问答题For the last fifty years, the globe has been warming (1)____.  It is true that the average temperature (2) r____is only about two degrees, but that has been enough to start the glaciers (3)____(recede) in many parts of the world.  A rise of one degree per generation is a large increase. Nature seldom moves as swiftly as this. We may have been helping her. To a very large (4)____, the temperature of the Earth is determined by the amount of solar heat which the atmosphere can (5) ke____ . The air above us sets like the glass in a greenhouse, trapping many of the heat waves which would (6)____bounce back into space. Carbon dioxide in the air is mostly responsible (7)____the “greenhouse effect”; it is a gas produced by all our countless fires, furnaces and internal combustion engines.  The end of the short-lived age of fossil fuels is already in (8) si____ ; soon in one or two centuries at the most we will have wasted all the world’s resource of oil and coal. This no longer means disaster, for (9)____(atom) energy has arrived in time to save our civilization from dying through lack of power. We are moving into a brighter and cleaner age, as the smoke of millions of fire and furnaces and automobiles ceases to (10)____(dark) the sky. But for that very reason, it may also be a colder age.

For the last fifty years, the globe has been warming (1)____.  It is true that the average temperature (2) r____is only about two degrees, but that has been enough to start the glaciers (3)____(recede) in many parts of the world.  A rise of one degree per generation is a large increase. Nature seldom moves as swiftly as this. We may have been helping her. To a very large (4)____, the temperature of the Earth is determined by the amount of solar heat which the atmosphere can (5) ke____ . The air above us sets like the glass in a greenhouse, trapping many of the heat waves which would (6)____bounce back into space. Carbon dioxide in the air is mostly responsible (7)____the “greenhouse effect”; it is a gas produced by all our countless fires, furnaces and internal combustion engines.  The end of the short-lived age of fossil fuels is already in (8) si____ ; soon in one or two centuries at the most we will have wasted all the world’s resource of oil and coal. This no longer means disaster, for (9)____(atom) energy has arrived in time to save our civilization from dying through lack of power. We are moving into a brighter and cleaner age, as the smoke of millions of fire and furnaces and automobiles ceases to (10)____(dark) the sky. But for that very reason, it may also be a colder age.


解析: 暂无解析


Much _____ in the past few years. A.has been doneB.has doneC.didD.was done

The population of this city, forty percent of which ________, ________ 15% in the last three years. A.are Germans; has risenB.are German; has fallen tryC.is Germans; have increased toD.is Germans; has been reduced try

Over the past decades, sea icein the Arctic as a result of global warming.A . haddecreased Bdecreased C has been decreasingD is decreasing

●During the last few years,it has been realized that maintenance of programs is more expensive than development,so reading of programs by humans is as important as (73) them.(73) A.editingB.writedC.writtenD.writing

His sister ______her hometown for three years. She'll return next year.A. leftB. has leftC. has been awayD. has been away from

That man ( ) at the bus stop for the last half hour.--- Shall I tell him that the last bus ( ) A.has stood … has already goneB.has been standing… has already beenC.is standing… has already goneD.has been standing…has already gone

Over the past decades, sea ice ____ in the Arctic (北极) as a result of global warming. A had decreasedB will decreaseC has been decreasingD is decresing

It has been raining ______ last Saturday.A、onB、 forC、tillD、 since

Silk( )by Chinese for thousands of years now.A. has usedB. has been usedC. was usedD. is used

During the last few years ,it has been realized that maintenance of programs is more expensive than development, so reading of programs by humans is as important as(73)them.A.editingB.writedC.writtenD.writing

共用题干Lakes,Too,Feel Global WarmingThere's no doubt:In the last few decades,the average temperature on Earth has been higher than it has been in hundreds of years.Around the world,people are starting to measure the effects of global warming一 and trying to figure out what to do about it.Scientists recently used satellites to study the temperatures of lakes around the world,and they found that lakes are heating up.Between 1985 and 2009,satellites recorded the nighttime temperatures of the sur- faces of 167 lakes.During those 24 years,the lakes got warmer by an average of about 0.045 degreeCelsius per year.In some places,lakes have been warming by as much as 0.10 degree Celsius per year. At that rate,a lake may warm by a full degree Celsius in just 10 years.That difference may seem small一you might not even notice it in your bath.But in a lake,slightly warmer temperatures could mean more algae(水藻),and algae can make the lake poisonous to fish.The study shows that in some regions,lakes are warming faster than the air around them.This is impor- tant because scientists often use measurements of air temperature to study how Earth is warming. By using lake temperatures as well,scientists can get a better picture of global warming. The scientists say data on lakes give scientists a new way to measure the impact of climate change around the world.That's going to be useful,since no country is too big or too small to ignore climate change.Scientists aren't the only ones concerned.Everyone who lives on Earth is going to be affected by the rapid warming of the planet. Many world leaders believe we might be able to do something about it,especially by reducing theamount of greenhouse(温室)gases we put into the air.That's why the United Nations started the Framework Convention on Climate Change,or UNFCCC. Every year the convention meets,and representatives from countries around the world gather to talk about climate change and discuss global solutions to the challenges of a warming world.Scientists have been keeping records of lake temperatures for over 30 years.A:RightB:WrongC:Not mentioned

共用题干Lakes,Too,Feel Global WarmingThere's no doubt:In the last few decades,the average temperature on Earth has been higher than it has been in hundreds of years.Around the world,people are starting to measure the effects of global warming一 and trying to figure out what to do about it.Scientists recently used satellites to study the temperatures of lakes around the world,and they found that lakes are heating up.Between 1985 and 2009,satellites recorded the nighttime temperatures of the sur- faces of 167 lakes.During those 24 years,the lakes got warmer by an average of about 0.045 degreeCelsius per year.In some places,lakes have been warming by as much as 0.10 degree Celsius per year. At that rate,a lake may warm by a full degree Celsius in just 10 years.That difference may seem small一you might not even notice it in your bath.But in a lake,slightly warmer temperatures could mean more algae(水藻),and algae can make the lake poisonous to fish.The study shows that in some regions,lakes are warming faster than the air around them.This is impor- tant because scientists often use measurements of air temperature to study how Earth is warming. By using lake temperatures as well,scientists can get a better picture of global warming. The scientists say data on lakes give scientists a new way to measure the impact of climate change around the world.That's going to be useful,since no country is too big or too small to ignore climate change.Scientists aren't the only ones concerned.Everyone who lives on Earth is going to be affected by the rapid warming of the planet. Many world leaders believe we might be able to do something about it,especially by reducing theamount of greenhouse(温室)gases we put into the air.That's why the United Nations started the Framework Convention on Climate Change,or UNFCCC. Every year the convention meets,and representatives from countries around the world gather to talk about climate change and discuss global solutions to the challenges of a warming world.Lakes seem to be warming faster in Asia.A:RightB:WrongC:Not mentioned

The CEO of the company has been consistent ________ his policy associated with foreign investments over the last few years.A.of B.with C.at D.for

There have been()medicine in the last 50 years.Agreat advancesinBa great advanceinCgreat advanceonDa great advanceon

Silk()by Chinese for thousands of years now.A、has usedB、has been usedC、was usedD、is used

He is over fifty, but he looks as though he()only in his thirties.A、wereB、isC、will beD、has been

He is over fifty, but he looks as if he()only in his thirties.A、isB、wereC、will beD、has been

There have been()medicine in the last 50 years.A、great advancesinB、a great advanceinC、great advanceonD、a great advanceon

单选题The company has()some major changes in the last five years.AstoodBsufferedCundergoneDtolerated

单选题Jackson ______ school two years ago and he ______ for two years.Aleaves; has goneBleft; has been awayCleaves; has been awayDleft; has gone

问答题Not so long ago, people talked about global warming in apocalyptic terms—imagining the Statue of Liberty up to its chin in water or an onslaught of tropical diseases in Oslo. Recently, however, advances in our understanding of climate have moved global warming from a subject for a summer disaster movie to a serious but manageable scientific and policy issue. The greenhouse effect is nothing new; it has been operating ever since the earth formed. Without it, the surface of the globe would be a frigid –20 ℃ (–4 °F), the oceans would have frozen, and no life would have developed.

单选题The international situation has been growing _____ difficult for the last few years.AinvariablyBpresumablyCincreasinglyDdominantly

单选题Its business culture,()has brought the world “shareholder value” and “IPOs”,()commercial thinking in recent years and will continue to do so.Awhich; has leadedBwhich; has been leadingCthat; has leadedDthat; has been leading

填空题There is new and stronger evidence that most of the warming over the last 50 years is due to human activities.____

单选题Others argue that since the earth has endured a long string of ice ages in the last two million to three million years, any warming is()to be temporary.AseemedBlikelyCtendedDpossible

单选题Which of the following sentences is INCORRECT?AHis father has been dead for six years.BHis father died six years ago.CIt’s six years since his father had died.DIt has been two years since his father’s death.

问答题The value of the penny has been dropping for years.