单选题The young lady coming over to us()our English teacher; the way she walks tells us that!Amust beBcan beCwould beDcould be

The young lady coming over to us()our English teacher; the way she walks tells us that!

must be


can be


would be


could be


解析: 暂无解析


Our teacher told us the sun ____ in the east .A. riseB. roseC. risingD. rises

Our teacher says that ______ is not right for us to break the rules of the school.A. /B. thisC. itD. that

who's that woman standing by our English teacher? It _be Jims mother, I'm not sureA.canB.shouldC mightD.must

Our English teacher has agreed to _____ the time limit for our paper.A. spreadB. stretchC. expandD. extend

Mr. Wang,(), is coming up to us.A. slowlyB. our new teacherC. he is our new teacher

Our English teacher always emphasizes the importance of learning new words in context rather than learning each of them( ). A、individuallyB、exclusivelyC、approximatelyD、supposedly

The young man ______ teaches us English is from America.A: whoseB: whomC: whoD: which

Our English teacher tries to __English every morning

As we took our seats on the bus, I noticed a woman ______ with a young adult close to us.A、sitB、be sitC、sittingD、sits

Our English teacher() our buying an English-Chinese dictionary. A、suggestedB、wishedC、hopedD、asked

( ) – Is Miss White __________ English teacher, Maria?– No, she teaches __________ geography.A.your;myB.you;mineC.you;usD.your;us

老师对我们要求严格。Our teacher_______ _______ _______us.

This is a girl. She’s (11) English girl. Her name's Becky.She's twelve. She’s in (12) 0f No.l Middle School in Beijing. She studies(学习) (13) in it. Mr Liu is .her Chinese teacher.(14 ) name is Liu Yong. He-s a good teacher.He reaches(教)her Chinese very well. Her home .(15) number is(010)65268559. He loves his students very much.Becky's father and mother (16) teachers. Her father is (17) Green.(18) works(l作) in Beijing now. He teaches us English. He (19) to work(20) his bike. He's our good English teacher and good friend.( )11.A.aB.anC.theD./

Our teacher told us that the earth__________ (be) round.

When a teacher teaches young learners English pronunciation, he should__________.A.listen as much as possibleB.input regardless of students'abilityC.tolerate small errors in continuous speechD.read more English materials

Our English teacher is sick.A:fat B:weakC:ill D:mad

____our English teacher, our English has been greatly improved.A. Thanks to B. Thank for C. But for D. Except for

This is the idea that our teacher wants to get() us.Aacross toBoverContoDaround to

What do you think of your new teacher?()AHe came to teach us last week.BHe teaches us English.CHe has two children.DHe is very nice

单选题What do you think of your new teacher?()AHe came to teach us last week.BHe teaches us English.CHe has two children.DHe is very nice

单选题For a teacher who teaches young learners English pronunciation, which principle is appropriate? _____AMaximum quantity of spoken input.BConscious effort.CTolerance of errors in continuous speech.DRead more English materials.

单选题—Mary, who’s ______ woman over there?—She’s my aunt, ______ English teacher.Athe; theBa; theCthe; anDa; an

单选题This is the idea that our teacher wants to get() us.Aacross toBoverContoDaround to

单选题Our Chinese teacher told us ______ interesting story and ______ story was about Thomas Edison.Aan; aBthe; theCa; theDan; the

单选题Our teacher often asks us ______ questions in groups.AdiscussBto discussCdiscussingDdiscussed

单选题The young lady coming over to us()our English teacher; the way she walks tells us that!Amust beBcan beCwould beDcould be

单选题When a teacher teaches young learners English pronunciation, he should _____.Alisten as much as possibleBinput regardless of students’ abilityCtolerate small errors in continuous speechDread more English materials

单选题As we took our seats on the bus, I noticed a woman()with a young adult close to us.AsitBbe sitCsittingDsits