单选题Due to excessive water in the fuel, a diesel engine fails to startBefore the engine can be started, the water must be removed from the ().Afuel pumpsBcylindersCfuel strainersDall of above

Due to excessive water in the fuel, a diesel engine fails to startBefore the engine can be started, the water must be removed from the ().

fuel pumps




fuel strainers


all of above


解析: 暂无解析


Which of the following conditions could contribute to the cracking of a diesel engine cylinder head?A.Leaking seal ringB.Insufficient heat transfer from the exhaust valvesC.Blocked cooling water passages to the headD.Excessive scavenging air provided to the engine

_______can be a direct cause of faulty operation of diesel engine fuel injection nozzles.A.Excessive fuel nozzle holder coolingB.Sediment in the fuel supplyC.Distortion of the fuel spray patternD.Improper atomization of the fuel

If a diesel engine turned over freely but failed to start, the cause could be ________.A.water in the fuelB.cold lube oilC.excessive starting air pressureD.excessive fuel pressure

What would white exhaust smoke from a diesel engine probably mean ________.A.Late fuel injectionB.Excess combustion airC.Dribbling injector tipsD.Excessive lube oil consumption

单选题If the coolant temperature of a closed cooling water system for a diesel engine gradually increases, the trouble usually is ()Aa broken shaft on the freshwater pumpBan excessive accumulation of scale exchangerCan incorrect thermostatic element operating rangeDlube oil in the cooling water

单选题When a ship is entering to shallow water, ship resistance will be increased and the speed of main engine reduced.Due to the function of the governor, the main engine will()Areduce fuel feedingBincrease fuel feedingCkeep original fuel feedingDbe overspeed

单选题Stating a large propulsion diesel engine using diesel fuel during cold weather conditions can be made easier by ()Aincreasing the quantity of starting airBincreasing the lube oil pressureCheating the engine fuel supplyDheating the engine jacket water

单选题If a diesel engine driving a generator turns over freely but fails to fire properly, the cause could be ()Aexcessive compression pressureBair in the fuel linesChigh fuel pressureDexcessive load

单选题The main purpose of starting the diesel engine on air briefly is()Ato inspect if the cylinder has the water leakageBto expel out the residual water/gas/oil from the cylinderCto check if fuel supply is normalDA and B

单选题Due to excessive water in the fuel, a diesel engine fails to startBefore the engine can be started, the water must be removed from the ().Afuel pumpsBcylindersCfuel strainersDall of above

单选题A practical way of checking for excessive fuel injection in one cylinder of an operating diesel engine is to ()Afeel the high pressure fuel lineBcheck the cylinder exhausts for white smoke frequentlyCcheck the cylinder exhaust temperatureDisolate each cylinder and inspect the injector

单选题If a tow-stroke/diesel engine is over-speeding due to leakage of lube oil into the cylinders, what should you do to stop the engine?()AMove the fuel control mechanism to the no fuel positionBBlock the fuel supply by closing the master fuel valveCShut off the fuel supply and block the flow of intake airDRelieve all pressure in the fuel system

单选题A diesel engine may fail to start due to ()Alow air charge temperatureBhigh cranking speedCexcessive fuel dilution of lube oilDhigh compression pressure

单选题A diesel engine fails to start because of water in the fuelIn order to start the engine, you should ()?Aturn engine with jacking gearBdrain filters and strainers and bleed off water at each injection pumpCuse ether to start the engine with blow-down valves openDblow through the cylinders and fuel lines with a drying agent

单选题A diesel engine fails to start due to excessive water in the fuelBefore the engine can be started, the water should be removed from the()Afuel linesBlube oil filterCcrank case pumpDrocker arm reservoir

单选题In a diesel engine, blow-by()Aincrease exhaust back pressureBcauses excessive crankcase pressureCcan only be detected by a compression checkDdecreases fuel consumption

单选题Fuel is ignited in a diesel engine cylinder by ()Aa spark plugBinjectorsCthe heat of compressionDincreasing jacket water temperatures

单选题Which of the following conditions could be a cause of excessive fuel dilution of diesel engine lube oil?()ALeaking fuel injectorsBLower than normal compressionCDelayed fuel injectionDAll of the above are correct

单选题In a four-stroke/cycle diesel engine, badly worn intake valve guides can cause excessive().Aexhaust pressureBexhaust temperaturesCcooling water temperaturesDlube oil consumption

单选题Operating a diesel engine under light loads and at low temperatures for an exhaust for an extended period can result in()Aformation of carbon on the intake and exhaust portsBhigh water jacket temperaturesCoverheated pistons and cylindersDan increase in lube oil viscosity due to fuel dilution

单选题Late fuel injection occurring at, or after TDC in a diesel engine is indicated by excessive exhaust smoke and ()Alow exhaust temperatureBlow firing pressureCfuel knock in each cylinderDmechanical knock in each cylinder

单选题Low compression pressure in a diesel engine may be the result of ()Ainsufficient fuel supply due to fuel pump valves sticking or leakingBexcessive mechanical clearance between the piston crown and cylinder headCexcessively worn fuel pump plungerDexcessive exhaust back pressure

单选题An operating turbocharged diesel engine that suddenly loses power, is due to a/an()Arestricted turbocharger air intakeBoil leak into the turbochargerCdribbling injectorDlow fuel viscosity

单选题Diesel engine lube oil can become contaminated as a result()Athe water produced during combustionBthe sulfur in the fuelCunburned fuel oilDall of the above

单选题If you suspect a diesel engine is misfiring due to air leakage into the fuel system, you should begin looking for the leak at the ()Afuel line connections to cylinder injection valvesBgasket surfaces of the fuel oil filtersCdischarge fitting of the fuel injector pumpsDsuction side of the fuel oil tran

单选题A diesel engine is operating with excessively high exhaust temperatures at all cylindersTo correct this condition, you should FIRST ().Areduce the engine loadBincrease the cooling water flowCincrease the lube oil pressureDadjust the fuel rack

单选题Air in the fuel lines to the fuel injection nozzles of a diesel engine will cause the engine to ()Aburn excessive amounts of lube oilBoverheat without smokingCoperate with reduce power or stopDrun away without load

单选题After changing out the fuel filters the diesel engine fails to restart, the most probable cause for this condition is a/an().Alow compressionBair-bound fuel systemCimproper sparkDchange in viscosity