单选题Listen! Who()in the next room? The voice is so beautiful.AsingsBsangChas sungDis singing

Listen! Who()in the next room? The voice is so beautiful.





has sung


is singing


解析: 暂无解析


Listen!Judy is singing___________in her room.

My room is ( )than the one next door. A.cleanerB.cleannerC.cleanest

Listen! The baby()in the next room.A. criesB. criedC. is crying

The machine made a terrible ______ so we couldn't ______.A、noise ... hearB、voice ... hearC、sound ... listenD、shout ... listen

We are() to listen to her () voice. It s () to listen hear her sing. A、pleased; pleasing; pleaureB、pleased; pleasant; a pleasureC、pleasing; pleased; a pleasureD、pleasing; pleasant; pleasure

One of the main reasons for getting students to listen to spoken English is to let them hear varieties and ___________, rather than just the voice of their teacher with its own idiosyncrasies. In today′s world, they need to be exposed not only to one variety of English, but also to varieties such as American English, Australian English, Indian English and so on.A.languagesB.mother tonguesC.accentsD.natives

According to the author, at a big party, small talk is used with the purpose of__________.A.making both others and yourself feel at easeB.excluding those you don't like from joining youC.keeping your voice low so only your friends can hear youD.comforting those who feel lonely

He is__________nervous__________he moved about the room all the time.A.such;thatB.that;thatC.so;thatD.so;as

__________My room gets very cold at night.A.So is mineB.So does mineC.So mine isD.So mine does

He spoke so quickly that I did not______what he said.A.catchB.acceptC.takeD.listen

Hespoke in such a high voice__________at the farther end of the room.A.as to be heardB.to be heardC.as to hearD.to hear

Be quiet! They () a meeting in the next room.Aare havingBhaveCwere havingDwill had

Listen! Who()in the next room? The voice is so beautiful.AsingsBsangChas sungDis singing

You have a good voice.()AThank youBNot at allCJust so soDMy voice isn't good

Listen! Who()in the next room? The voice is so beautiful.A、singsB、sangC、has sungD、is singing

引水员的房间在驾驶台隔壁。()A、The pilot room is next to the chart room.B、The pilot room is next to the wheelhouse .C、The pilot room is next to the captain’s cabin.

You have a good voice.()A、Thank youB、Not at allC、Just so soD、My voice isn't good

Be quiet! They () a meeting in the next room.A、are havingB、haveC、were havingD、will had

引航员的房间在驾驶台隔壁。()A、The pilot room is next to the chart room.B、The pilot room is next to the wheelhouse .C、The pilot room next to the captain’s cabin.D、The pilot room next to the wheelhouse .

单选题引航员的房间在驾驶台隔壁。()AThe pilot room is next to the chart room.BThe pilot room is next to the wheelhouse .CThe pilot room next to the captain’s cabin.DThe pilot room next to the wheelhouse .

单选题According to the author, at a big party, small talk is used with the purpose of ______.Amaking both others and yourself feel at easeBexcluding those you don’t like from joining youCkeeping your voice low so only your friends can hear youDcomforting those who feel lonely

单选题Listen! Who()in the next room? The voice is so beautiful.AsingsBsangChas sungDis singing

单选题Bellboy: Come this way, please. Let's take the elevator.  Guest: Oh my God! It's a glassed elevator!  Bellboy: Don't be frightened, Miss. Enjoy the view!  Guest: It's beautiful. ______ So many people are enjoying the sun.AI really feel at ease working here.BWhat's the name of that street?CCan you see the wall of the next building?DYou can see the whole beach.

单选题引水员的房间在驾驶台隔壁。()AThe pilot room is next to the chart room.BThe pilot room is next to the wheelhouse .CThe pilot room is next to the captain’s cabin.

单选题You have a good voice.()AThank youBNot at allCJust so soDMy voice isn't good

单选题The ()is next to the chart room.Aengine roomBcook roomCsaloonDpilot room

单选题Be quiet! They () a meeting in the next room.Aare havingBhaveCwere havingDwill had

单选题There is nothing so lovely as to be beautiful. Beauty is a gift of the nature and we should _____ it as such.AcheatBchooseCcherishDchoke