a distinguishing factor between data archiving and data backups?()A、Data archives are kept for disaster recovery purposes while data backups are kept for indefiniteperiods of time so that there is an information record.B、Data archives are kept for documentation purposes to easily recover data while data backupsare kept for immediate server recovery.C、Data archives are kept off-site for data warehousing purposes while data backups are keptlocally for immediate server recovery purposes.D、Data archives are kept for indefinite periods of time so there is a record while data backups arekept for disaster recovery purposes.

You create the sales report and run it in the live previewer. After which change would the live previewer require the data? ()A、Removing column from the available list in the report wizard. B、Removing the column from the displayed list in the report wizard. C、Changing the display width of a column in the report wizard. D、Adding a column to both the available list and displayed list in the report wizard. E、Removing a column in the live previewer.

The following actions can be taken to remove a fileset EXCEPT.()A、Removing a fileset update leaving the base filesetB、Removing a base fileset in the BROKEN stateC、Removing a base fileset in the COMMITTED state and all fileset updates in the APPLIED statD、Removing a base fileset in the COMMITTED state and all fileset updates in the COMMITTED state

单选题The process of removing moisture from air is known as().AhumidificationBdehumidificationCvaporizationDevaporation

单选题Removing which will extinguish a fire?().AnitrogenBCarbon dioxideCSodliumDOxygen

单选题We()a sharp lookout while sailing in the iced waters.AkeepBkeptCare keepingDhave kept

单选题The best tool to use for removing the carbon ridge at the top of an enginecylinder, prior to removing the piston, is to use()Aan electric grinderBa metal scraperCa reamerDa three-wing hone

单选题We have kept()our friendship by writing to each other, so we are true friends.AbackBupCoffDdown

单选题At an unsheltered anchorage the chief engineer officer shall consult with the master whetheror not to maintain an underway watch“An underway watch” means()Aa watch which is kept with lower standardBa watch which is kept when the ship isnt sailingCa watch which is kept when the ship is sailingDa watch which is kept when the ship is in a restricted visibility area