单选题An increased pressure differential between the inlet and outlet of a strainer usually indicates the strainer is ()AholedBfouledCcleanDdry

An increased pressure differential between the inlet and outlet of a strainer usually indicates the strainer is ()









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The () increased the contradicitons between the two countries. A.accidentB.residentC.incident

Cold weather starting of a diesel engine is more difficult than warm weather starting due toA.use of low viscosity oil in cold weatherB.increased moisture content of inlet air in cold weatherC.increased drag of pistons and bearings due to increased oil viscosityD.higher compression pressures reached due to smaller clearances existing in the engine during cold weather

第二组Displacement pumps are those where the volume of the pump chamber is alternately increased to draw the liquid in from the suction pipe and then decreased to force the liquid out into the delivery pipe. Centrifugal pumps are those wherein an impeller rotating at high speed throws the liquid by centrifugal force from the center to the periphery of the impeller where the liquid is discharged through the delivery outlet.Gear pump consists of two or more meshing gears (spur, single or double helical teeth) enclosed m a close-fitted housing. These are used extensively for pumping fuel oil, lubricating oil and hydraulic oil. When gears are unmeshed on the inlet side, a pressure drop occurs that helps the atmospheric pressure acting on the surface of the oil in the reservoir to force it up the pipe to fill the void, the oil is then transferred around the periphery of the pump housing. As the gear teeth mesh again on the outlet side, they form. a seal that prevents oil from backing up to the inlet, the oil in the void is then be forced out into the discharge line.All vane pumps have a rotor driven within a ring (cam ring) by a drive shaft coupled to a prime mover. A cylindrical rotor with sliding vanes, generally in radial slots, rotates within the ring. The center of the rotor is offset from the center of the ring. In a simple vane pump, as the rotor turns, the vanes are forced outward against the inner surface of the cam ring by centrifugal force. This outward radial movement of the vanes and turning of the rotor causes the chamber between the vanes to increase as the vanes pass further away from the inlet port. This increase in volume results in a lowering of pressure until the atmospheric pressure is sufficient to force oil from the reservoir into the inlet chamber. Oil from the inlet is swept away by the vanes toward the outlet port through a decreasing series of chambers until it is forced through the outlet port. A vane pump of balanced design has an elliptical cam ring so that two pumping chambers are formed. This pump is in hydraulically balance, since the two intake and two outlet ports are diametrically opposed to each other. Therefore the side loads exerted on the rotor cancel out, thereby increasing bearing lift and permitting high operating pressure.According to the last sentence of paragraph 1, from where the liquid is discharged through the delivery outlet?A.from the eye of the impellerB.from passage of impellerC.from the periphery of the impellerD.from the impeller

The high air velocity leaving the compressor of an exhaust gas turbocharger is converted to pressure in the_______.A.inlet nozzle ringB.turbine wheel bladeC.diffuser passagesD.inlet volute

Which of the following BEST describes the difference between differential and incremental backups?()A、 An incremental backup requires fewer tapes for restoration than a differential backup. B、 A differential backup tape takes less time than an incremental backup tape.C、 A differential backup requires fewer tapes for restoration than an incremental backup.D、 An incremental backup tape costs less than a differential backup tape.

单选题An indicator card or pressure-volume diagram, shows graphically the ()Acompression ratio of the engineBvolume of the engineCrelationships between pressure and volume during one stroke of the engineDrelationships between pressure and volume during one cycle of the engine

单选题In a turbocharger, inlet air velocity is increased in the().Ainlet nozzle ringBstationary diffuser passagesCcompressor outlet voluteDrotating impeller vanes

单选题When the relief valve opens it discharges high pressure refrigerant vapor to the ().Aliquid strainerBrefrigerant inlet of the condenserCinlet side of the evaporatorDsuction side of the compressor

单选题An increased differential between the inlet and outlet of a strainer usually indicates the strainer is ()AholedBfouledCcleanDdry

单选题Which of the following BEST describes the difference between differential and incremental backups?()A An incremental backup requires fewer tapes for restoration than a differential backup. B A differential backup tape takes less time than an incremental backup tape.C A differential backup requires fewer tapes for restoration than an incremental backup.D An incremental backup tape costs less than a differential backup tape.

单选题The temperature differential occurring between the inlet temperature of the fluid to be cooled and the outlet temperature of the cooling medium in a shell-and-tube heat exchanger is greatest in which of the flow designs listed?()ACrossBParallelCCounterDCircular

单选题A smoking exhaust from an operating diesel engine could be caused by ()Alow sulfur content in the fuelBa loose injector inlet connectionClate fuel injectionDhigh injection pressure

单选题Increasing differential pressure of an oil filter indicates that ()Ait is dirtyBit is leakyCit has been renewedDall the above

单选题The efficiency of a flash type evaporator can be increased by()Alowering brine discharge densityBdecreasing the absolute pressure of each stageCincreasing the saltwater feed heater temperatureDincreasing the pressure at the spray pipe

单选题The design of for a flash type evaporator is of critical importance because it must provide an optimum feedwater spray pattern that facilitates the flashing process, and it must also maintain a pressure differential between successive stages()AcondenserBflashing deviceClashing deviceDvacuum pump

单选题Which of the following problems could cause air to blow out through the inlet air filter of a running compressor?()AExcessive compression in the cylinderBA broken intake valveCA dirty inlet filter elementDAn improperly adjusted discharge valve

单选题An increased pressure differential between the inlet and outlet of a strainer usually indicates the strainer is ()AholedBfouledCcleanDdry

单选题Both the temperature and the pressure of the refrigerant are increased in the ().AcompressorBcondenserCevaporatorDexpansion valve

单选题Starting air valves are held firmly on their seats by()Acam rollers on the camshaftBspring forceCair pressure on top of the valve differential pistonDair pressure on the bottom of the valve differential piston

单选题Differential needle valves used in fuel injectors are directly closed by()Acam actionBspring forceCfuel oil pressureDfiring pressure

单选题In an engine with air inlet valve and exhaust valve on its cylinder heads the fresh air will enter into the cylinder () and the gases exhaust (), there being an adequate overlap between the inlet opening and the exhaust closing.Adownwards;upwardsBupwards;downwardsCdownwards;downwardsDupwards;upwards

单选题Which condition indicates the air side fouling of an after-cooler on a turbocharged diesel engine?()AAn increased air temperature differential between the cooler inlet and outletBA decrease in the air pressure differential across the coolerCExcessive condensate forming in the air boxDA decrease in the air temperature differential between the cooler inlet and outlet

单选题On what do you depend having the air cooler of main engine chemically washed?()Aincreased air pressure differenced before and aft air coolerBreduced exhaust temperature in all cylindersCreduced temperature difference between water inlet and outletDboth A and C

单选题Bourdon Tube is probably the most commonly used () measuring instrument.Athe absolute pressureBthe gauge pressureCthe vacuum pressureDthe differential pressure

单选题Movement of the diaphragm or bellows is () by a linkage to a needle or pointer display to indicate the differential pressure between two sides of the diaphragm or bellows.AmeasuredBrecordedCtransferredDcontrolled

单选题An axial piston, variable stroke pump is used in a vessels hydraulic steering gearUnder pressure, oil continually leaks out from between the valve plate/cylinder barrel and will().Acause loss of hydraulic oil from the systemBresult in extreme damage to the pumpCcause damage to the pump ff not continually drained from the pump casingDresult in the system high side pressure to substantially drop off

单选题An increase in the air inlet manifold pressure of a diesel engine will result in a/an ().Adecrease in maximum cylinder pressureBincrease in ignition lagCdecrease in fuel consumption per horsepower-hourDdecrease in exhaust manifold pressure

单选题The pressure range between the system cut in and cut out pressures in a refrigeration unit is known as()Aopposing operational dragBpressure distributionCdifferentialDsystem purge