单选题An aneroid barometer is an instrument().Aused to measure the speed of windBin which the pressure of the air is measuredCthat tells which direction a storm is coming fromDused to measure the height of waves
An aneroid barometer is an instrument().
used to measure the speed of wind
in which the pressure of the air is measured
that tells which direction a storm is coming from
used to measure the height of waves
听力原文:When the drawer and drawee of a bill are the same person, the holder may treat the instrument either as a bill of exchange or as a promissory note.(6)A.If both the drawer and drawee of an instrument are the same person, the instrument may be treated as a promissory note.B.In any case, the holder can treat the instrument as a bill of exchange or a promissory note.C.If both the drawer and drawee of an instrument are the same person, the instrument can only he treated as a promissory note.D.When the drawer and drawee of a bill are the same person, the holder may treat the instrument neither as a bill of exchange nor as a promissory note.
听力原文:M: If an instrument is payable to the order of both A and B who are not partners, what should they do?W: Both of them must endorse, unless one has authority to endorse for the other.Q: Which of the following is not right according to the woman?(18)A.Both endorse the instrument.B.Neither of them endorses the instrument.C.A authorizes B to endorse the instrument.D.B authorizes A to endorse the instrument.
有如下程序: #includeiostream using namespace std; class Instrument{ public: virtual void Display=0; }; class Pian0:public Instrument} public: void Display{/*函数体略*/} }; intmain{ Instrument S; Instrument*P=0: //…; return 0; } 下列叙述中正确的是( )。A.语句“Insturment*P=0;”编译时出错B.语句“Instnunent s;”编译时出错C.类Pian0中的Display函数不是虚函数D.类Instrument是一个虚基类
A sling psychrometer is a(n) ______.A.type of cargo gearB.instrument used in celestial navigationC.instrument used to measure relative humidityD.instrument used to measure specific gravity
The purpose of the "set" hand on an aneroid barometer is to ______.A.adjust the barometerB.indicate any change in the reading of the barometerC.provide a correction for height above sea levelD.provide a correction for temperature changes
A mercurial barometer at sea is subject to rapid variations in height ("pumping") due to the pitch and roll of the vessel. To avoid this error,measurements of atmospheric pressure at sea are usually measured with a(n) ______.A.syphon barometerB.cistern barometerC.aneroid barometerD.fortin barometer
You are located within a stationary high pressure area.Your aneroid barometer is falling very slowly.This indicates a(n)______.A.Wind shift of 180°B.Large increase in wind velocityC.Decrease in the intensity of the systemD.Increase in the intensity of the system
An aneroid barometer is an instrument ______.A.used to measure the speed of windB.in which the pressure of air is measuredC.that tells which direction a storm is coming fromD.used to measure the height of waves
Barometer readings in weather reports are given in terms of pressure at ______.A.sea levelB.China SeaC.the weather stationD.the broadcasting station
For an accurate barometer check, you would ______.A.check it with a barometer on another vesselB.take readings from several barometers and average themC.check it with the barometer at the ship chandleryD.check it against radio or National Weather Service reports of the immediate vicinity
它标绘在仪表进近程序图上。()A、It is depicted on instrument arrival procedure charts.B、It is depicted on instrument arrival procedure picture.C、It is depicted on instrument approach procedure picture.D、It is depicted on instrument approach procedure charts.
单选题On what does the operation of an aneroid barometer depend?()AThin,metal,air tight cellBCurved tube containing alcoholCColumn of mercury supported by atmospheric pressureDExpansion of mercury in a closed tube
单选题A barometer showing falling pressure indicates the approach of a().Ahigh pressure systemBlow pressure systemChigh dew pointDlow dew point
单选题An aneroid barometer reading should be corrected for differences in().AelevationBtemperatureCwind speedDlatitude
单选题An aneroid barometer on a boat should always be().Alocated in an air-conditioned areaBmounted in the passenger compartmentCprotected by a collision bulkheadDpermanently mounted
单选题Prior to reading an aneroid barometer,you should tap the face lightly with your finger to().Aexpose any loose connectionsBdemagnetize the metal elementsCbring the pointer to its true positionDcontract and expand the glass face
单选题The purpose of the “set” hand on an aneroid barometer is to().Aadjust the barometerBindicate any change in the reading of the barometerCprovide a correction for height above sea levelDprovide a correction for temperature changes
单选题An aneroid barometer is an instrument().Aused to measure the speed of windBin which the pressure of the air is measuredCthat tells which direction a storm is coming fromDused to measure the height of waves
单选题An instrument useful in predicting fog is the().Asling psychrometerBmicrobarographCanemometerDaneroid barometer
单选题For an accurate barometer check,you would().Acheck it with a barometer on another vesselBtake readings from several barometers and average themCcheck it with the barometer at the ship chandleryDcheck it against radio or National Weather Service reports of the immediate vicinity
单选题As a high pressure system approaches,the barometer reading().Astays the sameBfallsCrisesDfalls rapidly
单选题A mercurial barometer at sea is subject to rapid variations in height (“pumping”) due to the pitch and roll of the vessel. To avoid this error,measurements of atmospheric pressure at sea are usually measured with a(n)().Asyphon barometerBcistern barometerCaneroid barometerDfortin barometer
单选题He read the _____ carefully before assembling the instrument.AinstructionsBdirectionsCnoticesDadvertisements