单选题We can conclude from the last paragraph that______.Atrade winds are harmful to the low clouds.Bdeep clouds are helpful to cool the earth.Cglobal warming can result in more low clouds.Dglobal warming can destroy the form of atmosphere.

We can conclude from the last paragraph that______.

trade winds are harmful to the low clouds.


deep clouds are helpful to cool the earth.


global warming can result in more low clouds.


global warming can destroy the form of atmosphere.


推理判断题。由题干关键词定位至原文末段。由该段第二句as the earth’s surface warms, the atmosphere becomes more unstable推知,地球变暖可能改变大气构成,而这种改变又是负面的,故D为正确答案。由该段倒数第二句the trade winds weakened, which further dissipated the low clouds,可推知信风对低云层有利,故排除A;由该段第三句Those types of high-altitude clouds don’t have the same cooling effect排除B;由该段倒数第二句可知随着海洋的变暖,低层云层变少了,排除C。


单选题Which of the following is necessary in a disaster preparedness plan?AFood, water, a telephone with extra batteries.BFood, water, a flashlight with extra batteries.CFood, a telephone with extra batteries and a meeting place in case of evacuation.DWater, a telephone with extra batteries and a meeting place in case of evacuation.

单选题The emergence of the Net has ______.Areceived support from fans like DonovanBremolded the intelligence servicesCrestored many common pastimesDrevived spying as a profession

问答题Early in the seventeenth century English settlers brought the English language within the borders of the present United States. In using the language in this new environment they began immediately and necessarily to modify it. As time passed more colonists came and the settled areas along the Atlantic coast became larger. Modifications in the English brought from the homeland multiplied. For a long time neither the users of this changed form of English nor those who remained in England paid particular attention to what was happening to the language here. Those in England who first noticed the changes viewed the matter with easy tolerance. But in time, because of circumstances unnecessary to detail here, this attitude changed to one of alarm and criticism. Those in this country of sufficient education and culture to know or care about this linguistic matter were divided in their thinking. Some were disposed to agree with their overseas critics and to counsel stricter adherence to orthodox use of the language; others were of a decidedly contrary view.

问答题A review of cell phone studies commissioned by the Swedish Radiation Protection Authority has found no “consistent evidence” of an increased risk of cancer from usage, the agency said.Studies have differed on whether the use of mobile phones increases the risk of cancer as the handsets have become increasingly popular and efficient.The governmental agency asked Dr. John D. Boice Jr. and Dr. Joseph K. McLaughlin of the International Epidemiology Institute in Rockville, Md., to evaluate published epidemiological research on the subject.The review looked at nine studies since 1996 that included factors such as type of phone, duration and frequency of use and brain tumor location.“No consistent evidence was observed for increased risk of brain cancer (or other forms),” the scientists said in the review, released Wednesday.The agency acknowledged public concern about the issue and said many studies were still being performed and continued follow-up was needed on any possible carcinogenic effect linked to mobile phone usage.

问答题[A] Time Away That Shapes Careers  [B] Faculty Weigh in  [C] Admissions Impact  [D] No Regrets  [E] Help Students Develop Strategies to Mingle  [F] Finding Opportunities  [G] Build Strong Sense of Responsibility  Data from the National Science Foundation indicate that over the last 25 years, there has been a fairly consistent 1- to 2-year time variance in the interval between an undergraduate degree and a Ph.D. So where does the extra time go?  Part of it is the “postbac”: recent graduates often take between the bachelor’s degree and graduate school. “Postbac” time allows recent graduates to mature, gain some perspective, and learn new skills before starting out on a long graduate program. A short hiatus before the long road, students and faculty members say, is almost always good.  1. ____________________  Most faculty members agree that if students have a clear idea of what they want to study and what their goals are, they can make a successful direct transition to graduate school. “For the great majority of students, some time off is a good idea,” says Deborah Goldberg, a professor of ecology and evolutionary biology at the University of Michigan. Students with more life experience often have the maturity it takes to persevere through a Ph.D., she says. She has observed that students without that experience are more likely to feel burned out and to drop out of their Ph. D. programs than are students who take time off.  2. ____________________  Faculty members agree that 1 to 2 years away does not hurt a student in the graduate-admissions process. But relevant work—especially research experience—often has a better-than-neutral effect on admissions prospects. As he considered graduate programs, Gries was able to discuss his research in one-on-one interviews with faculty members, and all of them, he says, considered his year of work an advantage. Maturity and life experience are the main selling points for “postbac” time, but the details of what you learn can matter, too. In addition, many faculty members appreciate the perspectives students with added life experience bring to their classrooms and laboratories.  3. ____________________  Individuals we spoke to who had completed a “postbac” expressed no regrets about their decisions. Sarah Walker sees only advantages to the time that she spent in the Peace Corps and working in Africa. After she finished her undergraduate degree at Smith College in Northatmpton, Massachusetts, in 1994, she worked as a biology and mathematics teacher for 2 years in Lesotho. When she returned to graduate school at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, in 1998, Walker found that her experience in the Peace Cows made teaching assignments easier. Her experience in Africa shaped her career goals: Her thesis research in environmental science examined the impact of land-use changes on ecological systems. Walker says her relationships with faculty members were also improved by her time away.  4. ____________________  Finding a postgraduate position outside of organized programs such as the Peace Cows requires undergraduates to mine a diverse network of resources. Talk to as many people as possible, Goldberg says; faculty members might know of colleagues who are looking for research assistants. Regional and national meetings present great chances for undergraduates to scout for positions.  5. ____________________  After completing the core requirements for her Ph.D. in 2005, Walker took a job at Winrock International, a nonprofit international development organization in Arlington, Virginia. Her job —advising projects that help limit carbon emissions and deforestation in the developing world-builds on both her Peace Corps experience and scientific expertise. Unsurprisingly, she’s a strong advocate of the postbac. “Taking 2 years [off] has zero negative impact on your ability to continue on in school,” she advises. It allows you to grow as a person and have a better sense of what it is that you want to do.(此文选自Science 2007年刊)

问答题The publisher’s techniques for book promotion have become increasingly sophisticated in all advanced countries. The typical traveler or book salesman is likely to hold a college degree, certainly in the United States; he receives a careful briefing from the home office, with elaborate samples and sales aids, and perhaps a car provided, or partly provided, by the firm. 1)A well-run publishing house issues two or three seasonal announcement lists with details of its forthcoming books, as well as an annual catalog of its present and past books still in print, which are sent to the principal booksellers and librarians.For many books, a prospectus may be issued, both for the use of booksellers and for direct mailing by the publisher. The distribution of review copies to the press is the last item in the normal program. These three steps, traveling, catalogs, and reviews, are the vital elements in the machinery of book distribution, which it is virtually impossible to accomplish without the professional work of a publisher. 2)The capacity of some authors to produce a quite presentable book with the help of a printer still leaves them far from their objective unless they can find a publisher to undertake its distribution.  Newspaper and periodical advertising is the publisher’s principal means of reaching the public, and standards here have also risen considerably since World War II. 3)Originally handled entirely by the publisher’s own staff, it is now not uncommon for the larger houses, especially in the United States and in some European countries, to employ advertising agencies to prepare the copy and the general details of the campaign for any important book.4) While few authors consider that their books are advertised adequately and most publishers are highly doubtful whether press advertising does in fact sell books, the amounts spent in relation to sales revenue are much higher than for most other commodities, seldom less than 5 percent for new books.  5)Over the whole field of sales promotion, as publishing houses have grown in size and profitability, there has been a marked tendency for the more commercial methods of general business to be applied to books, which are aggressively promoted to retailers and the public in the same manner as are many other commodities.Though this may increase sales, at least in the short term, it may be doubted whether it is in the interests of the public and to the long-term advantage of good publishing.

问答题Directions:  You are planning to study abroad. Write a letter of inquiry to  (1) give your brief personal information;  (2) ask for the terms of admission into that university;  (3) ask for the possibility of getting a scholarship.  You should write about 100 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use "Li Ming" instead. You don't need to write the address.