单选题Running Man, is a popular show these days. Some well-known stars challenge themselves to finish all kinds of tasks ______ in it.AluckilyBbravelyCeasilyDdifferently

Running Man, is a popular show these days. Some well-known stars challenge themselves to finish all kinds of tasks ______ in it.









句意:“奔跑吧,兄弟”是时下一档很受欢迎的节目。在节目中,很多知名明星进行自我挑战,勇敢地完成各项任务。luckily幸运地。bravely勇敢地。easily轻易地。differently不同地。根据“challenge themselves”可推断,B项符合语境。


Why does the woman invite the man to tea?A.She needs some friends to talk with.B.She will give the man some useful information.C.She needs some help from the man.

要显示路由器的运行配置,下面的路由器命令中,哪一条是正确的?——A.Router#show running—configB.Router#show startup—configC.Router‘#show configurationD.Routershow running—config

In the author’s opinion, employees should _____.[A] invest in company stock to show loyalty to their employer[B] get out of their own company’s stock[C] wait for some time before disposing of their stock[D] give trust to a particular company’s stock

显示路由器的运行配置的命令是()。 A.show versionB.display running-configC.display versionD.show running-config

听力原文:M: May I cash these traveler's checks for $300 here?W: Of course. Would you please countersign them here? Also write place and date as specified.Q: What does the man want to do according to the conversation?(16)A.To endorse his cheques.B.To show his passport.C.To cash some traveler' s cheques.D.To open a checking account.

什么命令允许你查看RAM中的配置()A.show startup-configB.show RAM-configC.show running-configD.show config

为查看配置注册表设置,你需要输入哪个命令()A.show running-configB.show startup-configC.show versionD.show controllers

下列哪些命令可以用来查看DDR端口(在端口 S1 上配置)信息?( ) A、 show interface B、 show running-conting C、 show interface s1 D、 show diater interface s1

Which command reveals the last method used to powercycle a router?() A. show reloadB. show bootC. show running-configD. show version

为了查看Quidway路由器上的串口s0的封装是DTE或DCE,应该使用命令() A.show controllerserialB.show running-configC.show interfaces0D.show startup-config

共用题干TV Games ShowsOne of the most fascinating things about television is the size of the audience.A novel can be on the best sellers list with a sale of fewer than 100,000 .copies,but a popular TV show might have 70 million TV viewers.TV can make anything or anyone well-known overnight.This is the principle behind quiz or game shows,which put ordinary people on TV to play a game for the prizes and money.A quiz show can make anyone a star,and it can give away thou-sands of dollars just for fun.But all of this money can create problems.For instance,in the 1950s, quiz shows were very popular in the US and almost everyone watched them. Charles Van Doren, an English instructor,became rich and famous after winning money on several shows.He even had a career as a television personality.But one of the losers proved that Charles Van Doren was cheat-ing. It turned out that the show's producers,who were pulling the strings,gave the answers to the most popular contestants beforehand. Why?Because if the audience didn't like the person who won the game,they turned the show off. Based on his story,a movie under the title Quiz Show is on 40 years later.Charles Van Doren is no longer involved with TV.But game shows are still here,though they aren't taken as seriously. In fact,some of them try to be as ridiculous as possible.There are shows that send strangers on vacation trips together,or that try to cause newly-married couples to fight on TV,or that punish losers by humiliating them.The entertainment now is to see what people will do just to be on TV.People still win money,but the real prize is to be in front of an audience of mil-lions. TV can make a beggar world-famous overnight.A:.RightB: WrongC: Not mentioned

共用题干TV Games ShowsOne of the most fascinating things about television is the size of the audience.A novel can be on the best sellers list with a sale of fewer than 100,000 .copies,but a popular TV show might have 70 million TV viewers.TV can make anything or anyone well-known overnight.This is the principle behind quiz or game shows,which put ordinary people on TV to play a game for the prizes and money.A quiz show can make anyone a star,and it can give away thou-sands of dollars just for fun.But all of this money can create problems.For instance,in the 1950s, quiz shows were very popular in the US and almost everyone watched them. Charles Van Doren, an English instructor,became rich and famous after winning money on several shows.He even had a career as a television personality.But one of the losers proved that Charles Van Doren was cheat-ing. It turned out that the show's producers,who were pulling the strings,gave the answers to the most popular contestants beforehand. Why?Because if the audience didn't like the person who won the game,they turned the show off. Based on his story,a movie under the title Quiz Show is on 40 years later.Charles Van Doren is no longer involved with TV.But game shows are still here,though they aren't taken as seriously. In fact,some of them try to be as ridiculous as possible.There are shows that send strangers on vacation trips together,or that try to cause newly-married couples to fight on TV,or that punish losers by humiliating them.The entertainment now is to see what people will do just to be on TV.People still win money,but the real prize is to be in front of an audience of mil-lions. The principle behind quiz or game shows is to put ordinary people on TV to play a game for prizes and money.A: RightB:WrongC: Not mentioned

共用题干TV Games ShowsOne of the most fascinating things about television is the size of the audience.A novel can be on the best sellers list with a sale of fewer than 100,000 .copies,but a popular TV show might have 70 million TV viewers.TV can make anything or anyone well-known overnight.This is the principle behind quiz or game shows,which put ordinary people on TV to play a game for the prizes and money.A quiz show can make anyone a star,and it can give away thou-sands of dollars just for fun.But all of this money can create problems.For instance,in the 1950s, quiz shows were very popular in the US and almost everyone watched them. Charles Van Doren, an English instructor,became rich and famous after winning money on several shows.He even had a career as a television personality.But one of the losers proved that Charles Van Doren was cheat-ing. It turned out that the show's producers,who were pulling the strings,gave the answers to the most popular contestants beforehand. Why?Because if the audience didn't like the person who won the game,they turned the show off. Based on his story,a movie under the title Quiz Show is on 40 years later.Charles Van Doren is no longer involved with TV.But game shows are still here,though they aren't taken as seriously. In fact,some of them try to be as ridiculous as possible.There are shows that send strangers on vacation trips together,or that try to cause newly-married couples to fight on TV,or that punish losers by humiliating them.The entertainment now is to see what people will do just to be on TV.People still win money,but the real prize is to be in front of an audience of mil-lions. The huge scandal of cheating in TV games shows was not exposed until 40 years later in the movie Quiz Show.A: RightB: WrongC: Not mentioned

共用题干TV Games ShowsOne of the most fascinating things about television is the size of the audience.A novel can be on the best sellers list with a sale of fewer than 100,000 .copies,but a popular TV show might have 70 million TV viewers.TV can make anything or anyone well-known overnight.This is the principle behind quiz or game shows,which put ordinary people on TV to play a game for the prizes and money.A quiz show can make anyone a star,and it can give away thou-sands of dollars just for fun.But all of this money can create problems.For instance,in the 1950s, quiz shows were very popular in the US and almost everyone watched them. Charles Van Doren, an English instructor,became rich and famous after winning money on several shows.He even had a career as a television personality.But one of the losers proved that Charles Van Doren was cheat-ing. It turned out that the show's producers,who were pulling the strings,gave the answers to the most popular contestants beforehand. Why?Because if the audience didn't like the person who won the game,they turned the show off. Based on his story,a movie under the title Quiz Show is on 40 years later.Charles Van Doren is no longer involved with TV.But game shows are still here,though they aren't taken as seriously. In fact,some of them try to be as ridiculous as possible.There are shows that send strangers on vacation trips together,or that try to cause newly-married couples to fight on TV,or that punish losers by humiliating them.The entertainment now is to see what people will do just to be on TV.People still win money,but the real prize is to be in front of an audience of mil-lions. One of the TV personalities,Charles Van Doren was proved to be cheating by persuading the Show's producers to give him the answers beforehand.A: RightB: WrongC:Not mentioned

Which command reveals the last method used to powercycle a router?()A、show reloadB、show bootC、show running-configD、show version

Cisco路由器使用()指令来显示当前路由器的配置情况A、show running-configB、show running-configureC、show running  configD、show running  configure

()命令能查看运行配置。A、show versionB、show mac-address-tableC、show ip protocolD、show running-config

为了查看Quidway路由器上的串口s0的封装是DTE或DCE,应该使用命令()A、show controllerserialB、show running-configC、show interfaces0D、show startup-config

Which of these commands can you use to show if an operational Catalyst switch port is set for autonegotiation of speed and duplex when running Cisco IOS software?()A、show port networkB、 show running-configC、show controllers Ethernet-controllerD、 show interfaces

The network administrator is in a campus building distant from Building B. WANRouter is hosting a newly installed WAN link on interface S0/0. The new link is not functioning and the administrator needs to determine if the correct cable has been attached to the S0/0 interface. How can the administrator accurately verify the correct cable type on S0/0 in the most efficient manner()。A、Telnet to WANRouter and execute the command show interfaces S0/0B、Telnet to WANRouter and execute the command show processes S0/0C、Telnet to WANRouter and execute the command show running-configurationD、Telnet to WANRouter and execute the command show controller S0/0E、Physically examine the cable between WANRouter S0/0 and the DCEF、Establish a console session on WANRouter and execute the command show interfaces S0/0

以下命令中哪些命令可以看到路由器IOS的信息?()A、show running-configB、show flashC、show versionD、show startup-config

An administrator wants to know what version of VIOS is running on their server. Which of the following commands will show the VIOS version?()A、 oslevel B、 ioslevel C、 oslevel -s D、 ioslevel -v

显示路由器的运行配置的命令是()。A、Show versionB、Show running-configC、Display running-configD、Display version

判断题Johnny Carson’s entertaining show even had some influence on American politics.A对B错

单选题Which of these commands can you use to show if an operational Catalyst switch port is set for autonegotiation of speed and duplex when running Cisco IOS software?()Ashow port networkB show running-configCshow controllers Ethernet-controllerD show interfaces

单选题What is called science or art, according to the author?Athe deficit answers of some of man’s questionsBMan’s thoughtsCall of man’s questionsDthe meaning of reality

单选题An administrator wants to know what version of VIOS is running on their server. Which of the following commands will show the VIOS version?()A oslevel B ioslevel C oslevel -s D ioslevel -v