名词解释题“新艺术”(Art Nouveau)

“新艺术”(Art Nouveau)


解析: 暂无解析


Word在Smart Art工具的()中,可以改变Smart Art图的形状、形状样式、艺术字样式、排列及大小。 A、剪切B、编辑C、格式D、移动

最重要的艺术珍品(art treasures)没有遭到严重毁坏。(escape; damage) (中译英)

计算机图形艺术设计(Computer Graphics Design)又被称为()。 Afine artBDigital ArtCcyber artDpop art

提出“There really is no such thing as Art.There are only artist.”(在我们这个世界上并不存在大写的艺术这样一种东西,只存在艺术家)这一观点的是() A贡布里希B阿多诺C维特根斯坦D魏茨

The most appropriate title for this text could be __.( )[A] Fluctuation of Art Prices[B] Up-to-date Art Auctions[C] Art Market in Decline[D] Shifted Interest in Arts

建筑探新运动的先驱人物贝伦斯(Peter Behrens)是哪个设计流派或组织的代表人物?( )A.艺术与工艺运动(Art and Crafts Movement)B.维也纳分离派(Vienna's Secession)C.构成主义派(Constructivism)D.德意志制造联盟(Deutscher Werkbund)

下面哪个陈述最准确地表达Architecture(建筑学)的含义?( )A.form and function of buildingB.science and art of buildingC.art and style of buildingD.design and construction of building注:building-房屋;science-科学;design-设计;form-形式;art-艺术;construction-建造;function 功能;style-风格;and-和

对Fine Art解释正确的是()。A美术作品的总称B高度创造性的技能C美艺术D以上说法都正确


“新艺术”(Art Nouveau)


艺术装饰风格(Art Deco)

牛津大学柯律格教授所编的艺术教材《Art of China》,其主要内容是关于中国文人画的。





单选题The Art Makes Good Business program is intended for _____.Athe general publicBmodern art loversCcorporate members of MOCADpeople involved in art business

单选题Outre cette propriété, ce nouveau riche possède un immeuble à Paris.AEn plus deBSaufCExceptéeDNon compris

名词解释题“新艺术”(Art Nouveau)

单选题Le Nouveau Roman regroupe les écrivains ci-dessous, excepté_____.ANathalie SarrauteBMichel ButorCClaude SimoneDLouis Aragon


单选题The passage asserts which of the following about commercial art?AThere are many examples of commercial art whose artistic merit is equal to that of great works of art of the past.BCommercial art is heavily influenced by whatever doctrines are fashionable in the serious art world of the time.CThe line between commercial art and great art lies primarily in how an image is used, not in the motivation for its creation.DThe pervasiveness of contemporary commercial art has led art historians to undervalue representational skills.

单选题对Fine Art解释正确的是()。A美术作品的总称B高度创造性的技能C美艺术D以上说法都正确

单选题“work of art”所表示的中文意思是()。A艺术品B专利权C文物D不动产

判断题牛津大学柯律格教授所编的艺术教材《Art of China》,其主要内容是关于中国文人画的。A对B错

名词解释题艺术装饰风格(Art Deco)
